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Astronomy Reports - The observed characteristics of the spectral and photometric variability of SS 433 are discussed based on the data for 2018–2021 and compared with earlier results. The...  相似文献   
The Ph.D. Thesis summarized in this abstract was accepted on 20 March 2009 at the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and awarded with the highest qualification. This work was advised by Drs. Agustín Sánchez-Lavega and Ricardo Hueso.  相似文献   
Authigenic iron and titanium oxides occur in three main textural varieties in the St. Bees Sandstone, a Triassic red bed succession in Cumbria. These are: (a) overgrowths of haematite, titaniferous haematite, anatase, and rutile which generally occur on detrital host grains of similar compositions. The overgrowths may occur as syntaxial rim cements or rhombohedral and prismatic projections and are always in optical continuity, (b) discrete crystals of anatase (including octahedrite) and haematite 10-40 μm in size occur in pore spaces, and (c) fine grained ( < 1 μm) pigmentary haematite occurs as grain coatings around detrital grains and in the interstitial matrix. The euhedral nature and pore-filling habit clearly indicate the authigenic origin of these iron- and titanium oxides. All three textural varieties are believed to have been precipitated from ground waters containing dissolved ferrous and titanium ions. These ions were derived from the intrastratal solution of detrital iron and titanium bearing grains including ferromagnesian silicates and iron-titanium oxides. The precipitation of iron oxides from migrating ground waters in the manner described here goes some way to explaining how thick, uniformly red successions can be formed.  相似文献   
Ordovician sediments at Tagoat and Rosslare Harbour are re-described and their relationship to the underlying Rosslare Series discussed. A brief outline of their petrology is given, but it is shown that the fauna is in need of revision before reliable correlations can be made. Similar rocks are recorded near Tomhaggard; amongst these, spotted mudstones imply Ordovician or later intrusions. Undeformec dykes intrusive into the Rosslare Series are believed to be representatives of this phase.  相似文献   
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