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Fire management policy is an intrinsic tool that cannot be neglected in the management of the processes of sustainable natural resource utilisation and human-induced burning in savannas but that has rather been a predominating case in most savanna regions in sub-Saharan Africa. Where an official fire policy exists, it is principally not efficiently implemented or consistently practised. New fire policy trends have recently emerged out of institutionally vibrant relations amongst environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local civil societies and government institutions in Ghana. The real outcomes from the relations have been the formulation of a new fire policy and unprecedented (re)production of robust institutional capital suitable for the management of savanna fire and the environment. This article draws on these outcomes to review fire occurrences and contemporary fire policy issues, the essence of building environmental NGO alliances and the prospects of engaging major grassroots stakeholders in fire management processes. It then explores new convertible indicators from and within the subspaces of the policy to generate important information to further new theoretical thinking of fire policies rather than conventionally uncritical rethinking of fire management in the savannas.  相似文献   
This analysis was done as the preliminary step in an ongoing study of reservoir bank erosion processes that are active in the northern U.S. The objectives of this analysis were to observe and document bank characteristics, conditions, and changes along reservoirs with eroding banks, to estimate the amounts of historical bank recession and to discuss its possible causes. Aerial photographs were used to observe the historical bank changes and estimate bank recession. Site reconnaissance, discussions with on-site personnel, and published reports were used to evaluate possible relationships between the local erosion and bank conditions. As part of this analysis linear regressions were done to determine if the estimated recession rates correlate with selected bank and climatic conditions and with physical characteristics of the reservoirs. The regression results, however, were generally not useful because they suggested relationships that are contrary to field observations and published results. Dominant bank erosion processes were wind-wave erosion, capillary wave erosion during high-water periods, groundwater-induced sliding, freeze-thaw processes, rain splash and rainwash, and boat waves. However, because of the complexity of the interrelationships of these and many other bank erosion processes and the variability of the processes at and between sites, it would be necessary to make site-specific measurements and observations year-round to evaluate the processes that are active along a particular bank.  相似文献   
New lead isotopic compositions have been measured for Paleozoic bedded and vein ore deposits of Europe by the high precision thermal emission (triple filament) technique. Eleven samples have been analyzed from the Upper Permian Kupferschiefer bed with representatives from Poland to England, three samples from the Middle Devonian Rammelsberg deposit and one from the Middle Devonian Meggen deposit, both of which are conformable ore lenses and are in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG); and also two vein deposits from the FRG were analyzed, from Ramsbeck in Devonian host rocks and from Grund in Carboniferous host rocks. For Kupferschiefer bed samples from Germany, the mineralization is of variable lead isotopic composition and appears to have been derived about 250 m.y. ago from 1700 m.y. old sources, or detritus of this age, in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Samples from England, Holland, and Poland have different isotopic characteristics from the German samples, indicative of significantly different source material (perhaps older). The isotopic variability of the samples from the Kupferschiefer bed in Germany probably favors the lead containing waters coming from shoreward (where poor mixing is to be expected) rather than basinward (where better mixing is likely) directions. The data thus support the interpretation of the metal source already given by Wedepohl in 1964. Data on samples from Rammelsberg and Meggen tend to be slightly less radiogenic than for the Kupferschiefer, about the amount expected if the leads were all derived from the same source material but 100 to 150 m.y. apart in time. The vein galena from Ramsbeck is similar to that from Rammelsberg conformable ore lenses, both in rocks of Devonian age; vein galena from Grund in Upper Carboniferous country rocks is similar to some bedded Kupferschiefer mineralization in Permian rocks, as if the lead composition was formed at about the same time and from similar source material as the bedded deposits. Although heat has played a more significant role in the formation of some of these deposits (veins and Rammelsberg-Meggen) than in others (Kupferschiefer), there is no indication of radically different sources for the lead, all apparently coming from sedimentary source material containing Precambrian detritus. One feldspar lead sample from the Brocken-Oker Granite is not the same in isotopic composition as any of the ores analyzed.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey  相似文献   
A new major frontier of geological research, which was initiated in the 1970's, involves predicting future geologic trends or events through study of the present and past, rather than trying to understand the past, often using what one knows about the present. Like most scientific frontiers, this one began from practical considerations—environmental concerns. The lack of formal recognition of this frontier results from fragmentation among many Federal agencies and highly focused mission-oriented programs (e.g., earthquake prediction, CO2, nuclear-energy safety, etc.). Most programs aim to predict only the next 50–100 years, but much longer periods of the past need to be studied to do this. Nuclear-waste disposal has sometimes been considered in terms of the next million years, a period of time permitting significant and broad geologic changes. Decreasing public interest in environmental concerns relegates many questions from the realm of applied research back to that of basic research. Most of these questions are so fascinating, however, that the frontier is still worth pursuing. Such questions include whether a phenomenon will or will not take place and the rates at which it can develop (e.g., how fast do rifts form, how fast can a caldera event begin, and how quickly can a glacial maximum arrive?). Common elements of all studies include the historic record, trends in the Quaternary, analogues in various periods of the geologic time scale, and allowance for phenomena never experienced before. Other examples of studies include the Cretaceous as a period of a climatic extreme, an especially interesting time period; establishing the amount of paleocloudiness, a particularly challenging and important research area; acid rain as a possible new phenomenon. Geochemistry has much to contribute to this frontier science.  相似文献   
