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新疆乌什6.2级地震的中期预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了利用地倾斜资料和中国地壳运动网络工程GPS复测资料对新疆地区震情进行跟踪研究的基本依据、方法和过程,对2005年2月15日发生的乌什Ms6.2地震给出了较好的年度预测意见。  相似文献   
利用跨断层形变资料研究云南地区主要断裂带应变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1982—2009年云南地区跨断层短基线观测资料,采用应变分析方法得到云南地区断裂带的应变特征,并探讨了云南地区断裂带应变变化与地震活动的关系。本次工作求解了断裂在各测点处的走滑速率。结果显示,楚雄-通海断裂带的应变量值高于剑川-丽江断裂带,云南地区主要断裂带对于本区域内的大地震的应变响应有一定的一致性。  相似文献   
中国大陆活动地块的运动与应变状态   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
从地壳运动与应变的角度给出了活动地块的定义,根据中国大陆及周边地区最近几年GPS观测得到的由1598个GPS站速度组成的统一速度场,估计了各个活动地块的运动与应变参数,分析了各个活动地块的运动与应变状态。中国大陆各地块存在一致的向东运动分量,但其南北分量是不一致的。西部地块存在一致的向北运动分量,东部地块存在一致的向南运动分量。在90°E以东,从喜马拉雅地块向NE方向,各地块的运动方向按顺时针方向旋转,各地块的运动速率是不相同的。从总体上看是西部大、东部小,南部大、北部小,西部大约是东部的3~4倍。各地块主压应变方向的空间分布是不相同的。在90°E以西各地块的主应变方向基本上为SN向,在青藏高原的东北部各地块的主压应变方向基本为NE向,在青藏高原东南部各地块的主压应变方向绕喜马拉雅构造东端顺时针方向旋转。各地块的主应变与剪应变率也是不同的,其中喜马拉雅、天山地块的主压和最大剪应变率最高,其次是拉萨、羌塘、滇西南、祁连与川滇地块。东部各地块的应变率较小。根据应变状态推测,喜马拉雅地块南北向的缩短速率为(15.2±1.5)mm/a,仍然是现今构造活动最强烈的地区,其次是天山地块,天山地块南北向的缩短速率为(10.1±0.9)mm/a。这两个地块目前仍处于隆升状态,从面应变看,面膨胀在中国大陆占优势,东部基本都是膨胀区,在西部面压缩与面膨胀从南向北相间分布。中国大陆的大多数东西向或近东西向断裂两侧的相对运动都是左旋或类似左旋走滑型的,大多数南北向断裂两侧的相对运动都是右旋或类似右旋走滑型的。GPS测定的阿尔金断裂中部的左旋走滑速为(4.8±1.3)mm/a,鲜水河断裂的左旋走滑速为(9.8±2.2)mm/a。地块边界断裂带的运动为地块运动创造了条件,地块及其边界的运动是协调一致的统一的,各个地块的活动程度是不相同的,统计检验结果表明,大多数地块之间的相对运动是显著的与非常显著的,这证明活动地块是客观存在的,喜马拉雅、拉萨、天山、羌塘和滇西南是活动最强烈的地块,中蒙、中朝西、阿拉善和华南是较稳定的地块,印度、太平洋、菲律宾板块与欧亚板块的互相作用力是中国大陆地块运动的主要驱动力。青藏高原地壳物质在印度板块NNE向的强烈推挤下,向NNE和NE方向运动,由于受到北部、东北部和东部地块的阻挡,经高原的东南部向印度洋方向运移,  相似文献   
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太平洋板块俯冲对中国大陆的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在中国大陆及周边地区ITRF2000速度场的基础上,建立欧亚板块整体旋转与线性应变运动模型,得到中国大陆及邻区的局部形变场,分析此形变场发现东北块体和华北块体东部地壳存在一致的向西或北西西向运动,平均运动速率东北为2.9 mm/a,华北东部为1.4 mm/a,推测这是太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲的影响。其影响范围仅限于东北和华北块体,影响较大的是120°E以东和40°N以北地区。并分析太平洋板块俯冲对中国大陆影响的表现形式和形成机制。  相似文献   
对华北地区定点台站形变观测资料,采用傅立叶去年周期和线性拟合的方法进行处理.结果表明,华北地区现阶段的变化未形成主体异常时段,反映出断层未进入强烈活动阶段;首都圈地区跨断层资料异常数量不多,没有形成同步异常,异常变化幅值也不是很大,中短临地震异常不明显.  相似文献   
Movement and strain conditions of active blocks in the Chinese mainland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The definition of active block is given from the angles of crustal deformation and strain. The movement and strain parameters of active blocks are estimated according to the unified velocity field composed of the velocities at 1598 GPS stations obtained from GPS measurements carried out in the past years in the Chinese mainland and the surrounding areas. The movement and strain conditions of the blocks are analyzed. The active blocks in the Chinese mainland have a consistent E-trending movement component, but its N and S components are not consistent. The blocks in the western part have a consistent N-trending movement and the blocks in the eastern part have a consistent S-trending movement. In the area to the east of 90°E, that is the area from Himalayas block towards NE, the movement direction of the blocks rotates clockwisely and the movement rates of the blocks are different. Generally, the movement rate is large in the west and south and small in the east and north with a difference of 3 to 4 times between the rates in the west and east. The distributions of principal compressive strain directions of the blocks are also different. The principal strain of the blocks located to the west of 90oE is basically in the SN direction, the principal compressive strain of the blocks in the northeastern part of Qingzang plateau