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钩状褶皱又称无根钩状褶皱,是区域变质岩中广泛发育的特有构造形态之一,与面状构造置换密切相关。对它的研究,有助于恢复大型褶皱形态和变质岩原岩产状。本文初步探讨了四川汶川─理县志留系茂县群中广泛发育的无根钩状褶皱的形态、产状、成因和与大型褶皱构造的关系。  相似文献   
The west Kunlun fold-thrust belt (WKFTB) and the Altun fold-thrust belt (AFTB) are respectively located in the southern margin of the Tarim basin, NW China. The analyses of typical structures and regional dynamics of the fold-thrust belts reveal their different structural and petroleum features and mechanisms. WKFTB differs from AFTB by abundant fault-related folds and triangles zones, and was formed by northward extrusion of the west Kunlun orogen. AFTB was affected synchronously by northward extrusion of the Altun orogen and the sinistral strike-slipping of the Altun Fault, so it is characterized by the minor scale and the monotonous structural styles. The Aqike anticline and the Aqike fault, of which the strikes are orthogonal to the strike of the fold-thrust belts, are regarded as the adjustive structures between both of the fold-thrust belts. The oil-gas pools of WKFTB develop mainly in the faulted-related anticline traps, but the oil-gas pools of AFTB develop mainly in the low fault-block and anticlines traps related with the paleo-uplifts. There are different exploration countermeasures for both of the fold-thrust belts.  相似文献   
The superimposed basin must have undergone the changes of regional stress field. Study on the nature and switch of regional stress field of superimposed basin is very useful to understanding its stress state and tectonic events during its formation and evolution. As sensitive markers of small stress changes, joint and shear fracture, characterized by consistency of orientation over wide area, can be used to reconstruct paleostress state and its evolution. Detailed observations and analysis on the orientations, geometrical patterns, sequences of joints and shear fractures and their chronological relation to faults and folds show that, the NEE-SWW systematic joints and NNW-SSE systematic joints developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are much more prominent than NW-SE systematic joints and shear fractures with different orientations. And the NWW-SEE and NW-SE systematic joints formed later than NEE-SWW systematic joints but earlier than shear fractures with different orientations. According to the relationships between joint and shear fractures and stress, the NEE-SWW systematic joints are inferred to result from lateral weak extension caused by the late Cretaceous regional uplift, while the NNW-SSE and NW-SE systematic joints are interpreted as syn-tectonic deformation relating to strong N-S compression in the Neogene. But some conjugate shear fractures occur probably due to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the Kuqa depression. At the beginning of the Neogene, the stress field changed and the maximal principal stress σ1 switched from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   
This article presents the settlement of drilled shafts resulting from their structural deformations. Although drilled shafts are widely used as foundations for settlement-sensitive structures such as bridges and high-rise buildings, the structural deformations of drilled shafts are not typically taken into account in the design process. However, if unexpected structural deformations of drilled shafts cause additional settlement to the foundation, the serviceability of the superstructure can be jeopardized. Unfortunately, very few research efforts have been made to quantify the structural deformation of drilled shafts; this needs to be addressed to accurately predict the settlement of drilled shafts. In this study, we investigate the effect of structural deformation on displacement of axially loaded drilled shafts. Finite element analyses were performed to quantify the structural deformation of drilled shafts. The analysis results indicated that the structural deformation of drilled shafts could be quite significant for long drilled shafts. The main factors that affected the structural deformation of drilled shafts were found to be pile length, the material properties of drilled shafts, and the relative humidity of surrounding soil. An approximate equation is proposed to estimate the long-term deformation of drilled shafts.  相似文献   
To study the impact of the fractures on development in the ultra-low permeability sandstone reservoir of the Yangchang Formation of the Upper Triassic in the Ordos Basin,data on outcrops,cores,slices,well logging and experiments are utilized to analyze the cause of the formation of the fractures,their distribution rules and the control factors and discuss the seepage flow effect of the fractures. In the studied area developed chiefly high-angle tectonic fractures and horizontal bedding fractures,inter-granular fractures and grain boundary fractures as well. Grain boundary fractures and intragranular fractures serve as vital channels linking intragranular pores and intergranular solution pores in the reservoir matrix,thus providing a good connectivity between the pores in the ultra-low perme-ability sandstone reservoir. The formation of fractures and their distribution are influenced by such external and internal factors as the palaeo-tectonic stress field,the reservoir lithological character,the thickness of the rock layer and the anisotropy of a layer. The present-day stress field influences the preservative state of fractures and their seepage flow effect. Under the tec-tonic effect of both the Yanshan and Himalayan periods,in this region four sets of fractures are distributed,respectively assuming the NE-SW,NW-SE,nearly E-W and nearly S-N orientations,but,due to the effect of the rock anisotropy of the rock formation,in some part of it two groups of nearly orthogonal fractures are chiefly distributed. Under the effect of the present-day stress field,the fractures that assume the NE-SW direction have a good connectivity,big apertures,a high permeability and a minimum starting pressure,all of which are main advantages of the seepage fractures in this region. With the development of oilfields,the permeability of the fractures of dif-ferent directions will have a dynamic change.  相似文献   
In experimental studies of structural behaviour, it is often desirable, even necessary, to perform tests on a test structure from its undamaged state, through its damaged states, and finally to failure. The fact that experiments of this type are not often done primarily because of its prohibitive cost. In this paper, a testing procedure is proposed in which a test structure is allowed to undergo its degradation in real time yet it is not physically damaged, thus allowing it to be reused. The underlying concept is that of active structural control. Considerable research and development of active structural control in civil engineering has taken place relative to responsive control of structures against damaging environmental loads. While the use of active control systems to simulate damage in an experimental setting as proposed in this paper appears to be new, much of the existing knowledge base in active structural control is directly applicable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
断裂带土中氡浓度影响因素分析及特征曲线应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤中的氡气(Rn)是研究断裂的一个有效手段,通过氡浓度变化曲线可以大致确定断裂带的位置、范围和产状等。一般而言,断裂带上方呈现Rn峰值异常,远离断裂带逐渐衰减至正常水平。土壤中氡浓度变化取决于断裂的规模、倾角、岩性、破碎带宽度、充填物透气性、覆盖层、地下水、稀释效应和放射性平衡等因素。  相似文献   
Accurate prediction of the dynamic responses of a high-rise building subjected to dynamic loads such as earthquake and wind excitations requires the information of its structural dynamic properties such as modal parameters including natural frequencies and damping ratios. This paper presents the identification results of the modal parameters based on field vibration tests on a 600-m high skyscraper. A set of tests, including ambient vibration test (AVT) and free vibration test (FVT), were conducted on the skyscraper to identify its modal parameters. Firstly, this paper presents and discusses the modal parameters of the skyscraper assessed by several identification methods applied to the AVT measurements. These methods include the wavelet transform (WT) method, the stochastic subspace identification (SSI) method, and the random decrement technique (RDT). Secondly, an active mass damper (AMD) system with total mass 1000 tons equipped into the skyscraper was used to excite the building for estimation of the modal parameters by FVT. Thirdly, this paper presents observations on the structural dynamic behavior of the skyscraper with the operation of the AMD system during a typhoon event. The field measurement results show that the AMD system functioned efficiently for suppression of the wind-induced vibrations of the skyscraper during the typhoon. This paper aims to further understand the structural dynamic properties of super-tall buildings and provide useful information for structural design and vibration control of future skyscrapers.  相似文献   
Theeffectsoftorsionalgroundmotiononthincylindricshellstructures王君杰Jun-JieWANG(InstituteofEngineeringMechanics,StateSeismologi...  相似文献   
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