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Abstract Eclogites are distributed for more than 500 km along a major tectonic boundary between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons in central and eastern China. These eclogites usually have high-P assemblages including omphacite + kyanite and/or coesite (or its pseudomorph), and form a high-P eclogite terrane. They occur as isolated lenses or blocks 10 cm to 300 m long in gneisses (Type I), serpentinized garnet peridotites (Type II) and marbles (Type III). Type I eclogites were formed by prograde metamorphism, and their primary metamorphic mineral assemblage consists mainly of garnet [pyrope (Prp) = 15–40 mol%], omphacite [jadeite (Jd) = 34–64 mol%], pargasitic amphibole, kyanite, phengitic muscovite, zoisite, an SiO2 phase, apatite, rutile and zircon. Type II eclogites characteristically contain no SiO2 phase, and are divided into prograde eclogites and mantle-derived eclogites. The prograde eclogites of Type II are petrographically similar to Type I eclogites. The mantle-derived eclogites have high MgO/(FeO + Fe2O3) and Cr2O3 compositions in bulk rock and minerals, and consist mainly of pyrope-rich garnet (Prp = 48–60 mol%), sodic augite (Jd = 10–27 mol%) and rutile. Type III eclogites have an unusual mineral assemblage of grossular-rich (Grs = 57 mol%) garnet + omphacite (Jd = 30–34 mol%) + pargasite + rutile. Pargasitic and taramitic amphiboles, calcic plagioclase (An68), epidote, zoisite, K-feldspar and paragonite occur as inclusions in garnet and omphacite in the prograde eclogites. This suggests that the prograde eclogites were formed by recrystallization of epidote amphibolite and/or amphibolite facies rocks with near-isothermal compression reflecting crustal thickening during continent–continent collision of late Proterozoic age. Equilibrium conditions of the prograde eclogites range from P > 26 kbar and T= 500–750°C in the western part to P > 28 kbar and T= 810–880°C in the eastern part of the high-P eclogite terrane. The prograde eclogites in the eastern part are considered to have been derived from a deeper position than those in the western part. Subsequent reactions, manifested by (1) narrow rims of sodic plagioclase or paragonite on kyanite and (2) symplectites between omphacite and quartz are interpreted as an effect of near-isothermal decompression during the retrograde stage. The conditions at which symplectites re-equilibrated tend to increase from west (P < 10 kbar and T < 580°C) to east (P > 9 kbar and T > 680°C). Equilibrium temperatures of Type II mantle-derived eclogites and Type III eclogite are 730–750°C and 680°C, respectively.  相似文献   
LabVIEW设计中压力传感器的RBF神经网络温度补偿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在石油平台注水压力监测系统设计中 ,采用LabVIEW虚拟仪器平台 ,嵌入逼近能力强和收敛速度快的RBF神经网络 ,以人工环境实验数据为样本进行训练 ,实现了压力传感器的智能网络温度补偿。结果显示 ,此方法能够在压力、温度变化较大的恶劣环境下 ,获得很高的补偿精度。  相似文献   
应用LASGREMM模式 ,对淇、卫河流域“96·8”致洪暴雨过程进行了模拟预报分析。结果表明 ,LAS GREM模式不仅能较准确地预报淇、卫河流域暴雨落区 ,而且可以进一步分析天气过程的特点及演变情况  相似文献   
几种空气质量预报方法的预报效果对比分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
朱玉强 《气象》2004,30(10):30-32
目前应用于我国各个城市空气质量预报业务的预报方法主要有三种 :数值模式预报、统计预报和综合经验预报。这几种预报方法都有其各自的优势 ,同时也存在一些不足。应用以上方法对天津市市区进行空气质量业务预报 ,通过实测资料与预报结果进行对比分析 ,给出这几种方法在天津市区空气质量预报中的预报效果客观评价。  相似文献   
