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Vertical distribution of phytoplankton in early warming season in the eastern Bering Sea and adjacent sea areas was investigated. In the surface layer which was under the influence of newly melted sea ice in the shelf water region of the Bering Sea in May, remarkably dense populations ofThalassiosira hyalina andT. nordenskiöldii and relatively large populations ofFragilaria andNavicula occupied large part of phytoplankton community. In June, although theThalassiosira populations sunk into the bottom layer and withered, a certain part of theFragilaria-Navicula populations was still suspended in subsurface layer. Thus,Fragilaria-Navicula were the leading components of the June community in the shelf region.In the Bering Basin region, no dense phytoplankton populations were developed until a shallow thermocline was established. In June when the shallow thermocline developed near shelf edge,Thalassiosira decipiens burst out. As the shallow thermocline extended from near shelf to central part of the Basin region with surface warming, the areas of blooming also shifted from near shelf to the central part.Contribution No. 73 from the Research Institute of North Pacific Fisheries, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   
— Accurate simulation of seismic ground motion for three-dimensionally complex topography and structures is one of the most important goals of strong motion seismology. The finite-element method (FEM) is well suited for this kind of simulation, since traction-free conditions are already included in the formulation, and the Courant condition is less strict than for the finite-difference method (FDM). However, the FEM usually requires both large memory and computation time. These limitations can be overcome by using a mesh consisting of voxels (rectangular prisms) with isotropy built into the explicit formulation of the dynamic matrix equation. Since operators in the voxel FEM are the combinations of ordinary FDM operators and additional terms, the method keeps accuracy of the same order as FDM and the terms relax the Courant condition. The voxel FEM requires a similar amount of memory and only takes 1.2~1.4 times longer computation time. The voxel mesh can be generated considerably faster than the popular tetrahedral mesh. Both ground motions and static displacements due to a point or line source can be calculated using the voxel FEM approach. Comparisons with the reflectivity method and theoretical solutions demonstrate the successful implementation of the method, which is then applied to more complex problems.  相似文献   
A metabasalt dredged at a junction of the median valley with the Atlantis fracture zone (30°01/tN, 42°04/tW) in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge shows complete recrystallization under a metasomatic condition, though the original igneous texture of a coarse-grained basalt is still recognizable. There is strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that this rock is not an ice-rafted erratic, but an authentic Mid-Atlantic Ridge rock. The 40Ar-39Ar age of this sample is 169 m.y. (Jurassic) which should represent the time of recrystallization. The initial value (87Sr/86Sr)O is 0.720, far above the values previously observed in oceanfloor basalts, including both tholeiitic and alkalic rocks (0.701–0.704). Sr with such a high isotopic ratio is considered to have been introduced by metasomatism during metamorphism by a solution coming from a continental mass or masses which were then located very close to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The 40Ar−39Ar age of sample AM50 may approximate the time of the commencement of the opening of the Atlantic. All these data support the possible existence of ancient rock masses in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, as was formerly claimed by Bonatti, Melson and others.  相似文献   
The matching of asteroids and meteorites is a significant step toward a better understanding of the origin, structure, and history of the solar system. We propose a data‐driven approach for investigating common taxonomic structure between asteroids and meteorites; C‐, S‐, and V‐type for the former, and carbonaceous chondrite, ordinary chondrite, and howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) meteorite for the latter. In the numerical experiments, by checking whether the taxonomy information of meteorites improves classification for asteroid data, we examine the existence of common structure over the two domains. For this purpose, we compare the resultant accuracies of two clustering methods which are with/without the guidance of meteorite data. We observe that the guidance of meteorite taxonomy improves the accuracy for classifying asteroids, either with the reflectance spectra or major chemical compositions of meteorites. This fact serves as a piece of evidence that there is a common taxonomic structure and links between meteorites and asteroids, supporting a long‐standing hypothesis.  相似文献   
To verify the hypothesis that the growth of phytoplankton in the Western Subarctic Gyre (WSG), which is located in the northwest subarctic Pacific, is suppressed by low iron (Fe) availability, an in situ Fe fertilization experiment was carried out in the summer of 2001. Changes over time in the abundance and community structure of phytoplankton were examined inside and outside an Fe patch using phytoplankton pigment markers analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and flow cytometry (FCM). In addition, the abundance of heterotrophic bacteria was also investigated by FCM. The chlorophyll a concentration was initially ca. 0.9 μg l−1 in the surface mixed layer where diatoms and chlorophyll b-containing green algae (prasinophytes and chlorophytes) were predominant in the chlorophyll biomass. After the iron enrichment, the chlorophyll a concentration increased up to 9.1 μg l−1 in the upper 10 m inside the Fe patch on Day 13. At the same time, the concentration of fucoxanthin (a diatom marker) increased 45-fold in the Fe patch, and diatoms accounted for a maximum 69% of the chlorophyll biomass. This result was consistent with a