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南秦岭十里坪锑矿床成矿时代及成因的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
十里坪锑矿床受赵川陆缘隆_滑构造的主滑脱拆离带的控制。矿体呈脉状赋存于韧_脆性主滑脱带上部的脆性次级断层_节理中,矿石类型主要为萤石石英辉锑矿型。围岩为太古宙_元古宙变质岩系,围岩蚀变弱。成矿流体属H2O_CO2_NaCl体系,流体包裹体盐度w(NaCleq)为3.6%~11.3%,均一温度为109~232℃,形成压力大致为800×105Pa。硫、铅同位素研究表明,矿质主要来源于变火山岩围岩;氢、氧同位素显示,成矿流体以大气降水为主,初步将该矿床定为变质岩源就地式大气降水热液矿床。矿石中萤石Sm_Nd等时线年龄为(392±24)Ma,与南秦岭北部晚古生代拗陷区热水喷流_沉积成矿时代相一致,它们都形成于秦岭微板块泥盆纪非造山裂解阶段。  相似文献   
田苗壮 《地质论评》2024,70(1):2024010006-2024010006
2014年南水进京后,持续开展地下水回补对于遏制和减缓地面沉降发展起到重要作用,但地下水回升由此带来的不同区域、不同层位的地面沉降与回弹机制及其控制因素尚不明确。深入探讨和研究回补时间、回补量、回补地点与水位及地表形变之间的关系,了解地表形变发生机理和识别主控因素,为后续如何科学回补,发挥最大化水资源回补效益、对地面沉降防治和超采区治理具有极其重要意义。本文以潮白河冲洪积扇中上部区域为例,采用永久散射体差分干涉测量(PS InSAR)技术获取研究区地面沉降形变信息,并结合区域分层地下水位动态变化、分层沉降变化等多手段进行耦合,查明研究区地表形变与多因素之间的响应与控制因素。结果表明:南水持续回补导致区域地面沉降减缓,并在牛栏山地区出现地表抬升,抬升范围也随着水位上升逐渐向中下游扩展,2022年最大回弹速率达46.9 mm/a;地表形变具有明显的受断裂所控制的第四系沉积差异特性,以黄庄—高丽营断裂、顺义断裂和南口—孙河断裂所分割的后沙峪凹陷范围内变化明显大于其他地区;地下水位变幅与富水性差异决定水位上升范围与响应变化,而沉积构造作用所造成第四系沉积差异在地下水流向上具有一定控制作用。结果为地面沉降防控和机理研究提供理论和科学依据,同时也为后续开展地下水科学回补和方案优化提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   
An integrated explanation is proposed for the Late Cenozoic crustal deformation in Yunnan, SW China, using sedimentary and geomorphological evidence from the Yangtze and Red River systems. The observed fluvial incision indicates up to ~ 15 km of crustal thickening, associated with ~ 3 km of uplift, apparently triggered at ~ 8 Ma by monsoon-induced erosion drawing mobile lower crust from beneath Tibet to the northwest. The mobile lower-crustal layer beneath Yunnan was initially very thin, but a positive feedback loop developed, whereby each incremental influx of lower-crust widened and heated this layer, facilitating the next increment. At ~ 5 Ma, the shear tractions exerted on the brittle upper-crust by this flowing lower crust became sufficient to reactivate pre-existing lines of weakness, dragging blocks of the brittle layer southward and creating the region′s modern active fault systems. This region thus provides a dramatic example of crustal deformation induced by Late Cenozoic climate change, notwithstanding its location adjoining the India–Eurasia plate boundary.  相似文献   
湘桂黔滇藏红色岩溶风化壳发育模式   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
基于对湘,桂、黔,滇,藏等地岩溶区红色风化壳的野外和室内研究,从表生地貌学,粘土矿物学和地球化学角度分析红色石灰土性质与地貌演化的关系,提出红色岩溶风化壳发育的二阶段模式;1)地貌夷平-风化物质积累阶段,在地貌演化过程中溶蚀残余物质不断积累,最后在夷平面上形成厚层连续的泥质风化壳,夷平面的地貌水文条件有利于粘粒的形成和保存,但限制了富铝化作用的有效进行,造就了岩溶风化壳粘粒含量高,富铝化程度低的特点,这与研究区23个红色岩溶风化壳剖面化学,粒度特征和粘土矿物组合特点一致。2)地貌切割-风化壳淋溶阶段,原始夷平面上的风化壳大多呈灰色,只有在构造隆升和地表微切割导致地下水位降低,淋溶条件开始改善的情况下,风化壳才有可能枞根本上转为红色。  相似文献   
结合流动GPS观测速度场及层析成像结果,构建跨龙门山断裂剖面的二维有限元分层模型,分两种情况讨论汶川地震前龙门山前缘地壳垂直隆升的物理机制,以及中、下地壳软物质垂向和横向的不均匀性对地壳隆升作用的影响。分析认为:川西高原相对四川盆地的差异抬升和龙门山以西地壳缩短的共同作用是汶川地震震前龙门山前缘地壳垂直隆升的可能原因。  相似文献   
