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Sediment successions in coastal cliffs around Mezen Bay, southeastern White Sea, record an unusually detailed history of former glaciations, interstadial marine and fluvial events from the Weichselian. A regional glaciation model for the Weichselian is based on new data from the Mezen Bay area and previously published data from adjacent areas. Following the Mikulinian (Eemian) interglacial a shelf‐centred glaciation in the Kara Sea is reflected in proglacial conditions at 100–90 ka. A local ice‐cap over the Timan ridge existed between 75 and 65 ka. Renewed glaciation in the Kara Sea spread southwestwards around 60 ka only, interrupted by a marine inundation, before it advanced to its maximum position at about 55–50 ka. After a prolonged ice‐free period, the Scandinavian ice‐sheet invaded the area from the west and terminated east of Mezen Bay about 17 ka. The previously published evidence of a large ice‐dammed lake in the central Arkhangelsk region, Lake Komi, finds no support in this study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Kurt Lambeck 《地学学报》1991,3(4):379-389
Observations of sea levels around the coastline of the British Isles for the past 10,000–15,000 years exhibit a major regional variation and provide an important data base for testing models of glacial rebound as well as models of the Late Devensian ice sheet. A high-resolution rebound model has been developed which is consistent with both the spatial and temporal patterns of sea-level change and which demonstrates that the observations are the result of (i) the glacio-isostatic crustal rebound in response to the unloading of the ice sheet over Britain and, to a lesser degree, of the ice sheet over Fennoscandia, and (ii) the rise in sea-level from the melting Late Pleistocene ice sheets, including the response of the crust to the water loading (the hydro-isostatic effect). The agreement between model and observations is such that there is no need to invoke vertical crustal movements for Great Britain and Ireland of other than glacio-hydro-isostatic origin. The rebound contributions are important throughout the region and nowhere is it sufficiently small for the sea-level change to approximate the eustatic sea-level rise. The observational data distribution around the periphery as well as from sites near the centre of the former ice sheet is sufficient to permit constraints to be established on both earth model parameters specifying the mantle viscosity and lithospheric thickness and the extent and volume of the ice sheet at the time of the last glaciation. Preliminary solutions are presented which indicate an upper mantle viscosity of (3–5)1020 Pas, a lithospheric thickness of about 100 km or less, and an ice model that was not confluent with the Scandinavian ice sheet during the last glaciation and whose maximum thickness over Scotland is unlikely to have exceeded about 1500 m.  相似文献   
Understanding the formation of laminated, organic-rich sediments is an essential topic for researchers interested in fossil fuels, biogeochemical cycles, Earth's environmental history and global change. Biologists have very recently demonstrated that some marine phytoplankton blooms actively govern their own sedimentation by the formation of sticky transparent gels that facilitate rapid aggregation, accelerated sinking and efficient export flux. Here we present fossil evidence of unfragmented, low-diversity phytoplankton assemblages preserved as sedimentary laminae and irregular flocs that are attributable to a similar phytoplankton-driven sedimentary mechanism we term ‘self-sedimentation’. The geological evidence suggests that self-sedimentation precludes significant heterotrophic grazing, propels the formation of some conspicuous hemipelagic sedimentary laminae and results in efficient carbon and opal flux to the sediments. We suggest that the self-sedimentation phenomenon may have broad implications for the geological history of biogeochemical cycling, oceanic ecological dynamics, and abrupt atmospheric/environmental change. Broader recognition of the self-sedimentation phenomenon as explicitly defined here is a prerequisite to testing these unconventional hypotheses.  相似文献   
Bristen granite is a body of fine-grained leucogranite occurring in the Gotthard rail base tunnel in the Central Alps. During construction of the tunnel, Bristen granite (Brgr) has been drilled along a 600 m long section. The aplite-granite belongs to the suite of Variscan granitoid intrusions of the Aar massif and contains a variety of accessory minerals typical of highly differentiated granites. Rock forming fluorite, partly enriched in yttrium (Y) and rare earth elements (REE), is intergrown with the late Y- and REE-bearing carbonate mineral synchysite. The granite contains a variety of Ti- and Y-REE-niobates, thorite, and zircon. Compared with the calc-alkaline central Aar granite (cAgr), Bristen granite is strongly depleted in Ti, P, Mg, Sr, and Ba and shows a remarkable enrichment in incompatible elements such as Rb, Th, U, Nb, Y, HREE and F. Bristen granite is the most evolved granitoid rock of the Aar massif. The composition of Brgr is typical of post-collisional reduced (ferroan) A-type granites. The Brgr melt formed in the lower crust and crystallized from a highly differentiated melt at the cotectic point in the quartz-feldspar system close to 100 MPa and 700 °C. The Brgr intruded as a small isolated stock pre-Variscan gneisses with sharply discordant contacts. The primary igneous host of Nb, Ta, Y, U, Th and REE is biotite in addition to minor amounts of allanite, and zircon. The presence of Y-REE-fluorite, synchysite, parisite and Y- and Ti-niobates and other REE-minerals can be related to reaction of igneous biotite and primary fluorite with hydrothermal fluids. The reaction is associated with alpine metamorphism, because Y-bearing fluorite and synchysite have been reported from Alpine fissures. The transformation of primary biotite to chlorite and muscovite released the heavy metal oxides under lower greenschist facies conditions that formed the Alpine diagnostic mineral stilpnomelane at about 300 °C.  相似文献   

