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Quantifying preferential flow in soils: A review of different techniques 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
Preferential flow (PF) in soil has both environmental and human health implications since it favours contaminant transport to groundwater without interaction with the chemically and biologically reactive upper layer of soil. PF is, however, difficult to measure and quantify. This paper reviews laboratory and field techniques, such as breakthrough curves, dye tracing, and scanning techniques, for evaluating PF in soil at different scales. Advanced technologies, such as scanning techniques, have increased our capability to quantify transport processes within the soil with minimal soil disturbance. Important issues with respect to quantifying PF concern large-scale studies, frozen soil conditions, tracing techniques for particles and gases, a lack of simple mathematical tools for interpreting field data, and the lack of a systematic approach for comparing PF data resulting from different measurement techniques. Also, more research is required to quantify the relative importance of the various PF processes that occur in soil rather than the integrated result of all PF processes in soils. 相似文献
Divergence and flow direction as indicators of subsurface heterogeneity and stage‐dependent storage in alluvial floodplains

D. M. Heeren G. A. Fox A. K. Fox D. E. Storm R. B. Miller A. R. Mittelstet 《水文研究》2014,28(3):1307-1317
Assuming homogeneity in alluvial aquifers is convenient, but limits our ability to accurately predict stream‐aquifer interactions. Research is needed on (i) identifying the presence of focused, as opposed to diffuse, groundwater discharge/recharge to streams and (ii) the magnitude and role of large‐scale bank and transient storage in alluvial floodplains relative to changes in stream stage. The objective of this research was to document and quantify the effect of stage‐dependent aquifer heterogeneity and bank storage relative to changes in stream stage using groundwater flow divergence and direction. Monitoring was performed in alluvial floodplains adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping, observation wells were installed in high and low electrical resistivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were recorded real time using pressure transducers (August to October 2009). Divergence was used to quantify heterogeneity (i.e. variation in hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and/or aquifer thickness), and flow direction was used to assess the potential for large‐scale (100 m) bank or transient storage. Areas of localized heterogeneity appeared to act as divergence zones allowing stream water to quickly enter the groundwater system, or as flow convergence zones draining a large groundwater area. Maximum divergence or convergence occurred with maximum rates of change in flow rates or stream stage. Flow directions in the groundwater changed considerably between base and high flows, suggesting that the floodplains acted as large‐scale bank storage zones, rapidly storing and releasing water during passage of a storm hydrograph. During storm events at both sites, the average groundwater direction changed by at least 90° from the average groundwater direction during baseflow. Aquifer heterogeneity in floodplains yields hyporheic flows that are more responsive and spatially and temporally complex than would be expected compared to more common assumptions of homogeneity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
碳酸盐岩油藏流动单元研究方法探讨 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
