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Garnet-spinel peridotites form small, isolated, variably retrogressed bodies within the low-pressure high-temperature gneisses and migmatites of the Variscan basement of the Schwarzwald, southwest Germany. Detailed mineralogical and textural studies as well as geothermobarometric calculations on samples from three occurrences are presented. Two of the garnet-spinel peridotites have equilibrated at 680–770°C, 1.4–1.8 GPa within the garnet-spinel peridotite stability field, one of the samples having experienced an earlier stage within the spinel peridotite stability field (790°C, <1.8 GPa). The third sample, with only garnet and spinel preserved, probably equilibrated within the garnet peridotite stability field at higher pressures. These findings are in line with the distinction of two groups of ultramafic garnet-bearing high-pressure rocks with different equilibration conditions within the Schwarzwald (670–740°C, 1.4–1.8 GPa and 740–850°C, 3.2–4.3 GPa) which has previously been established (Kalt et al. 1995). The equilibration conditions of 670–770°C and 1.4–1.8 GPa for garnet-spinel peridotites from the Central Schwarzwald Gneiss Complex (CSGC) are similar to those for eclogites of the Schwarzwald and also correspond quite well to those for garnet-spinel peridotites from the Moldanubian zone of the Vosges mountains and of ecologites from the Moldanubian s.str. of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   
Garnet-bearing and garnet-free pyroxenite xenoliths from Quaternary basanites of Marsabit, northern Kenya, were analysed for microstructures and mineral compositions (major and trace elements) to constrain the thermal and compositional evolution of the lithospheric mantle in this region. Garnet-bearing rocks are amphibole-bearing websterite with ~5–10 vol% orthopyroxene. Clinopyroxene is LREE-depleted and garnet has high HREE contents, in agreement with an origin as cumulates from basaltic mantle melts. Primary orthopyroxene inclusions in garnet suggest that the parental melts were orthopyroxene-saturated. Rock fabrics vary from weakly to strongly deformed. Thermobarometry indicates extensive decompression and cooling (~970–1,100°C at ~2.3–2.6 GPa to ~700–800°C at ~0.5–1.0 GPa) during deformation, best interpreted as pyroxenite intrusion into thick Paleozoic continental lithosphere subsequently followed by continental rifting (i.e., formation of the Mesozoic Anza Graben). During continental rifting, garnet websterites were decompressed (garnet-to-spinel transition) and experienced the same P–T evolution as their host peridotites. Strongly deformed samples show compositional overlaps with cpx-rich, initially garnet-bearing lherzolite, best explained by partial re-equilibration of peridotite and pyroxenite during deformation and mechanical mingling. In contrast, garnet-free pyroxenites include undeformed, cumulate-like samples, indicating that they are younger than the garnet websterites. Major and trace element compositions of clinopyroxene and calculated equilibrium melts suggest crystallisation from alkaline basaltic melt similar to the host basanite, which suggests formation in the context of alkaline magmatism during the development of the Kenya rift. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The coordination number of the surface atoms for different crystallographic faces of Pt are determined from the surface energy shifts of the 4f core levels obtained in photoemission experiments. The (5×20)-reconstructed (100)-plane is the closest-packed one and is energetically most favorable. It is therefore prevalent in the etching and growth morphology.  相似文献   
 In the northern Schwarzwald (Moldanubian Zone of the Variscan belt), paragneisses drilled from approximately 2500 m depth at the Bühl-1 drilling site have experienced amphibolite-facies metamorphism and were later partly transformed to mylonites under greenschist-facies conditions. Completely graphitised acritarchs and chitinozoans were recovered from these paragneisses and mylonitic gneisses. Whereas both groups of palynomorphs give evidence of a marine depositional environment, only the chitinozoans are stratigraphically useful in this case and indicate a Paleozoic age. Previous findings of acritarchs in a different high-grade metamorphic gneiss unit within the Schwarzwald indicate an Upper Proterozoic marine sedimentation age. The spectrum of palynomorphs found thus far in the Schwarzwald in combination with petrological data suggests that within the Moldanubian domain of the Armorican microplate, rocks with different sedimentary records later experienced diverging prograde metamorphic histories. In general, the results reveal that palynological studies in combination with petrological data are a promising tool for reconstructing pre-orogenic settings in collisional belts. Received: 17 July 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   
