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吕红红  向荣 《海洋学报》2016,38(2):93-103
现代活体浮游有孔虫的生态研究是其古环境重建应用的重要基础。根据黄、东海陆架2011年秋季采集的20个垂直浮游拖网样品,分析了该海域浮游有孔虫的秋季生态分布特征。结果表明,黄海秋季基本上没有浮游有孔虫的出现。东海共发现13种活体浮游有孔虫,主要优势属种依次为Globigerinoides sacculifer、Pulleniatina obliquiloculata、Globigerina bulloides、Neogloboquadrina dutertrei和Globigerinoides ruber。浮游有孔虫丰度整体上呈现东南高,西北低的分布格局,这种分布格局反映了浮游有孔虫在黄、东海陆架区的分布主要受外海水影响强弱控制。浮游有孔虫主要属种在东海陆架呈现明显的区域分布差异:暖水种G. sacculifer是秋季陆架海区的主要优势种,其分布格局与总丰度基本一致,相对含量从南至北、从东至西逐渐降低,主要受区域表层海水温度变化的控制。G. bulloides与G. sacculifer呈相反的含量分布变化,其高含量主要出现在东海中陆架,从北往南逐渐降低,此外,在闽浙沿岸也有较高含量,表明了温度和生产力是影响G. bulloides在黄、东海陆架分布的主要因素。秋季P. obliquiloculata和N. dutertrei的高含量主要出现在东海南部中陆架区和济州岛西南黄海暖流影响区,可能受暖水与生产力的共同制约。  相似文献   
Lake Baikal is facing several environmental stressors, including climate change and nearshore eutrophication. To assess recent ecological changes in Lake Baikal and provide a baseline for future comparisons, we sampled spring plankton communities from the pelagic zone of the lake in 2016 and compared these data with unpublished and published historical information going back to 1990. In 2016, one pelagic long-term monitoring station was sampled in early spring (March) during ice cover and 21 long-term monitoring stations located throughout the lake were sampled in late spring (May-June). We measured water chemistry parameters at most stations and the abundance, taxonomic composition and biomass of bacteria, ciliates and phytoplankton at several locations in different areas of the lake. Biotic parameters from 2016 were compared with historical data, showing significant changes in the spring pelagic microbial community since the 1990s. We show increased quantities of small species, mixotrophic ciliates, and the appearance (or increasing number) of small coloured and colourless flagellates. We also show substantially decreased densities of formerly dominant heavily silicified diatoms such as Aulacoseira spp. Since 2007, Synedra acus subsp. radians, a smaller and weakly silicified diatom, has dominated the spring plankton of the lake. These results suggest that Lake Baikal’s pelagic plankton community may be changing, with climate likely playing a dominant role in these changes.  相似文献   
为了探究光背团水虱的食性特征,本研究利用碳、氮稳定同位素技术于2015年冬季和2016年夏季对广西北海廉州湾红树林中光背团水虱及其食物来源的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ13C值和δ15N值)进行分析。结果显示,冬季和夏季光背团水虱的δ13C值大小范围为-22.85‰~-21.87‰,平均值为(-22.46±0.35)‰;δ15N值大小范围为11.02‰~12.85‰,平均值为(11.88±0.56)‰;光背团水虱的δ13C值、δ15N值变化范围较小,表明其食物来源较为简单。单因素方差分析结果显示,冬季与夏季光背团水虱的平均δ13C值差异不显著(P>0.05),而夏季的δ15N值普遍高于冬季δ15N值,差异显著(P<0.05);不同生长阶段的光背团水虱δ13C值、δ15N值会随着体长的增长而增大,差异显著(P<0.05),表明光背团水虱在生长的过程中可能发生了食性转变。光背团水虱的δ13C值与浮游生物的δ13C值相近,而与红树植物δ13C值差距较远,说明光背团水虱主要以浮游生物为食物来源。基于R语言稳定同位素混合模型(SIAR)计算结果显示,冬季和夏季各粒径级别浮游生物对不同生长阶段的光背团水虱的贡献率趋势基本一致,表现为1.2~25 μm粒级的浮游生物对光背团水虱平均贡献率最高,其次为25~50 μm粒级,粒径大于100 μm的浮游生物对体长小于5.5 mm的光背团水虱贡献率较低,对体长大于5.5 mm的光背团水虱的贡献率随着体长增大而相应增大,说明不同生长阶段的光背团水虱食性有差异。对光背团水虱食性分析的结果可为深入研究团水虱爆发的原因及危害红树林的作用机理提供基础资料。  相似文献   
Microplankton communities of three coastal sites of Qingdao, Shandong Province, China were investigated using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) molecular markers and morphological observations. Eight RAPD-primers were selected to amplify the DNA polymorphy. The genetic distances inferred from the pairwise similari-ties were calculated for the phylogenetic tree construction. Meantime, the traditional microscopic determination, a way of visualizing the species composition, was performed to detect the major taxa of microplanktons from all samples. Results showed that: (1) the band sharing index values were in the range of 0. 504 2-0. 763 2 among samples from the same sampling site at different time scales, while 0.406 5-0.685 7 among the samples from different stations at the same time scales, indicating that spatial variations of microplankton communities were more pronounced than temporal ones; (2) samples from the same station basically clustered together, cor-responding to the geographic distribution of the sampling sites; (3) diversity derived from genetic and morpho-logical data did not correspond with each other well.  相似文献   
