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During the MLTCS (Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Coupling Study) campaign the EISCAT UHF radar was continuously operated over 7 days (30 July-5 August 1992) in the CP-1 mode. The long time series obtained of the fundamental ionospheric parameters field-aligned ion velocity (Vi), ion and electron temperature (T and Te), and electron density (Ne) are useful in investigating tidal variations in the E- and F-region since the geomagnetic activity was particularly low during the time of measurement. Maximum entropy spectra of the parameters were calculated for the relatively quiet interval from 1 August to 4 August 1992 and indicated dominant variations with harmonics of 24 hours. In the electron density spectrum especially, harmonics up to the sixth order (4-h period) are clearly visible. The phase and amplitude height profiles (100-450 km) of the diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal variations were determined by Fourier transform for a 24-h data set beginning at 12:00 UT on 3 August 1992 when the contaminating influences of electric fields were negligible. The tidal variations of the ion temperatures are compared with the corresponding variations of the neutral temperature predicted by the MSISE-90 model. A remarkable result is the dominance of terdiurnal temperature oscillations at E-region heights on 3–4 August 1992, while the measured diurnal and semidiurnal variations were negligible. The finding was confirmed by the analysis of further EISCAT data (2-3 August 1989, 2–3 July 1990, 31 March- 1 April 1992) which also showed a dominant terdiurnal temperature tide in the E-region. This is different from numerous observations of tides in the E-region at mid-latitudes where the diurnal and especially the semidiurnal temperature oscillations were dominant.  相似文献   
GPS radio occultation (RO) signals are highly coherent and precise, and thus sufficient for holographic investigation of the atmosphere, ionosphere, and the Earth's surface from space. In principle, three-dimensional radio-holographic remote sensing is possible by using new radio holographic equations to retrieve the radio field within the atmosphere from a radio field known at some interface outside the atmosphere. A simplified two-dimensional form of the radio-holographic equations which are developed under an assumption of local spherical symmetry can be used to obtain two-dimensional radio images of the atmosphere and terrestrial surface. To achieve this, radio holograms recorded by a GPS receiver onboard a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite at two GPS frequencies can be used and focused synthetic aperture principle applied. Analysis of GPS/MET RO data is presented to show the effectiveness of a radio-holographic approach. It is shown that the amplitude of GPS radio signals (in addition to phase data) can be used to obtain detailed altitude profiles of the vertical gradient of refractivity in the atmosphere and electron density in the mesosphere. The results demonstrate the applicability of GPS radio holography for a detailed global study of the natural processes in the atmosphere and mesosphere. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
This study aims at looking for the characteristic patterns of mesospheric wind over the geomagnetic storm times. For this purpose, the geomagnetic storms preceded by a sudden commencement (SSC) have been selected from January 1995 to April 1999. By using the onset of SSC as the timing mark, a superposed epoch analysis has been performed on the available neutral wind data measured with medium frequency (MF) radars at Yamagawa (31.2°N, 130.6°E) and Wakkanai (45.4°N, 141.7°E). In doing so, the length of time chosen for the superposed analysis is from 7 days before the SSC onset to 21 days after the onset; subsets of wind data are superimposed for summer and winter months, respectively. Then with harmonic analysis on the superposed winds the mean winds in both summer and winter months have been obtained. Concerning mean wind characteristics, some interesting details are the reversal heights of the summer zonal winds, which is 79–80 km at Yamagawa and 84 km at Wakkanai. Strong wavy structures with 2–4 days period are observed at both Yamagawa and Wakkanai in both summer and winter. As for storm effects, significant enhancement of eastward wind is found 5 days after SSC onset at both Yamagawa and Wakkanai in winter. Moreover, the northward wind turns southward at Wakkanai 2 days after the onset of SSC, and the southward wind lasts for several days thereafter. In summer months, the post-storm enhancement tends to be small and mainly in the eastward wind at both Yamagawa and Wakkanai.  相似文献   
Inversion of GPS meteorology data   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The GPS meteorology (GPS/MET) experiment, led by the Universities Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), consists of a GPS receiver aboard a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite which was launched on 3 April 1995. During a radio occultation the LEO satellite rises or sets relative to one of the 24 GPS satellites at the Earths horizon. Thereby the atmospheric layers are successively sounded by radio waves which propagate from the GPS satellite to the LEO satellite. From the observed phase path increases, which are due to refraction of the radio waves by the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere, the atmospheric parameter refractivity, density, pressure and temperature are calculated with high accuracy and resolution (0.5–1.5 km). In the present study, practical aspects of the GPS/MET data analysis are discussed. The retrieval is based on the Abelian integral inversion of the atmospheric bending angle profile into the refractivity index profile. The problem of the upper boundary condition of the Abelian integral is described by examples. The statistical optimization approach which is applied to the data above 40 km and the use of topside bending angle profiles from model atmospheres stabilize the inversion. The retrieved temperature profiles are compared with corresponding profiles which have already been calculated by scientists of UCAR and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), using Abelian integral inversion too. The comparison shows that in some cases large differences occur (5 K and more). This is probably due to different treatment of the upper boundary condition, data runaways and noise. Several temperature profiles with wavelike structures at tropospheric and stratospheric heights are shown. While the periodic structures at upper stratospheric heights could be caused by residual errors of the ionospheric correction method, the periodic temperature fluctuations at heights below 30 km are most likely caused by atmospheric waves (vertically propagating large-scale gravity waves and equatorial waves).Present address: Communications Research Laboratory, Upper Atmosphere Section, 4-2-1 Nukui- Kita, Koganei- shi, Tokyo 184, Japan  相似文献   