流动单元研究对于提高油田采收率具有很大的实际意义,该项研究在砂岩油藏研究中已取得较大进展.对于缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏由于成因、岩性和岩石结构构造、成岩后生作用、构造断裂作用、溶蚀作用等多因素对储集空间的影响,使已有的流动单元概念及研究技术方法难于应用.针对缝洞型碳酸盐岩地质特征,论证了碳酸盐岩储层渗流屏障的存在及其类型.提出区别于砂岩油藏的缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层流动单元的概念.说明各类动态资料对油藏储层流动单元研究较为重要.提出了研究思路和方法,包括:油藏压力趋势分析法、井间生产干扰分析法、流体性质差异分析法、井间干扰试井法.并结合塔河油田实际资料。进行了初步分析. 相似文献
城市土地密度分布在很大程度上决定城市形态,研究城市土地密度分布的时空变化是理解城市动态增长过程的基础。通过比较中国、美国、欧洲50个典型城市的实证案例,揭示了城市土地密度由中心向外递减分布的反S规律及其普遍性,建立了采用反S函数分析城市圈层结构和增长模式的定量方法。①采用反S函数拟合样本城市土地密度分布具有很高的拟合优度,并具有普遍性。②通过反S函数定量分析中国、美国和欧洲地区城市土地密度分布,可以比较城市形态和城市扩张模式:中国城市空间形态最为紧凑,但在过去20年,城市紧凑度降低,呈现蔓延趋势;美国城市具有蔓延形态,在过去20年,城市紧凑度增加。③反S函数也可以用于分析城市扩张在方向、廊道上的异质性特征。④反S规律亦适用于描述商业网点密度、人口密度、容积率、道路密度等其他城市要素,并区分其集聚程度和特征。 相似文献
地震前兆时空非均匀性指标Cv值的实验检验 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
在双向加载条件下,对两种构造和介质不同的岩石标本进行变形实验,测量了标本表面不同部位的应变.在此基础上,利用王晓青和陈学忠等提出的描述地震前兆非均匀分布的参量————Cv值,分析了标本变形失稳过程中应变异常的分布,以期从实验角度检验Cv值方法并探讨其物理意义.研究表明,Cv值的变化与岩石变形特征的变化有关,是描述前兆分布非均匀性的一种有效指标;Cv值在失稳发生前先异常上升,然后下降,并在Cv值恢复过程中或恢复后伴随着失稳事件的发生.因此,Cv值是一种有效的预报指标. 相似文献
考虑空间相关尺度特征的细观力学模型及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
天然岩石材料内部存在各种缺陷,在微、细观尺度表现出高度的非均质特性。基于连续介质力学框架,采用非线性标量损伤本构关系描述岩石材料的变形与破坏行为,建立了岩石细观损伤本构模型,并在常规Weibull随机分布模型基础上,引入空间相关尺度因子以模拟实际岩石材料各项物理力学指标具有的空间相关特征。选取典型岩石单轴拉伸试验算例,分析随机场内空间相关尺度因子的变化对试样荷载-加口张开度关系曲线以及破坏行为的影响。结果表明,考虑岩石材料各项物理力学指标的空间相关尺度特征对评价其力学指标的离散性以及破坏形态特征有着较显著的影响。 相似文献
Adopting Born and ray approximations, time-domain synthetic seismograms for P-P and P-S scattering from a plane wave incident on a thin, laterally heterogeneous layer are presented in this paper. The time-domain P coda is a convolution between a structure function and the second-order derivative of the time function of the incident P wave. Examples of synthetic seismograms are given using a time function from a computed short-period seismogram for a point explosive source in a half-space. These show that it is impossible, with realistic values of the parameters involved, to generate significant codas when only single scattering is involved. 相似文献
The effects of scene heterogeneity on soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The τ–ω model of microwave emission from soil and vegetation layers is widely used to estimate soil moisture content from passive microwave observations. Its application to prospective satellite-based observations aggregating several thousand square kilometres requires understanding of the effects of scene heterogeneity. The effects of heterogeneity in soil surface roughness, soil moisture, water area and vegetation density on the retrieval of soil moisture from simulated single- and multi-angle observing systems were tested. Uncertainty in water area proved the most serious problem for both systems, causing errors of a few percent in soil moisture retrieval. Single-angle retrieval was largely unaffected by the other factors studied here. Multiple-angle retrievals errors around one percent arose from heterogeneity in either soil roughness or soil moisture. Errors of a few percent were caused by vegetation heterogeneity. A simple extension of the model vegetation representation was shown to reduce this error substantially for scenes containing a range of vegetation types. 相似文献
Interactions between surface and groundwater are a key component of the hydrologic budget on the watershed scale. Models that honor these interactions are commonly based on the conductance concept that presumes a distinct interface at the land surface, separating the surface from the subsurface domain. These types of models link the subsurface and surface domains via an exchange flux that depends upon the magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient across the interface and a proportionality constant (a measure of the hydraulic connectivity). Because experimental evidence of such a distinct interface is often lacking in field systems, there is a need for a more general coupled modeling approach. 相似文献