In the past decade society has entered a technological period characterized by handheld computing that supports input and processing from numerous sensors. Today’s mobile phones offer the ability to integrate input from sensors monitoring various external and internal sources (e.g., accelerometer, magnetometer, microphone, GPS, wireless Internet, and Bluetooth). Furthermore, these raw inputs can be integrated and processed in ways that can offer novel representations of human behaviour. As a result, new opportunities to examine and better understand human spatial behaviour are available; one such application is the constant monitoring of a group of people over an extended period of time. Such a research setting lends itself to natural experiments that emerge as a result of regular and on-going observations. We report here on the observation of a natural experiment that took place in the context of a month-long monitoring study of 28 participants using mobile phone-based ubiquitous sensor monitoring. The implications for public health and transportation planning are discussed.  相似文献   
The enthalpies of transition at T= 298 K between zinc metasilicate assemblages, measured by molten oxide solution calorimetry, are:
Zusammenfassung Die Möglichkeiten und Probleme der genetischen Ausdeutung von Schwefel-Isotopen-Verhältnissen in Erzmineralien werden an Beispielen (vorwiegend nach Messungen verschiedener Autoren im Göttinger Zentrallabor) diskutiert. Es ergeben sich z. B. Anhaltspunkte, ob eine Lagerstätte von basaltischen Magmen aus dem Erdmantel abzuleiten sein kann oder nicht. Die Meßdaten von Meggen und vom Rammeisberg sind mit einer Ableitung aus dem Erdmantel höchstens bei wesentlichen Zusatzannahmen (sehr starke Assimilation von ungewöhnlichem Krustenmaterial oder extreme Fraktionierung in einem Sekundärherd) vereinbar. Aus der Kruste abzuleitende hydrothermale Lagerstätten können schwankende (Harz) oder auch ziemlich einheitliche S-Isotopen-Verhältnisse zeigen (Freiberg/ Sa.; Süddeutschland). Extreme Unterschiede innerhalb der Lagerstätte Wiesloch bei Heidelberg werden durch bakterielle Fraktionierung eines begrenzten Sulfat-Vorrates gedeutet. — In Abb. 6 sind außerdem Blei-Isotopen-Verhältnisse aus Süddeutschland dargestellt.
The possibilities and problems of the genetical interpretation of sulfur isotope ratios in ore minerals are discussed using mainly results from the Göttingen isotope laboratory. For example, criteria are obtained regarding the question whether a certain deposit can be derived from basaltic magmas from the Earth's mantle, or not. The sulfur isotope data for minerals from the deposits of Meggen and Rammelsberg (Germany) are only consistent with a derivation from the mantle if substantial additional assumptions are made (very strong assimilation of unusual crustal material or extreme fractionation in a secondary magma chamber). Hydrothermal deposits derived from the Earth's crust can show variable (Harz mountains) or also rather uniform isotope ratios (Freiberg/Saxony; Southern Germany). Extreme variations within the deposit of Wiesloch near Heidelberg are interpreted as caused by bacterial fractionation of a limited amount of sulfate. - Fig. 6 shows lead isotope ratios from Southern Germany.