With a lack of United States federal policy to address climate change, cities, the private sector, and universities have shouldered much of the work to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to determine how landcover characteristics influence the amount of carbon (C) sequestered and respired via biological processes, evaluating the role of land management on the overall C budget of an urban university. Boston University published a comprehensive Climate Action Plan in 2017 with the goal of achieving C neutrality by 2040. In this study, we digitized and discretized each of Boston University’s three urban campuses into landcover types, with C sequestration and respiration rates measured and scaled to provide a University-wide estimate of biogenic C fluxes within the broader context of total University emissions. Each of Boston University’s three highly urban campuses were net sources of biogenic C to the atmosphere. While trees were estimated to sequester 0.6 ± 0.2 kg C m−2 canopy cover year−1, mulch and lawn areas in 2018 emitted C at rates of 1.7 ± 0.4 kg C m−2 year−1 and 1.4 ± 0.4 kg C m−2 year−1, respectively. C uptake by tree canopy cover, which can spatially overlap lawn and mulched landcovers, was not large enough to offset biogenic emissions. The proportion of biogenic emissions to Scope 1 anthropogenic emissions on each campus varied from 0.5% to 2%, and depended primarily on the total anthropogenic emissions on each campus. Our study quantifies the role of urban landcover in local C budgets, offering insights on how landscaping management strategies—such as decreasing mulch application rates and expanding tree canopy extent—can assist universities in minimizing biogenic C emissions and even potentially creating a small biogenic C sink. Although biogenic C fluxes represent a small fraction of overall anthropogenic emissions on urban university campuses, these biogenic fluxes are under active management by the university and should be included in climate action plans.  相似文献   
Four metasedimentary zircon populations from different tectonometamorphic units of the Central and the Northern Schwarzwald (Variscan belt, SW-Germany) were investigated using SEM, cathodoluminescence and SHRIMP dating. Despite partially strong modifications of primary internal morphologies during Variscan metamorphism at amphibolite (750 °C, 0.4–0.6 GPa) and granulite-facies conditions (950–1,000 °C, 1.4–1.8 GPa), many grains show well-preserved protolith ages. The detritus indicates a northern Gondwana origin and different Palaeozoic episodes of sediment deposition and consolidation. Two of the studied sediments were deposited in Cambrian/early-Ordovician times and consolidated in positions close to northern Gondwana. Late Ordovician and rare Devonian detritus from sediments of two other tectonometamorphic units indicates much later sedimentation close to the leading edge of Gondwana or a terrane assemblage during northern drift towards Laurussia. Subsolidus growth of new zircon due to Variscan granulite facies metamorphism of one of the tectonometamorphic units is precisely dated at 335±2 Ma.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   
Partitioning and budget of Li, Be and B in high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the island of Syros (Greece) were studied, using secondary ion mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. Partitioning between coexisting mineral phases was found to be rather constant and independent of element concentrations. For several mineral pairs, apparent partition coefficients vary in a narrow range, while concentrations vary by more than an order of magnitude. Hence, it was possible to establish sets of inter-mineral partition coefficients for Li, Be and B among 15 different high-pressure minerals. This data set provides important information on the behaviour of the light elements in different lithologies within subducting slabs from the onset of metamorphism to the eclogite stage. It is essential for modelling trace-element and isotope fractionation during subduction and dehydration of oceanic crust.  相似文献   