microscopic observation showing that the diatom Chaetoceros debilis had bloomed inside the Fe patch. However, chlorophyllide a concentrations also increased in the Fe patch with time, and reached a maximum of 2.2 μg l−1 at 5 m depth on Day 13, suggesting that a marked abundance of senescent algal cells existed at the end of the experiment. The concentration of peridinin (a dinoflagellate marker) also reached a maximum 24-fold, and dinoflagellates had contributed significantly (>15%) to the chlorophyll biomass inside the Fe patch by the end of the experiment. Concentrations of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (a prymnesiophyte marker), 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (a pelagophyte marker), and alloxanthin (a cryptophyte marker) were only incremented a few-fold increment inside the Fe patch. On the contrary, chlorophyll b concentration reduced to almost half of the initial level in the upper 10 m water column inside the Fe patch at the end of the experiment. A decrease with time in the abundance of eukaryotic ultraphytoplankton (<ca. 5 μm in size), in which chlorophyll b-containing green algae were possibly included was also observed by FCM. Overall, our results indicate that Fe supply can dramatically alter the abundance and community structure of phytoplankton in the WSG. On the other hand, cell density of heterotrophic bacteria inside the Fe patch was maximum at only ca. 1.5-fold higher than that outside the Fe patch. This indicates that heterotrophic bacteria abundance was little respondent to the Fe enrichment.  相似文献   

Throughfall drop size distributions (DSDs) are important for plant–soil interactions. This is the first known study to quantify differences in throughfall DSDs with the presence and absence of foliage. Employing a disdrometer, three parameters solely representing throughfall drip were measured and calculated: maximum drop diameter (DMAX), median volume diameter of drops (D50DR) and relative volume percentage of drops (pDR). Beneath Liriodendron tulipifera L. in Maryland (USA), DMAX, D50DR and pDR were substantially larger when the canopy was unfoliated. In fact, the presence or absence of foliage was one of the primary factors affecting all three throughfall DSDs along with air temperature, according to the boosted regression tree analysis. Experimental results were attributed to differing physical properties of intercepted water between foliated and unfoliated periods and differential water behavior on leaves and bark. Future work should examine the effects of concentrated drip points on the development of throughfall-induced hot spots.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor F. Hattermann  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of herbaceous plant roots on interrill erosion using two herbaceous species: clover (Trifolium repens) and oats (Avena sativa). We developed a simple rainfall simulator with relatively high normalized kinetic energy (KE; 23.2 J m?2 mm?1). Under simulated rainfall, we measured eroded soil for 42 boxes with various amounts of aboveground and belowground biomass. Aboveground vegetation had a significant effect on the soil erosion rate (SER). We found a clear negative relationship between the percent vegetation cover (c) and the SER. In contrast, plant roots showed no effects on the SER. The SER was not significantly different between the boxes with and without plant roots under similar c conditions. Thus, plant roots could have less of an effect on the SER under higher KE conditions.
Editor M.C. Acreman Associate editor N. Verhoest  相似文献   
A simple indirect method for the determination of organic carbon in marine particulate matter is proposed. The recommended procedure is as follows: The dried sample is ashed at 450°C for about 24 hr. The ashed sample is put into a Teflon vessel followed by a mixed solution of nitric acid, perchloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. The vessel is sealed and allowed to stand at 150°C for 5 hr. The concentrations of Si and Al in the digested solution are determined. The organic carbon content (Cal-C, %) is calculated by the following equation: Cal-C=0.52 ([CF]–0.10 [Opal]–0.03 [A-Si]), where [CF] is the combustible fraction (%), [Opal] is the biogenic-SiO2(%), and [A-Si] is the content of aluminosilicate mineral (%).  相似文献   
The influence of organic ligands on natural phytoplankton growth was investigated in high-nitrate low-chlorophyll (HNLC) waters and during a phytoplankton bloom induced by a mesoscale iron enrichment experiment (SEEDS II) in the western subarctic Pacific. The growth responses of the phytoplankton in the treatments with iron complexed with model ligand were compared with those with inorganic iron or a control. Desferrioxamine B and protoporphyrin IX were used as models for hydroxamate-type siderophore and tetrapyrrole-type cell breakdown ligand, respectively. In the HNLC water, iron associated with protoporphyrin IX especially stimulated smaller phytoplankton (<10 μm) growth, 1.5-fold more than did inorganic iron. Surprisingly, only the addition of protoporphyrin IX stimulated small phytoplankton growth, suggesting that these cell breakdown ligands might be more bioavailable for them. The protoporphyrin IX’s stimulatory effect on small phytoplankton was not observed during bloom decline phase. The growth of phytoplankton was inhibited in the treatment with desferrioxamine B-complexed iron, suggesting its low bioavailability for the natural phytoplankton community. Its inhibitory effects were particularly pronounced in pico-eukaryotic phytoplankton. During the iron-induced bloom, the phytoplankton’s iron-stress response gradually increased with the desferrioxamine B concentration, suggesting that the competition for iron complexation between natural ligands and desferrioxamine B affected phytoplankton growth. However, the pico-eukaryotes did seem better able to utilize the desferrioxamine B-complexed iron during the bloom-developing phase. These results indicate that the iron bioavailability for phytoplankton differs between bloom-developing and bloom-decline phases.  相似文献   
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