Résumé La composition isotopique du soufre dans les minéraux des gîtes métallifères: données et problèmes pour une interprétation génétique.

(Meggen, Rammelsberg, Freiberg, Wiesloch) . .

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft sei auch an dieser Stelle für die Ermöglichung der Schwefel-Isotopen-Messungen in Göttingen gedankt.  相似文献   
A fluid inclusion study on metamorphic minerals of successive growth stages was performed on highly deformed paragneisses from the Nestos Shear Zone at Xanthi (Central Rhodope), in which microdiamonds provide unequivocal evidence for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism. The correlation of fluid inclusion density isochores and fluid inclusion reequilibration textures with geothermobarometric data and the relative chronology of micro- and macro-scale deformation stages allow a better understanding of both the fluid and metamorphic evolution along the PTd path. Textural evidence for subduction towards the NE is recorded by the orientation of intragranular NE-oriented fluid inclusion planes and the presence of single, annular fluid inclusion decrepitation textures. These textures occur within quartz “foam” structures enclosed in an earlier generation of garnets with prolate geometries and rarely within recrystallized matrix quartz, and reequilibrated both in composition and density during later stages of exhumation. No fluid inclusions pertaining to the postulated ultrahigh-pressure stage for microdiamond-bearing garnet–kyanite–gneisses have yet been found. The prolate shape of garnets developed during the earliest stages of exhumation that is recorded structurally by (L  S) tectonites, which subsequently accommodated progressive ductile SW shearing and folding up to shallow crustal levels. The majority of matrix kyanite and a later generation of garnet were formed during SW-directed shear under plane-strain conditions. Fluid inclusions entrapped in quartz during this stage of deformation underwent density loss and transformed to almost pure CO2 inclusions by preferential loss of H2O. Those inclusions armoured within garnet retained their primary 3-phase H2O–CO2 compositions. Reequilibration of fluid inclusions in quartz aggregates is most likely the result of recrystallization along with stress-induced, preferential H2O leakage along dislocations and planar lattice defects which results in the predominance of CO2 inclusions with supercritical densities. Carbonic fluid inclusions from adjacent kyanite–corundum-bearing pegmatoids and, the presence of shear-plane-parallel fluid inclusion planes within late quartz boudin structures consisting of pure CO2-fluid inclusions with negative crystal shapes, bear witness of the latest stage of deformation by NE-directed extensional shear.This study shows that the textures of early fluid inclusions that formed already during the prograde metamorphic path can be preserved and used to derive information about the kinematics of subduction that is difficult to obtain from other sources. The textures of early inclusions, together with later generations of unaltered primary and secondary inclusions in metamorphic index minerals that can be linked to specific deformation stages and even PT conditions, are a welcome supplement for the reconstruction of a rather detailed PTd path.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Obwohl Kohlentonsteine aus dem Saar-Lothringer Oberkarbon seit etwa 170 Jahren bekannt sind, gelang erst in jüngster Zeit der Nachweis und die Identifikation vulkanogener Relikte im petrographischen Stoffbestand. Diese befinden sich in Kohlentonsteinen des Stefan A: KTst 0=950; Westfal D: KTst 1=700; Westfal C: KTst 3 =400, KTst 4a=330, KTst 4aß=322, KTst 4=320, KTst 5=300 und im KTst 6=270. Das entspricht einem Anteil von ca. 18 % an der Gesamtzahl der in diesem limnischen Steinkohlenrevier beobachteten Kohlentonsteine, die hier große praktische und wissenschaftliche Bedeutung besitzen. Die pseudomorphen Relikte bestehen aus kleinen Splittern, kleinen und größeren Fragmenten mit teilweise gut erhaltenem blasigen Gefüge von Vitroklasten — sie zeigen die für Aschenschmelztuffe typisch verschweißte Scherbentextur. Die Glassubstanz ist meist zu mikrokristallinem Kaolinit devitrifiziert. Der eindeutige Nachweis dieser Relikte ist für die Genese bedeutungsvoll, liefern sie doch nun den sicheren Beweis, daß der primäre Stoffbestand aus aerisch abgelagertem pyroklastischen Material bestand, das intensive chemische Verwitterungs- und diagenetische Umbildungsprozesse erfahren hat. Für die 43 Kohlentonsteine des Saar-Lothringer Oberkarbons wird eine pyroklastische Eruptionsmenge von mindestens 8,2 km3 Festvolumen bzw. 20,5 km3 Lokkervolumen angenommen. Die Eruptionen erfolgten vermutlich aus der in der Nähe befindlichen Metz-Hunsrück-Südrand-Tiefenstörung, die nach Reflexionsseismik bis unter die Moho reicht.
Tonsteins in the Carboniferous of the Saar-Lorraine basin are known since about 170 years. Volcanic glass remains, however, have been proven as constituents of the tonstein only recently. They occur in tonsteins of Stephanian A: KTst 0=950; Westphalian D: KTst 1=700; Westphalian C: KTst 3=400, KTst 4a=330, KTst 4aß= 322, KTst 4=320, KTst 5=300 and KTst 6=270. Tonsteins with volcanic glass fragments amount to 18% of the total tonsteins observed in the limnic Saar-Lorraine basin. They are important to applied geology, e.g. for seam identification and correlation, as well as for scientific reasons, namely for the determination of provenance and genesis of tonsteins.The volcanic remains consist of tiny glass splinters, glass fragments, and of fragments with well preserved gasbubble texture. The welded splinter texture is typical of welded pyroclastic ash deposits. Much of the glass has been devitrified to microcrystalline kaolinite. The indisputable evidence of volcanic remains is essential when considering the genesis of tonsteins, as they provide proof that tonsteins are primarily composed of eolian pyroclastic constituents which were altered by chemical weathering and diagenesis.For the 43 horizons of the coal tonsteins found in the Upper Carboniferous of the Saar-Lorraine basin, a pyroclastic eruption quantity of at least 8.2 km3 of solid volume or 20.5 km3 of bulk volume is assumed. The eruptions possibly took place along the nearby deep-seated Metz fault at the southern rim of the Hunsrück. This fault, reaches below the Moho according to reflection seismic.

