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东海大陆架浮游硅藻的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋浮游硅藻是东海中的主要浮游植物。它不但同海洋生物的富饶丰盛休戚相关,而且不同生态性质的浮游硅藻的分布,也是说明海洋水文特性的一项因素,有些种还可以作为海流指标种。本文记载了东海大陆架浮游硅藻的分布。  相似文献   
From the continental shelf of the East China Sea, we have collected and recorded 157 taxa of planktonic diatoms, of which 57 are tropical species, 20 temperate species, 73 widely distributed species and 7 remain to be further investigated for their habitats. Chaetoceros peruvianus f. robusta, Chaet. setoenis, Rhizosolenia alata f. curvirostris and Triceratium campeachlanum are four species recorded for the first time in China.The diatoms flora in the present region is mainly warm-water in nature and is very much similar to that in the South China Sea but differs greatly from that in the Huanghai Sea. Gossle-riella tropica (30°00′ - 32°00′ N, 127°20′ - 128°30′E) and other warm-water floras are present in the waters due to the effect of the Tsushima Warm Current.  相似文献   
辛亥革命推翻了中国两千年的封建帝制,建立了中华民国,开辟了中国历史的新阶段。在辛亥革命百年纪念的今天,我们以十分崇敬的心情.缅怀为民族民主革命作出贡献的革命先贤,缅怀为革命事业勇敢奋斗的测绘军人们。他们锲而不舍、坚忍不拔的革命意志,勇敢战斗、不怕牺牲的崇高精神.热爱祖国、追求进步的高尚情操,值得测绘人永远地追思缅怀、学习继承与发扬光大。  相似文献   
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