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The 2001 Bhuj earthquake (Mw 7.6) source zone is examined in the light of crack density (ε), saturation rate (ξ) and porosity parameter (ψ) using new data set derived from a large aftershock sequence recorded by the Gujarat seismic network (GSNet) during November, 2006–December, 2009. Processes of rupture initiations of the mainshock and its aftershock sequence are better understood by synthesizing the dynamic snapshots of the source zone using the new dataset. Pattern of crustal heterogeneities associated with high-ε, high-ξ and high-ψ anomalies at depths varying from 20 km to 25 km is similar to those of earlier study by Mishra and Zhao (2003). The anomalous zone is found extended distinctly by 50–60 km in the lateral direction, indicating the reinforcement of cracks and fractured volume of rock matrix due to long aftershock sequence since 2001 Bhuj earthquake in the source area. It is inferred that the presence of a fluid-filled fractured rock matrix with super saturation may have affected the structural and seismogenic strengths of the source zone and is still contributing significantly to the geneses of earthquakes in and around the source zone. Anomalous pattern of high-ε with wider distribution of high-ξ indicates the existence of micro-cracks in the lower crust, while high-ψ suggests the cementation of cracks through permeation of residual magma/metamorphic fluids into the hypocenter zone. The results suggest that the existence of residual fluids in the fractured rock matrix in the mid to lower crust might have played a key role in triggering the 2001 mainshock and is still responsible for its continued long aftershock sequences. 相似文献
This research was conducted on the non-disturbed native alpine Kobresia meadow(YF) and the severely degraded meadow(SDL) of Dari County of Qinghai Province.By a density fractionation approach,each soil sample was divided into two fractions:light fraction(LF) and heavy fraction(HF).The obtained fractions were analyzed for organic carbon(OC) and nitrogen(N) concentrations.The results showed:(1) the OC concentration in HF and LF was 3.84% and 28.63% respectively while the nitrogen concentration in HF and LF wa... 相似文献
Two meteor events which were sighted in the Gujarat skies of India, were accompained by the visibility of sporadicE ionization on the ionograms recorded at Ahmedabad (Geog. Lat. 23·2°N, long. 72·30°E). The first event was the Dhajala fireball
which flashed into the geoatmosphere along an E-N to W-S trail at about 20·40 h IST on 28 January 1976; the closest distance
of the ground projection of meteor trail from Ahmedabad was 50km. The other event was a possible meteor group sighted over
Ahmedabad on 28 May 1978, at about 21·10 h IST. This work describes the nature of the sporadicE ionization observed on Ahmedabad ionograms during the two events. Features of theEs echo during the Dhajala event which indicate that it could be of meteoric origin are discussed. Meteor theory is used to
relate the observed ionization with the physical dimensions of the Dhajala meteorite as obtained by other workers. 相似文献
从上海城市建筑密度看城市用地效率与生态环境 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
建筑密度是城市规划的定额指标之一,也间接反映出城市用地效率,同时又和城市生态环境的保护密不可分。从上海地区的建筑密度现状分析,了解建筑密度同城市用地效率和生态环境保护之间是密切相关的,在借鉴国外城市用地规划方面,上海应加强政策调控与科学规划,最后提出了一些建议。 相似文献
磁化率和密度对中国大陆科学钻探主孔100~2000 m岩石类型的判别 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
为查明磁化率和密度对于中国大陆科学钻探工程(CCSD)主孔100~2000m岩性的响应和判别特征,利用SPSS10.0统计分析软件进行了判别分析.研究结果显示,岩石的密度和体积磁化率主要受岩性的控制.采用迫入法建立全模型,对CCSD主孔100~2000m井段岩心的岩性判别率达84.8%.其中,蛇纹石化橄榄岩、正片麻岩、副片麻岩、榴辉岩、角闪岩和退变质榴辉岩的判别率分别为100%、87.1%、89.7%、89.6%、96.7%和63.7%.该研究表明,密度和磁化率可以为超高压变质岩石的岩性鉴别和区分提供定量约束,有利于地球物理探测成果和测井资料的准确解析.同时,本文也是SPSS统计分析软件在超高压变质岩石类型判别方面的一个应用实例,对于其他岩石类型的判别分析具有借鉴意义. 相似文献
The urban environment has been dramatically changed by artificial constructions. How the modified urban geometry affects the urban climate and therefore human thermal comfort has become a primary concern for urban planners. The present study takes a simulation approach to analyze the influence of urban geometry on the urban climate and maps this climatic understanding from a quantitative perspective. A geographical building database is used to characterize two widely discussed aspects: urban heat island effect (UHI) and wind dynamics. The parameters of the sky view factor (SVF) and the frontal area density (FAD) are simulated using ArcGIS-embedded computer programs to link urban geometry with the UHI and wind dynamic conditions. The simulated results are synergized and classified to evaluate different urban climatic conditions based on thermal comfort consideration. A climatic map is then generated implementing the classification. The climatic map shows reasonable agreement with thermal comfort understanding, as indicated by the biometeorological index of the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) obtained in an earlier study. The proposed climate mapping approach can provide both quantitative and visual evaluation of the urban environment for urban planners with climatic concerns. The map could be used as a decision support tool in planning and policy-making processes. An urban area in Hong Kong is used as a case study. 相似文献
渤海夏季环流和渤海海峡水体输运的数值诊断研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
建立了一个基于POM的涵盖渤、黄、东海的海洋环流诊断模式来研究渤海夏季环流。分别进行了风海流、密度流和总环流的模拟。从模拟结果得出:渤海海峡夏季与北黄海的水交换总的来说表现为北进南出特征,但与冬季相比,其流量较小(约5×103m3s 1)且不能深入渤海。辽东湾基本上受气旋式环流控制,黄河口外至渤海湾受反气旋式环流控制。数值实验表明,渤海夏季主要属密度流性质。在渤海海峡的北岸存在一支明显的上升流,而且北部的海水垂向运动比南部要强许多。在渤海中部的纬向断面上,东部的海水垂直交换要比西部活跃得多;渤海海水的垂向运动亦主要是密度流导致的。 相似文献
In this paper, the definition of latitudinal density and density flattening of the level ellipsoid is given, and integral
formulas of latitudinal density for pole gravity and equator gravity are derived. According to the pole gravity condition
and equator gravity condition for the level ellipsoid, latitudinal density distribution function of the level ellipsoid is
obtained. It is proved mathematically that latitudinal density of the earth’s equator is larger than that of the pole, the
earth’s density flattening calculated preliminarily is 1/322, and hypothesis of the earth’s latitudinal normal density is
further proposed, so that theoretical preparation for studying the forming cause of the earth gravity in problems such as
continent drift, mantle convection, and submarine extension is made well. 相似文献
金华市街道灰尘磁化率与交通因素的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对浙江省金华市街道灰尘磁化率测试,从主干道与非主干道磁化率的对比、十字路口与非十字路口磁化率的比较以及磁化率与路网密度相关分析三个方面,定量研究金华市街道灰尘磁化率及其与交通因素的关系。结果表明:灰尘样品磁化率(χlf)变幅为127.57×10-8~853.91×10-8 m3 · kg-1,平均值为322.55×10-8 m3 · kg-1,高于本地土壤磁化率;频率磁化率变幅为0.67%~3.99%,平均值为1.61%;磁化率与频率磁化率呈负相关关系;主干道灰尘的磁化率大于非主干道,十字路口灰尘磁化率大于非十字路口;灰尘磁化率和路网密度呈正相关,金华市街道灰尘磁化率可以指示交通污染的分布状况。 相似文献