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The effects of natural fish oil,DHA oil and soybean lecithin in microparticulate diets on stress tolerance of larval gilthead seabream(Sparus aurata)were investigated after 15 days feeding trials.The tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stress factors such as exposure to air(lack of dissolved oxygen),changes in water temperature(low)and salinity(high) were determined.This study showed that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and soybean lecithin was the most effective for in-creasing the tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stresses,and that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and palmitic acid(16:0)was more effective than microparticulate diet with DHA oil and soybean lecithin.  相似文献   
对CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)技术的基本特征和发展趋势作了简要介绍,揭示了该技术在现代数字系统中的重要地位及作用.利用CPLD对时统设备IRIG-B码产生器进行集成,其实验结果表明,集成了的B码产生器不但简单、可靠,而且便于调试,克服了以往硬件电路复杂的缺点.  相似文献   
Pco2 of air and seawater samples from the East China Sea(ECS) were measured in situ in autumn, 1994,Ocean currents,terrestrial fluviation,biological activities,etc.,Pco2 char-acters in air and seawater were investigated,CO2 flux and its character in the East China Sea are discussed on the basis of the Pco2 profiles of air and seawater,It was clear that the nearshore was the source of CO2;and tht the oulter sea area was the sink of CO2; and that the shelf area of the EXS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2 in autumn.  相似文献   
1IN TR O D U C TIO NA s a persistentand toxic pollutant, cadm ium (C d) canresultin m any adverse health effects in a variety oftis-suesand organssuch asthe lung,kidney,urinary,blad-der,pancreas,breast and prostate (SA TA R U G etal.,2003).C adm ium in so…  相似文献   
ASCA observations of the two Type Ⅱ AGNs,NGC7314 and NGC 7582,show clear variations in the broad X-ray band(0.4-10keV)on short timescales-10^4s.Spectral analysis indicates that they bot have an absorbed hard X-ray component and an unabsorbed soft“excess” component.To clarify the origin of the latter,we made a cross-correlation analysis of the two components.The results show that,for NGC7314,the soft X-ray variability is proportional to that of the hard X-ray component.This indicates that the active nucleus of NGC 7314 must be partially covered and so the soft emission is a “leaking” of the variable hard component.For NGC 7582,there is no detectable variability in the soft component, although there is a definite one in the hard component.This indicates that the variable nucleus of NGC 7582 must be fully blocked by absorbing matter,and the soft emission is most likely the scattered component predicted by the AGN unified model.  相似文献   
对汕头南澳岛潮间带海藻浒苔(Enteromorpha  相似文献   
本文推导出σ坐标系斜压大气的准地转位涡方程,该方程形式与P坐标系的准地转位涡方程非常相似,但本质不同,本文还用WKB方法讨论了大地形坡度对斜压大气扰动发展的影响。指出:东西走向山脉的南坡有利于低层大气槽线呈西北-东南向的扰动发展,也有利于高层大气槽线呈东北-西南向的扰动发展  相似文献   
首次使用266nm激光脉冲对泥鳅受精卵进行辐照,引起畸变。辐照分别对全卵、只对胚盘、只对卵黄三种方式进行。对实验结果的分析说明266nm激光对泥鳅受精卵的作用是光化学作用,而不是光致热效应,可能引起DNA分子结构—碱基的变化。核质关系实验证明了细胞质对细脆发育过程有控制作用。  相似文献   
近二十年来,随着海洋环境科学的发展,河口污染和生态问题日益受到重视。关于污水排放对河口内湾浮游植物生态的影响,近年Ketchum, B. H. (1967); McCormick, J.M. 等(1975); Rice, T. R. (1975); Jenkins, S. H. (1978); Thompson, G. B. 等(1981 ); Meyers, V. B. 等(1983)和Joint, I. R.(1984)都做过调查研究和评论。但迄今国内有关这方面的研究报道甚少。 海河口是一个有污染源的生态环境特殊的感潮河口,受自然因素和人类活动的影响很大。由于其地理位置得天独厚,水质肥沃,饵料丰富,历来是许多经济鱼虾类优良的天然产卵、索饵和肥育的场所,在渤海渔业上占有重要位置。但近十多年,由于入海径流量锐减和城市污水排海总量的增加1),其水质逐渐恶化,环境正由半咸水向海洋化方向演变,对河口渔业构成严重威胁。对此,我所曾于1978-1981年对渤海湾的污染状况及影响进行过多学科的综合调查,在渤海湾污染的浮游植物生态效应、海湾富营养化及其与赤潮的关系等方面,也做过初步研究(邹景忠等,1983; 1984; 1985 )。当时由于受调查范围和项目的限制,对河口有机污染及生态效应的研究还很不够,所获得的一些资料尚不足以作出定量的科学论断。 本文着重探讨海河口区浮游植物的生态变化及其与有机污染的关系,旨在为综合分析和评价海河口区目前的生态质量及演变趋势,为河口环境的综合整治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
宁镇山脉的褶皱带被一系列横断层分割为褶断段。横断层相邻的断块,无论是褶皱的形态、纵断层的数目、规模和断距等特征沿纵向跨越横断层均存在不连续性的跃变,表明这些横断层是早于褶皱或与之伴生的纵断层而存在,并对各断块内发育的地质构造起到限制作用。因横断层作为较早的边界,后期的挤压在被分割的各块段内可以是有差异的,导致宁镇褶皱带在总体上的一致性,分段上的有特殊性。  相似文献   
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