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A field work has been carried out to identify the occurrence of oil and oil products pollution in mangrove sediment from Red Sea of Yemen. The concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons is from 700ng/g at Kamaran Island station to 400 ng/g at Al-Hodiedah station, and the total organic carbon (TOC) in samples ranges from 0. 07% at Dhubab station to 0. 03% at Kamaran Island station. This pollution is as a result of localized oil pollution and/or heavy ship traffic in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   
邻苯二甲酸二甲酯及其异构体的好氧微生物降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
3种苯二甲酸二甲酯异构体(邻、间和对苯二甲酸二甲酯)主要应用于化学工业,作为增塑剂和生产聚酯的原料。用邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为惟一碳源,从红树林底泥中驯化、富集、培养、分离得到的微生物对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(Dimethylphthalate,DMP)及其异构体对苯二甲酸二甲酯(Terephthalate,DMT)和间苯二甲酸二甲酯(Isophthalate,DMI)具有较强的降解作用。此菌株16SrDNA分子生物学的鉴定为Rhodococcusruber1k。实验得出该菌能够在苯二甲酸二甲酯作为惟一碳源和能源的培养基中生长。浓度为50mg·L-1的DMP、DMI和DMT分别在6、10、11d内可以完全被降解;DMP能够在好氧条件下被该菌快速降解,生成邻苯二甲酸一甲酯(monomethylphthalate,MMP)和邻苯二甲酸(phthalicacid,PA)2种主要中间产物,最终可以完全矿化成CO2和H2O;该菌对DMI和DMT的降解速度则比DMP慢。两者的降解中间产物间苯二甲酸一甲酯(MMI)和对苯二甲酸一甲酯(MMT)却不能被Rhodococcusruber1k继续降解而在培养基中积累。结果表明苯二甲酸二甲基酯的3种异构体能够被红树林底泥中的土著微生物降解。降解速度及降解途径与底物的化学结构有密切关系。  相似文献   
The typically anaerobic nature of mangrove sediments provides significant challenges to the mangrove trees and biota inhabiting them. The burrowing activities and flow of water through the numerous and complex animal burrows perforating the sediments of mangroves have a major influence on the biogeochemistry of the sediments and are important to the enhancement of nutrient and oxygen exchange. Two new methods are presented for monitoring the tidal flushing of Sesarma messa and Alpheus cf macklay burrows in a Rhizophora stylosa mangrove forest – by measuring oxygen content of burrow water and by determining the change in fluorescence of a dye tracer through tidal inundation. A case study using the first of these showed oxygen consumption rates at the burrow wall deep within the burrow were found to be between 210 and 460 μmol O2 m−2 h−1. The influx of oxygen during a flood tide was found to be significant and indicated that approximately 40% of the burrow water is flushed during a single tidal event. However, the high consumption rate of oxygen within the burrow resulted in the oxygen concentration remaining at or below one-third of the oxygen content of the flooding tidal water. A test application of the second method, using rhodamine dye as a tracer, indicated that the exchange of water between the burrow and the flooding tide was found to be in the order of 30% of the burrow volume. These new techniques provide a means to further study the nutrient exchange within these burrow systems and verify the initial findings that several tidal inundations are necessary to completely flush the burrows.  相似文献   
Within a wave-exposed mangrove forest, novel field observations are presented, comparing millimeter-scale turbulent water velocity fluctuations with contemporaneous subtidal bed elevation changes. High-resolution velocity and bed level measurements were collected from the unvegetated mudflat, at the mangrove forest fringe, and within the forest interior over multiple tidal cycles (flood–ebb) during a 2-week period. Measurements demonstrated that the spatial variability in vegetation density is a control on sediment transport at sub-meter scales. Scour around single and dense clusters of pneumatophores was predicted by a standard hydraulic engineering equation for wave-induced scour around regular cylinders, when the cylinder diameter in the equations was replaced with the representative diameter of the dense pneumatophore clusters. Waves were dissipated as they propagated into the forest, but dissipation at infragravity periods (> 30 s) was observed to be less than dissipation at shorter periods (< 30 s), consistent with the predictions of a simple model. Cross-wavelet analysis revealed that infragravity-frequency fluctuations in the bed level were occasionally coherent with velocity, possibly indicating scour upstream of dense pneumatophore patches when infragravity waves reinforced tidal currents. Consequently, infragravity waves were a likely driver of sediment transport within the mangrove forest. Near-bed turbulent kinetic energy, estimated from the turbulent dissipation rate, was also correlated with bed level changes. Specifically, within the mangrove forest and over the unvegetated mudflat, high-energy events were associated with erosion or near-zero bed level change, whereas low-energy events were associated with accretion. In contrast, no single relationship between bed level changes and mean current velocity was applicable across both vegetated and unvegetated regions. These observations support the theory that sediment mobilization scales with turbulent energy, rather than mean velocity, a distinction that becomes important when vegetation controls the development of turbulence.  相似文献   