Protected area management in Norway is undergoing institutional changes with the implementation of management models aimed at increased public participation. At the same time tourism enterprises are increasing in number within the protected areas. Greater levels of interaction with stakeholders place new demands on lead institutions in terms of communication, transparency, involvement, and power sharing. A governance perspective was used to examine some facets of the interaction between a local council managing a national park in Norway and tourism companies using the park for their operations. The main objective was to assess how the tourism sector perceives the cooperation and interface with the management institution. Semi-structured interviews were used, together with a framework of United Nations Development Programme principles of good governance: legitimacy and voice, direction, performance, accountability, and fairness. The results showed rather negative evaluations by the tourism sector, and operators expressed views, implying that the current management model fails to achieve most of the principles of good governance. Although based on a one-sided view by one group of stakeholders, the study suggests that lack of access to important processes and decisions, perceived bias towards traditional conservation, neglect of cultural heritage, and undue restrictions on access could have serious implications for developing an effective management model.  相似文献   
Differential uplift between Beihuaiyang and Dabie orogenic belt   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Isotope dating, hornblende geobarometer, fission-track analysis and fluid inclusion homogeneous temperature analysis have been applied to Caledonian, Variscan and Yenshan plutons in Bei Huaiyang (BHY) and Dabie orogenic belt (DOB), and the emplaced depths and ages of these plutons have been obtained in order to obtain differential uplift time and uplift heights between BHY and DOB since late Paleozoic era. BHY had experienced three stages of uplift (C1-C2, T-J2, J3-K1) and its total uplift height is about 10 km, but, DOB had only experienced two stages of uplift (T-J2, J3-K1) and its maximum uplift height is more than 15 km. BHY uplift occurred mainly before the mid-Jurassic (about 150 Ma), but DOB uplift took place after the mid-Jurassic (about 150 Ma).  相似文献   
微烃渗漏遥感探测的机理主要是建立在烃类微渗漏异常地球化学表征和形成的基础上。本文主要依据Schum acher(1996)和Saunders等(1999)提出的烃类微渗漏异常地球化学原理和模型,以鄂尔多斯盆地伊盟隆起东部为研究区,以多光谱遥感和航空放射性遥感为探测手段,分别利用氧化铁指数(TM3/TM1)、亚铁指数(TM5/TM4)和黏土化指数(TM5/TM7)来识别Fe3 氧化物、Fe2 氧化物和有机质、黏土化和碳酸盐化的相对富集区,同时用矿物组合图像来增强显示上述信息。综合亚铁指数(TM5/TM4)分割图像、矿物组合图像、航放铀、钍、钾信息及钍归一化铀指数等信息,提取了研究区微烃渗漏地段。研究表明,研究区存在两条Fe2 氧化物和有机质相对富集区带。一条为与库布齐沙漠走向近于一致的北部近东西向带,它与石油部门发现和描述的油气渗漏区域基本一致。另一条为泊海子—准召—新庙不连续的北西向带,它的北界与泊海子—准召断裂展布基本一致。在垂直中部北西向微烃渗漏带的剖面上,清晰显示亚铁指数(Fe2 )、航放测量铀(U)、钍归一化铀(Ud)为正异常;氧化铁指数(Fe3 )、航放测量总道值(Tc)和钾(K)、钍归一化(Kd)为负异常的特点。研究认为地表还原带是由油气微渗漏形成的,推测受断裂、裂隙带控制的、主要由油气微渗漏形成的还原带对东胜铀矿带形成聚集起了重要作用。  相似文献   
松辽平原区荒漠化形成与发展的地质基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用卫星数据,结合实地地质调查、光释光(Optically Stimulated Luminecence, OSL)测年及孢粉数据,从地层、新构造和沉积环境等角度阐述了松辽平原晚更新世晚期湖积环境的形成与变化,提出了松辽平原晚更新世晚期湖积环境或湖积物质是区内荒漠化形成与发展的地质基础。  相似文献   
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