 This paper presents mineralogical and textural data as well as thermobarometric calculations on ultramafic high-pressure rocks from the Variscan basement of the Schwarzwald (F.R.G.). The rocks form small isolated bodies within low-pressure / high-temperature gneisses and migmatites. The results of this study constrain contrasting P-T evolutions for four garnet-bearing ultramafic high-pressure rocks. Two magnesian garnet-spinal peridotites sampled near the southern margin of the Central Schwarzwald Gneiss Complex (CSGC) were equilibrated at 670–740° C and 1.4–1.8 GPa. These P-T conditions are similar to those recorded by eclogites intercalated in the same basement unit. Two garnet websterites sampled from the northern part of the CSGC have comparatively low Mg/(Mg+Fe) and low Cr and Ni abundances and are interpreted as former cumulates. These rocks most probably experienced an initial high-temperature stage within the spinel peridotite stability field, followed by re-equilibration at 740–850° C / 3.2–4.3 GPa and subsequent recrystallization at lower pressures. Further petrologic studies have to reveal whether ultramafic high-pressure rocks of the Schwarzwald can generally be assigned to these two groups which are mainly defined by contrasting peak pressures. Received: 22 August 1994 / Accepted: 19 January 1995  相似文献   
Mantle-derived xenoliths from the Marsabit shield volcano (easternflank of the Kenya rift) include porphyroclastic spinel peridotitescharacterized by variable styles of metasomatism. The petrographyof the xenoliths indicates a transition from primary clinopyroxene-bearingcryptically metasomatized harzburgite (light rare earth element,U, and Th enrichment in clinopyroxene) to modally metasomatizedclinopyroxene-free harzburgite and dunite. The metasomatic phasesinclude amphibole (low-Ti Mg-katophorite), Na-rich phlogopite,apatite, graphite and metasomatic low-Al orthopyroxene. Transitionalsamples show that metasomatism led to replacement of clinopyroxeneby amphibole. In all modally metasomatized xenoliths melt pockets(silicate glass containing silicate and oxide micro-phenocrysts,carbonates and empty vugs) occur in close textural relationshipwith the earlier metasomatic phases. The petrography, majorand trace element data, together with constraints from thermobarometryand fO2 calculations, indicate that the cryptic and modal metasomatismare the result of a single event of interaction between peridotiteand an orthopyroxene-saturated volatile-rich silicate melt.The unusual style of metasomatism (composition of amphibole,presence of graphite, formation of orthopyroxene) reflects lowP –T conditions (850–1000°C at < 1·5GPa) in the wall-rocks during impregnation and locally low oxygenfugacities. The latter allowed the precipitation of graphitefrom CO2. The inferred melt was possibly derived from alkalinebasic melts by melt–rock reaction during the developmentof the Tertiary–Quaternary Kenya rift. Glass-bearing meltpockets formed at the expense of the early phases, mainly throughincongruent melting of amphibole and orthopyroxene, triggeredby infiltration of a CO2-rich fluid and heating related to themagmatic activity that ultimately sampled and transported thexenoliths to the surface. KEY WORDS: graphite; peridotite xenoliths; Kenya Rift; modal metasomatism; silicate glass  相似文献   
The Moldanubian basement of the Schwarzwald contains basic to ultrabasic rocks of both crustal and mantle origin which display high-pressure mineral assemblages or relics of such. In order to constrain the P-T-t evolution of the crustal high-pressure rocks, petrological and geochronological studies have been carried out on three eclogite samples. Geothermobarometric estimations indicate minimum metamorphic pressures of 1.6 GPa and equilibration temperatures of 670 750°C. Reaction textures document various metamorphic stages during exhumation of the high-pressure rocks. The age of high-pressure metamorphism is constrained by Sm-Nd isochrons of 332±13 Ma, 334±11 Ma, and 337±6 Ma defined by garnet, whole rock and clinopyroxene. For one sample, large garnets show prominent growth zoning in terms of major elements, Sm, Nd, and inclusions, dividing the grains into two growth stages. Sm-Nd isotope analyses on these garnets indicate that the time span between the two growth stages is too small to be resolved, reflecting a rather rapid metamorphic evolution. This result is further constrained by a Rb-Sr isochron age of 325±6 Ma on retrograde biotite and whole rock on the same sample. For one of the studied eclogites, formation of the magmatic precursor rocks is possibly approximated by the Ordovician U-Pb upper intercept age of a discordia from zircons.  相似文献   
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