Salinity is a vital factor that regulates leaf photosynthesis and growth of mangroves, and it frequently undergoes large seasonal and daily fluctuations creating a range of environments – oligohaline to hyperhaline. Here, we examined the hypotheses that mangroves benefit opportunistically from low salinity resulting from daily fluctuations and as such, mangroves under daily fluctuating salinity (FS) grow better than those under constant salinity (CS) conditions. We compared growth, salt accumulation, gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence of leaves of mangrove Bruguiera gymnorhiza seedlings growing in freshwater (FW), CS (15 practical salinity units, PSU), and daily FS (0–30 PSU, average of 4.8 PSU) conditions. The traits of FS-treated leaves were measured in seedlings under 15 PSU. FS-treated seedlings had greater leaf biomass than those in other treatment groups. Moreover, leaf photosynthetic rate, capacity to regulate photoelectron uptake/transfer, and leaf succulence were significantly higher in FS than in CS treatment. However, leaf water-use efficiency showed the opposite trend. In addition to higher concentrations of Na+ and Cl, FS-treated leaves accumulated more Ca2+ and K+. We concluded that daily FS can enhance water absorption, photosynthesis, and growth of leaves, as well as alter plant biomass allocation patterns, thereby positively affecting B. gymnorhiza. Mangroves that experience daily FS may increase their adaptability by reducing salt build-up and water deficits when their roots are temporally subjected to low salinity or FW and by absorbing sufficient amounts of Na+ and Cl for osmotic adjustment when their roots are subsequently exposed to saline water.  相似文献   
雷州半岛湛江组红树孢粉组合的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王开发  张玉兰 《海洋学报》1998,20(4):141-144
雷州半岛的第四纪沉积,为早更新世的湛江组、中更新世的北海组、晚更新世的湖光岩组,该区以湛江组沉积厚度最大且典型.  相似文献   
红树林沉积物来源链霉菌HA6菌株发酵条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖静  洪专 《台湾海峡》2011,30(4):589-593
HA6菌株是分离自红树林沉积物中具有强抗菌活性的链霉菌.为提高其抗菌活性物质的产量,通过单因子试验及正交试验法对其包括发酵培养基的组成、接种量、通气量和发酵时间等发酵条件进行优化.研究表明其最佳摇瓶发酵培养基配方为:麦芽提取物质量为2.00g、可溶性淀粉质量为3.00g、豆饼粉质量为2.00g、(NH4):SO。质量为1.00g、NaCl质量为3.00g、CaC03质量为0.50g、蒸馏水体积为100cm^3;最优发酵条件为:500em。摇瓶装液体积为150em。,接种量为8%,培养温度为28℃,初始pH为7.5,转速为200r/rain,培养时间为5d.  相似文献   
Mangrove-derived dissolved organic matter(DOM) has an important effect on estuarine and coastal area on a large scale.In order to improve the understanding of origin,composition,and fate of DOM in mangrove-fringed estuarine and coastal areas,dissolved humic substances(DHS) were isolated from one mangrove pore-water sample and one near-shore seawater sample downstream the mangrove pore-water site in the eastern coast of Hainan Island,South China.Fulvic acids,humic acids and XAD-4 fractions were obtained from the two water samples by using a two-column array of XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins.Chemical and spectroscopic methods were used to analyze the features of these DHS.Compared to the mangrove pore-water DHS,the near-shore seawater DHS were found rich in 13 C with lower C/N ratios and more aliphatic compounds and carbohydrates,but less aromatic structures and carboxyl groups.As for the three fractions of the two DHS,XAD-4 fractions contain more aliphatics,carbohydrates,carboxyl groups,and enrich in 13 C with respect to both fulvic and humic acids.Photo-oxidation transformation and contribution from marine-derived DOM were considered as the main reasons resulted in the difference in compositional features for these DHS in this study.  相似文献   
余辰星  杨岗  陆舟  李东  周放 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(3):513-521
为了解迁徙季节水鸟在不同滨海湿地中的结构组成和行为特征,于2010年3月、4月、9月、11月和2011年3月,在山口自然保护区及其周边地区对不同滨海湿地类型的水鸟展开调查。结果显示:迁徙季节天然湿地共记录到水鸟6目8科39种,人工湿地有6目9科50种。天然湿地比人工湿地的物种数少,整体数量上,春季人工湿地大于天然湿地,秋季则为天然湿地水鸟数量更多。鹬鸻类在不同滨海湿地类型中觅食行为比例差异显著,在天然湿地中觅食比例达到76.67%,而在人工湿地中则以休息和睡眠等非觅食行为为主。天然湿地是鹬鸻类的重要觅食地,而人工湿地则是鹭类和鹬鸻类的主要休息地。鹭类在两种滨海湿地类型中觅食个体的数量不随潮汐的涨落而相应增减。鹬鸻类随潮汐高度上升,在两种滨海湿地类型中觅食的个体数量减少。山口地区的滨海人工湿地是水鸟在高潮期间天然湿地良好的替代栖息地。  相似文献   
选取湛江市霞山区观海长廊红树林湿地为研究区域,运用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定红树林表层土壤及红树植物根、枝、叶中重金属(铜Cu、锌Zn、铅Pb、镉Cd、铬Cr、镍Ni、砷As)的质量分数;运用Hakanson潜在生态风险指数评估红树林土壤的重金属污染风险水平,结合相关性分析和聚类分析探讨重金属的影响因素...  相似文献   
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