为了解山东半岛南北两侧的烟台崆峒岛(KTD)海域和日照东港(DG)海域真核浮游生物群落特征,采用高通量测序技术,以18S rDNA V4区为目标基因,对2017年10月至2018年7月两海域的真核浮游生物多样性进行了检测;同期测定两海域的环境因子(溶解氧、氨氮含量等10个理化指标),并与真核浮游生物丰富度做相关性分析。实验结果表明:通过高通量测序技术共鉴定出浮游生物455种,其中,KTD海域共检测出真核浮游生物36个门类424种;DG海域共检测出真核浮游生物34个门类365种。绿藻门(Chlorophyta)、硅藻门(Diatomea)是两海域浮游植物中整体丰度最高的门类。KTD海域,绿藻门各月丰度在3.0%—21.3%之间,其中2018年7月(K1807)最高,达到了21.3%;硅藻门各月丰度在2.0%—16.59%之间,其中2018年2月(K1802)最高,达到了16.59%。DG海域,绿藻门各月丰度在2.0%—12.3%之间,其中2017年11月份(D1711)最高,达到了12.3%;硅藻门各月丰度在2.0%—47.0%之间,其中1月(D1801)最高,达到了47.0%。占优势地位的浮游动物主要是节肢动物门类的物种,其每月丰度分别在6.0%—38.9%和7.6%—48.6%之间。环境因子相关性分析表明水温、DO、pH、硅酸盐、硝酸盐氮等环境因子为影响该海域浮游生物群落结构的主要因子。研究结果对了解双壳经济贝类养殖区饵料组成及其在时空的变化,对海岸带食物网、生态基础管理和海洋经济贝类养殖生产等方面提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
The Harry Creek Deformed Zone, a retrograde schist zone of epidote amphibolite facies grade, which separates the granulite facies Utralanama Block from the amphibolite facies Ankala Block in the southeastern Strangways Range, N.T., is typical of the retrograde schist zones transecting the Arunta Block. Associated with the deformed zone is a small deformed granitic pluton and its various offshoots—the Gumtree Granite Suite—which provides structural and geochrono‐logical evidence that the Harry Creek Deformed Zone has had a polyphase deforma‐tional history. Early movements within the deformed zone pre‐dated intrusion of the Gumtree Granite Suite and resulted in the movement of the Utralanama and Ankala Blocks into their present juxtaposition. Reactivation of much of the zone during the Alice Springs Orogeny brought about the schistose character of the zone and the deformation of the granitic rocks. Further minor reactivation of the zone, subsequent to the main phase of the Alice Springs Orogeny, resulted in limited development of pseudotachylytes.

The age of the granite (990 ± 13 m.y.) gives a minimum age for initiation of the zone, and evidence for the nature of the structures associated with the early movements is presented. It is suggested that the Harry Creek Deformed Zone represents a post‐orogenic wrench fault which has been reactivated. Early movements, which were of a brittle transcurrent nature, brought about major uplift (up to 10 km) to the north, and lateral movements may have been of the order of 60 km in a sinistral sense. Comparison with the Redbank Zone indicates many similarities, suggestive of a similar history.  相似文献   
分析了1995年10月黄骅港一期工程疏浚物倾倒预选区浮游生物调查样品和资料.结果表明,调查区的浮游植物是以圆筛藻(Coscinodiscusspp.)等为优势种的近岸广温生态群,浮游动物是以强壮箭虫(Sagittacrassa)等为优势种的近岸低盐生态群,且浮游生物的种类和数量都很丰富.文中还对疏浚施工提出了加强对疏浚船只倾倒到位率监督,根据海洋生物繁殖季节调整疏浚活动等措施,以最大限度地减小因疏浚施工对生态环境造成的危害.  相似文献   
Larvae of estuarine organisms continually face possible export from the parent estuary. Retention of larvae of the estuarine crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii was investigated in the upper Newport River estuary, North Carolina. All of the developmental stages occurred in the same area of the estuary with similar horizontal distributions, and the concentrations of intermediate and late stages were not greatly reduced from those of the first larval stage. This was strong evidence for the continuous retention of larvae in the upper estuary.To determine mechanisms by which retention might be effected, field studies of the vertical distributions and migrations of these larvae were made. The four zoeal stages had similar but complex vertical migration patterns, which varied from study to study. These migrations centered on the depth of no net flow, reducing longitudinal transport during development. Cross-spectral analysis of the larval migrations and the environmental cycles of light, salinity and current speed revealed that each of these external cycles affected larval depth. Megalopae of R. harrisii also migrated vertically, but they were present in much lower concentrations than the zoeal stages, an indication of a change to benthic existence in this final larval form.  相似文献   
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