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Archaeological excavations in deep pre-mound levels at Huaca Prieta in northern Peru have yielded new evidence of late Pleistocene cultural deposits that shed insights into the early human occupation of the Pacific coast of South America. Radiocarbon dates place this occupation between ~ 14,200 and 13,300 cal yr BP. The cultural evidence shares certain basic technological and subsistence traits, including maritime resources and simple flake tools, with previously discovered late Pleistocene sites along the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile. The results help to expand our knowledge of early maritime societies and human adaption to changing coastal environments.  相似文献   
The aim of the investigation was to define the mechanisms of sediment transport in the swash zone of microtidal coarse-clastic beaches in the very short term by evaluating the displacement rates of marked pebbles under low-energy wave conditions. Tests were performed at two sites (Marina di Pisa, Ligurian Sea, and Portonovo, central Adriatic Sea) to check the consistency of the data over a range of different grain sizes. Two recovery campaigns were carried out at both sites, one 6 h and the other 24 h after the injection. During the experiments wave action was at a minimum (wave heights never exceeded 0.3 m). The results show that 20% of pebbles ranging in diameter from 30–90 mm moved significantly (more than 0.5 m) already 6 h after the injection, with some tracers being lost (3%). After 24 h, 40% of the pebbles were significantly displaced and 10% were lost. The preferential downslope movement of tracers, which suggests that coarse sediment movement under low-energy conditions is mainly controlled by gravity processes enhanced by steep beachface slopes, represents the novelty of the results reported here. It would appear that swash processes on low-energy beaches cause a significant rate of pebble displacement through the destabilization induced by wave uprush and backwash. Despite the microtidal range, the position of the mean water level plays a major role in changing the beach level at which swash processes can actually trigger pebble movement. The results of this study show that considerable, and mostly seaward-directed, coarse sediment transport takes place even during short fair-weather periods.  相似文献   
Near-ultraviolet imaging with HST offers the best possible spatial resolution currently available for optical/UV astronomical imaging. The giant elliptical galaxy M87 hosts one of the most spectacular, best studied and nearest (d=16 Mpc) galactic-scale relativistic (synchrotron emitting plasma) jets. We have extracted from the HST archive all 220 nm images of the jet of M87, taken with the STIS MAMA camera and co-added them to provide the deepest image ever at this wavelength. The combination of highest spatial resolution and long integration time, 42500 seconds, reveals a wealth of complex structure, knots, filaments and shocks. We compare this image with deep X-ray observations obtained with the Chandra X-ray telescope.  相似文献   
In the shallow water of Orbetello lagoon, macroalgae harvesting boats produce sediment disturbance. To evaluate the effect of this, during 2001-2002, a trial study was carried out in the lagoon in order to: verify seasonal and diurnal trends in nutrients and estimate the quantity of resuspended organic sediment. An unbalanced and balanced ANOVA (one and two way) analysis was applied. The disturbance did not produce strong and lasting eutrophication effects. In the seasonal survey, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) showed significant decreases in disturbed areas at the end of the trial, while the control area showed a constant, significant increase. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP) significantly increased everywhere. In disturbed areas, sediment redox (Eh((NHE))) increased and porosity values decreased, contrary to the control area. Total organic carbon (TOC) remained unchanged in disturbed areas, but increased in the control area, where the C:P ration increased. The fall-out of sedimentary material resuspended by boat action for as far as 50 m from the boat route, was 189 g(dw)m(-2) made up mainly of organic matter. This disturbance could be the cause of change in vegetation in the lagoon.  相似文献   
Multiple-point statistics (MPS) allows simulations reproducing structures of a conceptual model given by a training image (TI) to be generated within a stochastic framework. In classical implementations, fixed search templates are used to retrieve the patterns from the TI. A multiple grid approach allows the large-scale structures present in the TI to be captured, while keeping the search template small. The technique consists in decomposing the simulation grid into several grid levels: One grid level is composed of each second node of the grid level one rank finer. Then each grid level is successively simulated by using the corresponding rescaled search template from the coarse level to the fine level (the simulation grid itself). For a conditional simulation, a basic method (as in snesim) to honor the hard data consists in assigning the data to the closest nodes of the current grid level before simulating it. In this paper, another method (implemented in impala) that consists in assigning the hard data to the closest nodes of the simulation grid (fine level), and then in spreading them up to the coarse grid by using simulations based on the MPS inferred from the TI is presented in detail. We study the effect of conditioning and show that the first method leads to systematic biases depending on the location of the conditioning data relative to the grid levels, whereas the second method allows for properly dealing with conditional simulations and a multiple grid approach.  相似文献   
Active rock glaciers are periglacial landforms consisting of coarse debris with interstitial ice or ice‐core. Recent studies showed that such landforms are able to support plant and arthropod life and could act as warm‐stage refugia for cold‐adapted species due to their microclimate features and thermal inertia. However, integrated research comparing active rock glaciers with surrounding landforms to outline their ecological peculiarities is still scarce. We analysed the abiotic (ground surface temperature and humidity, soil physical and chemical parameters) and biotic (plant and arthropod communities) features of two Alpine active rock glaciers with contrasting lithology (silicate and carbonate), and compared them with the surrounding iceless landforms as reference sites (stable slopes and active scree slopes). Our data show remarkable differences between stable slopes and unstable landforms as a whole, while few differences occur between active scree slopes and active rock glaciers: such landforms show similar soil features but different ground surface temperatures (lower on active rock glaciers) and different occurrence of cold‐adapted species (more frequent/abundant on active rock glaciers). Both plant and arthropod species distributions depend mainly on the geographical context as a function of soil pH and on the contrast between stable slopes and unstable landforms as a function of the coarse debris fraction and organic matter content, while the few differences between active scree slopes and active rock glaciers can probably be attributed to microclimate. The role of active rock glaciers as potential warm‐stage refugia for cold‐adapted species is supported by our data; however, at least in the European Alps, their role in this may be less important than that of debris‐covered glaciers, which are able to host cold‐adapted species even below the climatic tree line.  相似文献   
Remote sensing represents a powerful method to study the change of several phenomena over time. However, useful input data (for example, aerial photos) can produce misleading information if an inadequate geometric correction is applied. Among mathematical models used for this type of correction, orthorectification (differential correction) seems to be the only one that guarantees accurate results. However, many authors are still basing their results on incorrectly transformed images. This phenomenon is especially due to the incidence of several user-friendly tools and interfaces for the rectification of images. This paper tests both polynomial rectification and orthorectification. Aerial photography of 1954 of the same area was acquired and polynomial rectification and orthorectification were applied, using a 1998 orthophoto as a base. An unsupervised classification was performed by utilising the nearest neighbour method for the resampling of images. The area occupied by each class was calculated. A multitemporal analysis was then performed, considering the overlap between the 1954 orthophoto and the 1998 orthophoto as the base of reference. An overestimate up to 21% of class area was found. When multitemporal analysis was carried out, an overestimate up to 100% of class area change was found.  相似文献   
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