is roughly in the NE direction and the direction of principal compressive strain of the blocks in the southeastern part of Qingzang plateau rounds clockwisely the east end of Himalayas structure. In addition, the principal strain and shear strain rates of the blocks are also different. The Himalayas and Tianshan blocks have the largest principal compressive strain and the maximum shear strain rate. Then, Lhasa, Qiangtang, Southwest Yunnan (SW Yunnan), Qilian and Sichuan-Yunan (Chuan-Dian) blocks followed. The strain rate of the blocks in the eastern part is smaller. The estimation based on the stain condition indicates that Himalayas block is still the area with the most intensive tectonic activity and it shortens in the NS direction at the rate of 15.2±1.5 mm/a. Tianshan block ranks the second and it shortens in the NS direction at the rate of 10.1±0.9 mm/a. At present, the two blocks are still uprising. It can be seen from superficial strain that the Chinese mainland is predominated by superficial expansion. Almost the total area in the eastern part of the Chinese mainland is expanded, while in the western part, the superficial compression and expansion are alternatively distributed from the south to the north. In the Chinese mainland, most EW-trending or proximate EW-trending faults have the left-lateral or left-lateral strike-slip relative movements along both sides, and most NS-trending faults have the right-lateral or right-lateral strike-slip relative movements along both sides. According to the data from GPS measurements the left-lateral strike-slip rate is 4.8±1.3 mm/a in the central part of Altun fault and 9.8±2.2 mm/a on Xianshuihe fault. The movement of the fault along the block boundary has provided the condition for block movement, so the movements of the block and its boundary are consistent, but the movement levels of the blocks are different. The statistic results indicate that the relative movement between most blocks is quite significant, which proves that active blocks exist. Himalayas, Tianshan, Qiangtang and SW Yunnan blocks have the most intensive movement; China-Mongolia, China-Korea (China-Korea), Alxa and South China blocks are rather stable. The mutual action of India, Pacific and Philippine Sea plates versus Eurasia plate is the principal driving force to the block movement in the Chinese mainland. Under the NNE-trending intensive press from India plate, the crustal matter of Qingzang plateau moves to the NNE and NE directions, then is hindered by the blocks located in the northern, northeastern and eastern parts. The crustal matter moves towards the Indian Ocean by the southeastern part of the plateau.  相似文献   
昆仑山口西MS=8.1级地震的形变应变场研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据昆仑山口西8.1级地震前后GPS测点的位移速率,用弹性模型公式计算了地壳应变参数.应变参量的变化表明,震前在地震区附近以压应变为主,应变速率较大.位移速率矢量显示出震前的震中地区相对周围为活动性较弱的“稳定”地区.地壳的形变和应变揭示出孕震体在挤压状态下积累了较高的应变势能.8.1级地震的同时期由于地壳释放了巨大的应变能而应变速率变化显著.计算结果表明,地震所产生的应变达到4.5×10-6以上.发震断裂带的平均左旋走滑量是3.31m(89°E~96°E).  相似文献   
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1996年包头6.4级地震的地壳应变特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
根据GPS观测资料求出的水平地应变和由跨断层垂直形变计算出的速率强度累积率,研究了包头-大同地区1992~1995年、1995~1996年和1996~1999年的各时期的应变特征,并对包头6.4级(1996年5月3)地震前后的地应变进行对比,认为以压应变为主导的高值区可能是未来强震孕育的地区.面应变、主压应变、剪应变和趋势累积率同时较高的地区,强震危险性较大.一般低应变区和张应变为主导的地区,孕育强震的可能性小,属于比较稳定的地区.1992~1999年包头-大同地区的GPS水平应变的演变,反映了1996~1998年地震幕的孕育发展及结束的全过程.以压应变为主的高应变区和应变梯度带可作为未来强震危险区的判定标志之一.  相似文献   
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