A lead isotope study of mineralization in the Saudi Arabian Shield   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New lead isotope data are presented for some late Precambrian and early Paleozoic vein and massive sulfide deposits in the Arabian Shield. Using the Stacey Kramers (1975) model for lead isotope evolution, isochron model ages range between 720 m.y. and 420 m.y. Most of the massive sulfide deposits in the region formed before 680 m.y. ago, during evolution of the shield. Vein type mineralization of higher lead content occurred during the Pan African event about 550 m.y. ago and continued through the Najd period of extensive faulting in the shield that ended about 530 m.y. ago. Late post-tectonic metamorphism may have been responsible for vein deposits that have model ages less than 500 m.y. Alternatively some of these younger model ages may be too low due to the mineralizing fluids acquiring radiogenic lead from appreciably older local crustal rocks at the time of ore formation.The low207Pb/204Pb ratios found for the deposits in the main part of the shield and for those in north-eastern Egypt, indicate that the Arabian craton was formed in an oceanic crustal environment during the late Precambrian. Involvement of older, upper-crustal material in the formation of the ore deposits in this part of the shield is precluded by their low207Pb/204Pb and208Pb/204Pb characteristics.In the eastern part of the shield, east of longitude 44°20E towards the Al Amar-Idsas fault region, lead data are quite different. They exhibit a linear207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb relationship together with distinctly higher208Pb/204Pb characteristics. These data imply the existence of lower crustal rocks of early Proterozoic age that apparently have underthrust the shield rocks from the east. If most of the samples we have analyzed from this easterly region were mineralized 530 m.y. ago, then the age of the older continental rocks is 2,100±300 m.y. (2).The presence of upper crustal rocks, possibly also of early Proterozoic age, is indicated by galena data from Hailan in South Yemen and also from near Muscat in Oman. These data are the first to indicate such old continental material in these regions.  相似文献   
Pesticides are used extensively in the finfish aquaculture industry to control sea lice infestations on farmed salmon. The most prevalent method of use is to enclose a net pen with an impervious tarpaulin and mix a pesticide solution within that enclosure. After treatment for short periods (1 h) the pesticide solution is released to the environment. Concerns have been raised that there is a potential risk to non-target aquatic organisms from those releases. The fate of dispersing pesticide solutions was measured after six simulated treatments in the Lower Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Three simulated treatments were done with azamethiphos and three with cypermethrin. Rhodamine dye was added to all pesticide solutions in order to facilitate tracking of the dispersing plume through real-time measurements of dye concentrations by a flow-through fluorometer coupled with a differential global positioning system (DGPS). Water samples were obtained from within the plumes at various times after release and analysed for pesticide content and toxicity to a benthic amphipod Eohaustorius estuaris. Dye concentrations were detectable for time periods after release which varied from 2 to 5.5 h. Distances travelled by the dye patches ranged from 900 to 3000 m and the dye concentrations at the final sampling period were generally 1/200-1/3000 the pre-release concentrations and cypermethrin concentrations were generally 1/1000-1/2000 the pre-release concentrations. Cypermethrin concentrations in water samples were closely correlated with dye concentrations, indicating that dye analyses were an accurate surrogate for cypermethrin concentrations. Most samples taken after the releases of azamethiphos were not toxic to test organisms in 48 h exposures and none were beyond 20 min post-release. By contrast, almost all samples taken after the release of cypermethrin, even up to 5-h post-release, were toxic. Data indicate the potential to cause toxic effects over areas of hectares from a single release of cypermethrin.  相似文献   
The isotopic compositions of Pb and Sr in Pleistocene basalt, high-silica rhyolite, and andesitic inclusions in rhyolite of the Coso volcanic field indicate that these rocks were derived from different levels of compositionally zoned magmatic systems. The 2 earliest rhyolites probably were tapped from short-lived silicic reservoirs, in contrast to the other 36 rhyolite domes and lava flows which the isotopic data suggest may have been leaked from the top of a single, long-lived magmatic system. Most Coso basalts show isotopic, geochemical, and mineralogic evidence of interaction with crustal rocks, but one analyzed flow has isotopic ratios that may represent mantle values (87Sr/86Sr=0.7036,206Pb/204Pb=19.05,207Pb/204Pb=15.62,208Pb/204Pb= 38.63). The (initial) isotopic composition of typical rhyolite (87Sr/86Sr=0.7053,206Pb/204Pb=19.29,207Pb/204Pb= 15.68,208Pb/204Pb=39.00) is representative of the middle or upper crust. Andesitic inclusions in the rhyolites are evidently samples of hybrid magmas from the silicic/mafic interface in vertically zoned magma reservoirs. Silicic end-member compositions inferred for these mixed magmas, however, are not those of erupted rhyolite but reflect the zonation within the silicic part of the magma reservoir. The compositional contrast at the interface between mafic and silicic parts of these systems apparently was greater for the earlier, smaller reservoirs.  相似文献   
Doe  Benjamin  Aboagye  Prince Dacosta 《GeoJournal》2022,87(1):295-317
GeoJournal - A key contributor to the growing levels of morbidity, mortality and poverty in slum settlements has been attributed to lack of basic sanitation services. To curb this menace, various...  相似文献   
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