Western Uganda is a key region for understanding the development of the western branch of the East African rift system and its interaction with pre-existing cratonic lithosphere. It is also the site of the topographically anomalous Rwenzori Mountains, which attain altitudes of >5000 m within the rift. New structural and geochronological data indicate that western Uganda south and east of the Rwenzori Mountains consists of a WSW to ENE trending fold and thrust belt emplaced by thick-skinned tectonics that thrust several slices of Proterozoic and Archaean units onto the craton from the south. The presence of Archaean units within the thrust stack is supported by new Laser-ICP-MS U–Pb age determinations (2637–2584 Ma) on zircons from the Rwenzori foothills. Repetition of the Paleoproterozoic units is confirmed by mapping the internal stratigraphy where a basal quartzite can be used as marker layer, and discrete thrust units show distinct metamorphic grades. The thrust belt is partially unconformably covered by a Neoproterozoic nappe correlated with the Kibaran orogenic belt. Even though conglomerates mark the bottom of the Kibaran unit, intensive brittle fault zones and pseudotachylites disprove an autochthonous position. The composition of volcanics in the Toro-Ankole field of western Uganda can be explained by the persistence of a cratonic lithosphere root beneath the northwardly thrusted Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic rocks of westernmost Uganda. Volcanic geochemistry indicates thinning of the lithosphere from >140 km beneath Toro-Ankole to ca. 80 km beneath the Virunga volcanic field about 150 km to the south. We conclude that the western branch of the East African rift system was initiated in an area of thinner lithosphere with Palaeoproterozoic cover in the Virunga area and has propagated northwards where it now abuts against thick cratonic lithosphere covered by a thrust belt consisting of gneisses, metasediments and metavolcanics of Neoarchaean to Proterozoic age.  相似文献   
Recent investigations of atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) and travelling ionospheric disturbances (TID) in the Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere are reviewed. In the past decade, the generation of gravity waves at high latitudes and their subsequent propagation to low latitudes have been studied by several global model simulations and coordinated observation campaigns such as the Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity-wave Study (WAGS), the results are presented in the first part of the review. The second part describes the progress towards understanding the AGW/TID characteristics. It points to the AGW/TID relationship which has been recently revealed with the aid of model-data comparisons and by the application of new inversion techniques. We describe the morphology and climatology of gravity waves and their ionospheric manifestations, TIDs, from numerous new observations.  相似文献   
The climatology of mean wind, diurnal and semidiurnal tide during the first year (1996–1997) of simultaneous wind observations at Wakkanai (45.4°N, 141.7°E) and Yamagawa (31.2°N, 130.6°E) is presented. The locations of the radars allow us to describe the latitudinal dependence of the tides. Tidal amplitude and phase profiles are compared with those of the global scale wave model (GSWM). While the observed amplitude profiles of the diurnal tide agree well with the GSWM values, the observed phase profiles often indicate longer vertical wavelengths than the GSWM phase profiles. In contrast to the GSWM simulation, the observations show a strong bimodal structure of the diurnal tide, with the phase advancing about 6 hours from summer to winter.  相似文献   
The GPS radio occultation technique is sensitive for layered structures with horizontal scales of around 100 km and with vertical scales of a few 100 m or more at the Earth's limb. These structures cause strong fluctuations of the GPS L1 and L2 phase paths which have been measured by a GPS receiver onboard of Microlab-1 satellite in 730 km orbit during the GPS/Meteorology experiment (GPS/MET of UCAR, Boulder). By means of GPS/MET radio occultation data, profiles of electron density fluctuations are derived for the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region with a height resolution of around 1 km. Data analysis of 1900 radio occultation events in June/July 1995, 1540 events in October 1995, and 2690 events in February 1997 confirms seasonal dependence of sporadic E layers. The meridian slices of average sporadic E activity show a dominance of plasma irregularities in the summer hemisphere. The irregularities mainly occur at heights 90–110 km. Auroral and equatorial sporadic E, electron density depletions, and multiple ionization layers are also present in the high resolution GPS/MET data. The multiple layers often have a distance of around 5–10 km in height, and appear up to a height of 140 km (upper height limit for 50 Hz sampling rate of GPS receiver). For February and June, the GPS/MET observations are compared to ground-based observations of the Asia/Australia ionosonde chain.  相似文献   
Reservoir history matching is assuming a critical role in understanding reservoir characteristics, tracking water fronts, and forecasting production. While production data have been incorporated for matching reservoir production levels and estimating critical reservoir parameters, the sparse spatial nature of this dataset limits the efficiency of the history matching process. Recently, gravimetry techniques have significantly advanced to the point of providing measurement accuracy in the microgal range and consequently can be used for the tracking of gas displacement caused by water influx. While gravity measurements provide information on subsurface density changes, i.e., the composition of the reservoir, these data do only yield marginal information about temporal displacements of oil and inflowing water. We propose to complement gravimetric data with interferometric synthetic aperture radar surface deformation data to exploit the strong pressure deformation relationship for enhancing fluid flow direction forecasts. We have developed an ensemble Kalman‐filter‐based history matching framework for gas, gas condensate, and volatile oil reservoirs, which synergizes time‐lapse gravity and interferometric synthetic aperture radar data for improved reservoir management and reservoir forecasts. Based on a dual state–parameter estimation algorithm separating the estimation of static reservoir parameters from the dynamic reservoir parameters, our numerical experiments demonstrate that history matching gravity measurements allow monitoring the density changes caused by oil–gas phase transition and water influx to determine the saturation levels, whereas the interferometric synthetic aperture radar measurements help to improve the forecasts of hydrocarbon production and water displacement directions. The reservoir estimates resulting from the dual filtering scheme are on average 20%–40% better than those from the joint estimation scheme, but require about a 30% increase in computational cost.  相似文献   
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