Résumé Bien que des tonstein du Carbonifère supérieur de SarreLorraine soient connus depuis 170 ans c'est seulement il y a peu de temps que des fragments de verre volcanique y ont été identifiés. Ces fragments ont été rencontrés dans les niveaux de tonstein suivants: Stephanien A: KTst 0=950; Westphalien D: KTst 1=700; Westphalien C: KTst 3=400, KTst 4a=330, KTst 4aß=322, KTst 4=320, KTst 5=300 et KTst 6=270. Ces niveaux représentent une proportion de l'ordre de 18% dans le total des couches de tonstein carbonifère rencontrées dans ce bassin houiller limnique où elles présentent un grand intérêt tant au point de vue pratique que scientifique. Les verres se présentent en esquilles et en fragments de tailles diverses, montrant parfois une structure bulleuse bien conservée; ils présentent également les structures d'agglomération propres aux tufs soudés à chaud. Le verre est le plus souvent dévitrifié en kaolinite microcristalline. La présence de ces fragments est d'un intérêt particulier pour la genèse du dépôt puisqu'elle fournit la preuve que celui-ci était constitué de matériaux primaires pyroclastiques sédimentés dans l'air, matériaux qui ont subi ensuite des altérations chimiques et des transformations diagénétiques intenses.Pour l'ensemble des 43 horizons de tonstein du Carbonifère supérieur de la Sarre-Lorraine, on admet un volume de matières pyroclastiques d'au moins 8,2 km3 (volume à l'état monolithique) ou de 20,5 km3 (volume à l'état fragmenté). Ces éruptions ont probablement pour origine la faille de Metz, située à proximité, qui forme la limite sud du Hunsrück et que la sismique-réflexion permet de prolonger jusqu'au Moho.

, (206/204 > 20.0) . . , .. , , . , , 100 . . . , - 20°, , .: . , . Bouguer'a, .

Das Thema dieser Arbeit war Gegenstand des KurzvortragesBurger &Wolf (1987) auf dem XI. ICC in Peking (31. 8. bis 4. 9. 1987). Vorliegende Bearbeitung stellt die originäre Fassung dar.  相似文献   
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