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东胜煤田延安组含煤岩系砂岩型高岭土矿石属杂砂岩,基质含量高,矿物组成简单,石英和高岭石分别构成砂岩的碎屑和基质,其它组分含量低碎屑与粘土在粒度和物性上的差异,使两者易于分离。精选漂白的高岭土纯工高,细料组分个体户量和自然白度均较高,是一种优良高岭土。分选出的石英等尾砂SiO2含量大于90%,可综合利用。  相似文献   
东胜煤系高岭土矿床地质特征及开发利用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东胜煤系砂岩型高岭土矿床是特大型沉积矿床,矿床地质条件简单,开采条件优越,矿石分3种类型,以砂岩型为主体,原矿组成简单,质量优良,尾矿以石英为主,是一种质量优良的玻璃原普,可综合利用,该高岭土的开发可与煤炭同步进行,具有投资少,见效快的特征,开发前景广阔。  相似文献   
加强含煤岩系伴生矿产资源的综合研究─—煤田地质工作拓宽领域之一程守田,黄焱球(中国地质大学煤及沉积矿产教研室)1煤系伴生矿产的概念目前的实体煤田及煤盆地是经历了同沉积作用并遭受多期和多种后期改造的地质体,其含煤岩系充填物因构造变动、岩浆侵入、热液活动...  相似文献   
For the study on the ice-induced vibration of a compliant mono-cone structure,a series of model tests were performed from 2004 to 2006.In these tests,the ice sheet before the compliant conical structure was found to be failed in two-time breaking.Based on this important finding,model tests study of the ice force on a compliant multi-cone structure were performed from 2006 to 2007.in these tests,the ice sheet broke before each single cone non-simultaneously.The exciting energy of the total ice force was found to be in a wide range of frequencies,and the structure can be easily excited with nonlinear resonance.  相似文献   
SHI  Qing-zeng 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):561-568
The effect of the cone spacing of a conieal structure on the ice force is studied by model experiments. The ice force reduction coefficient presented in this paper expresses the relationship between the ice force and the arrangement of cones. The experiments prove that the mode of the ice failure before the boundary of upward-downward bending cone (UDBC) is crushing. A conclusion can also be drawn from the experiments that the ice force on the boundary of UDBC is by far less than that on a vertical pile with the same diameter. Moreover, the ice force frequencies on upright and inve-rted cones are obtained under the field condition of the platform JZ20-2, respectively. The results show that the alterna-tion of the ice force on UDBC can hardly induce resonance of platform JZ20-2.  相似文献   
To study ice-induced vibration of a compliant conical structure,a series of model tests were performed from 2004 to 2005.In the tests,the ice sheet before the compliant conical structure was found to fail in two-time breaking.From 2005 to 2006,this type of ice failure was studied through more groups of tests.The tests show that two-time breaking is the typical failure of ice before steep conical structures,and is controlled by other factors at the same time,such as ice speed and the angle of the cone.  相似文献   
2011年5月1日与2012年4月19日黔西南州出现了2次冰雹天气过程,2次冰雹天气分别是在西南热低压与滇黔静止锋的控制下所发生,但2种天气系统发生冰雹天气较为罕见,本文利用MICAPS 3.1常规资料、NCEP 1.0°×1.0°再分析资料、雷达资料等进行对比分析,揭示了特殊天气系统影响所发生发展冰雹天气的客观规律。  相似文献   
累托石制备润滑脂的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
累托石是一种具有独特的结构组成和性质的粘土矿物,其既具有象蒙脱石一样的阳离子交换性,吸水膨胀性,制浆性等,又具有象云母一样的耐高温性和光滑性等性能。经提纯和有机改性后的累托石吸油速度快,膨胀率高,是一种较好的稠化剂,用它制备的润滑脂滴点〉633.15K,远高于膨润土润滑脂的指标要求,研究表明,累托石是制备润肖脂稠化剂的好原料,累托石润滑脂是一种新型高温润滑脂。  相似文献   
田育丰  黄焱  史庆增 《海洋工程》2012,30(3):177-184
一级转换装置是一个波浪能发电装置中的关键技术,而如何提高能量转化效率,是一级转换过程研究的重点问题。为确定一级转换装置的能量转化效率与哪些因素有关,对摆式波浪能发电装置的摆板机构进行了模型试验研究,测试了摆板模型在多种波浪条件下的动力响应参数,确定了摆板的动力输出特性及其控制因素;测试了在极限波浪作用下,摆板模型装置的受力状况。通过试验,为摆式波浪能发电装置的设计提供了必要的参考依据。  相似文献   
通过精密单点定位的方法获取了区域CORS网各基准站的坐标时间序列,并利用最大似然估计法和频谱分析法对其32个基准站坐标时间序列的周期特征进行了分析,获取了各基准站年周期、半年周期的振幅和相位值,以及各基准站的周期功率谱图。结果表明:GNSS基准站坐标时间序列不仅存在线性变化,还存在周期性变化,其中以U方向表征最为明显,与双差定位获得的坐标时间序列周期特性分析结果一致,说明以精密单点定位获取的GNSS基准站坐标时间序列是可靠的,可以用来分析基准站的变化特征。  相似文献   
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