西天山艾肯达坂组火山岩系同位素定年及其构造意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
西天山艾肯达坂地区较好发育了艾肯达坂纽红色陆相火山岩建造.它不整合在下石炭统大哈拉军山组之上,未经变形和变质,属于陆陆碰撞晚期的橄榄安粗岩系,其年龄确定是厘定从碰撞造山向陆内构造演化的关键。因此,通过16件新获得的钾氩年龄测值,确定艾肯达坂组火山岩系形成在260Ma~270Ma之间,属早二叠世,而不是过去认为的石炭纪;西天山的陆陆碰撞应在二叠纪末结束,此后进入陆内造山阶段。  相似文献   
Delayed Geochemical Hazard (DGH briefly) presents the whole process of a kind of serious ecological and environmental hazard caused by sudden reactivation and sharp release of long-term accumulated pollutant from stable species to active ones in soil or sediment system due to the change of physical-chemical conditions (such as temperature, pH, Eh, moisture, the concentrations of organic matters, etc.) or the decrease of environment capacity. The characteristics of DGH are discussed. The process of a typical DGH can be expressed as a nonlinear polynomial. The points where the derivative functions of the first and second orders of the polynomial reach zero, minimum and maximum are keys for risk assessment and harzard pridication.The process and mechanism of the hazard is due to the transform of pollutant among different species principally. The concepts of "total releasable content of pollutant", TRCP, and "total concentration of active specie", TCAS, are necessarily defined to describe the mechanism of DGH. The possibility of the temporal and spatial propagation is discussed. Case study shows that there exists a transform mechanism of "gradual release" and "chain reaction" among the species of the exchangeable and the bounds to carbonate, iron and manganese oxides and organic matter, thus causing the delayed geochemical hazard.  相似文献   
We consider numerical solutions of the Darcy and Buckley–Leverett equations for flow in porous media. These solutions depend on a realization of a random field that describes the reservoir permeability. The main content of this paper is to formulate and analyze a probability model for the numerical coarse grid solution error. We explore the extent to which the coarse grid oil production rate is sufficient to predict future oil production rates. We find that very early oil production data is sufficient to reduce the prediction error in oil production by about 30%, relative to the prior probability prediction.  相似文献   
应用不可压缩非牛顿粘性流体的本构关系,对造山带同挤压期下地壳流变及其与上地壳构造伸展的动力学关系进行了二维有限元数值模拟. 结果表明,在板块侧向挤压下,当造山带山根下陷和地表隆起达一定程度后,地壳不同层圈岩石将发生复杂的粘性流变. 流变的运动学方式和分布范围不仅与时间有关、同时还受地壳厚度转变带形态的制约. 在构造挤压和山体荷载达到弹性平衡状态后,地壳流变首先发生在造山带下地壳山根,但经一定的Maxwell时间后,流变将不断局限于造山带前缘的厚度转变带. 这一流变方式的变化是导致造山带浅部地壳动力学转变的主要原因. 它造成造山带内上地壳最小主应力从近水平挤压不断转化为近水平拉张,由此使造山带前陆发生挤压冲断的同时,山体的核部发生上地壳的拉张伸展. 最后,应用这一结果讨论了青藏高原南缘南北向地壳伸展的动力学性质.  相似文献   
川西北地区是国内重要的岩金普查靶区。本文对松潘地区的地质特征,泛克立格法原理,及在本区的应用情况作了介绍,对主要计算步骤,给出基本结果,对计算获得的有意义异常区,进行地质解释,并将此方法与趋势面分析进行对比。  相似文献   
面向未来的海面变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期以来以地质时期海面变化过程等理论性研究为主要方向的海面变化研究经过70年代在观念、方法和资料积累方面的突破,自80年代初期以来进入了以“面向未来”为基调的成熟发展的新阶段,出现了一大批关于未来海面变化幅度及其影响和对策的研究成果,形成了较为完整的研究体系。90年代初以来的几年间,世界海面研究的活跃领域是地质历史时期(例如LGM,5e等阶段)的海面实况、极地冰原对气候变化的反应、海面控制原理、海面模型以及绝对海面的航天测量技术与应用等方面。这一情况在一定程度上体现了“预测热”之后的“冷思考”。中国海面变化研究近年来取得了令世人瞩目的迅速发展,今后应注意引进先进技术方法,加强学科间的交叉合作,发掘自身的优势,向纵深发展  相似文献   
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