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Zhang Qing Wang Li-fan Hu Jing-yao P. A. Mazzali Wang Zhen-ru 《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》1995,19(4):426-431
We present the modeling of the ultraviolet and optical spectra obtained simultaneously on 1993 April 15 with the HST and at Lick Observatory. A Monte Carlo code is employed in the modeling and a comparison is made between models reported by different groups. With an atmosphere similar to the Sun in chemical composition, the observed spectral lines are well reproduced by a power law density structure of index around 20 except the strong H and HeI λ5876 lines which have peculiar absorption profiles. The photospheric velocity is found to be 9500 km/s and the blackbody temperature of the spectrum is 7990 K. For H and HeI λ5876, we suggest a two-component density structure which has a smoother layer located immediately outside the steeply decreasing inner envelope. The power law indices are most probably 20 and 3, respectively, with the transition point at about 13 000 km/s. In addition, this outer smooth layer serves to flatten the far UV spectrum as observed. 相似文献
The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Fe-oxyhydroxide samples from one dredge station (long. 103°54.48'W, lat. 12°42.30'N, water depth 2655 m) on the East Pacific Rise near lat 13°N were analyzed by XRD, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS. Most Fe-oxyhydroxides are amorphous, with a few sphalerite microlites. In comparison with Fe-oxyhydroxides from other fields, the variable ranges in the chemical composition of Fe-oxyhydroxide samples are very narrow; their Fe, Si, and Mn contents were 39.90%, 8.92%, and 1.59%, respectively; they have high Cu (0.88%―1.85%) and Co (65×10?6―704×10?6) contents, and contain Co Cu Zn Ni> 1.01%. The trace-element (As, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ba, Sr) and major-element (Fe, Ca, Al, Mg) contents of these samples are in the range of hydrothermal sulfide from the East Pacific Rise near 13°N, reflecting that this type of Fe-oxyhydroxide constitutes a secondary oxidation product of hydrothermal sulfide. The Fe-oxyhydroxide samples from one dredge station on the East Pacific Rise near 13°N are lower in ΣREE (5.44×10?6―17.01×10?6), with a distinct negative Ce anomaly (0.12 ― 0.28). The Fe-oxyhydroxide samples have similar chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element (REE) patterns to that of seawater, and they are very different from the REE composition characteristics of hydrothermal plume particles and hydrothermal fluids, showing that the REEs of Fe-oxyhydroxide are a major constituent of seawater and that the Fe-oxyhydroxides can become a sink of REE from seawater. The quick settling of hydrothermal plume particles resulted in the lower REE content and higher Mn content of these Fe-oxyhydroxides, which are captured in part of the V and P from seawater by adsorption. The Fe-oxyhydroxides from one dredge station on the East Pacific Rise near 13°N were formed by secondary oxidation in a low temperature, oxygenated environment. In comparison with the elemental (Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Co, Cu) average content of hydrothermal sulfide samples from the East Pacific Rise near 13°N, the Zn, Cd, and Pb contents of the Fe-oxyhydroxides are lower, and their Fe, Co, and Cu contents are higher. 相似文献
精确同位素地质测年结果表明,沂水岩群形成时代为2 760~2 700Ma,泰山岩群雁翎关岩组、柳杭岩组下亚组和孟家屯岩组形成时代为2 750~2 700Ma,均属新太古代早期;泰山岩群柳杭岩组上亚组、山草峪岩组形成时代为2 600~2 540Ma(被峄山岩套石英闪长岩和傲徕山岩套二长花岗岩侵入),济宁岩群岩浆锆石年龄(2 561±24)Ma,均属新太古代晚期。荆山群和粉子山群的形成时代为古元古代晚期。芝罘群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄(1 658±32)Ma、(1 792±43)Ma,形成时代为中元古代。云台岩群花果山组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄800~740Ma,形成时代为新元古代。 相似文献
土地利用分类及其影响因素研究 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
土地利用分类是研究土地利用的最基础工作,它直接影响着土地利用的科研与实践,本文在全面研究土地利用分类理论与方法的基础上,比较且说明了当前国内外土地利用分类的优劣。并提出多层统一标准的系统分类设想。 相似文献
马莲泉-小泉井断裂带是天山-阴山纬向构造带北山西段的一条重要的近东西向断裂带,呈波状缠绕于北东东向和北西西向两组断裂的相邻交汇点之间,其成因广为地学工作者所关注。文章通过卫星影像分析和野外地质调查,对马莲泉-小泉井断裂带的几何学、运动学特征进行了详细研究,认为它是由北西西向博罗霍洛断裂带的近东西向次级压扭性断裂不断吸收主断裂的水平位移演化而成,主要形成和活动时期为中新生代,成因与中生代以来博罗霍洛断裂带的大规模右行走滑构造背景密切相关。这一研究成果对探讨天山-阴山纬向构造带北山段的成因具有重要意义。 相似文献
地下水化学动力学基本理论在矿井水文地质中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据西峪煤矿水化学及相关水文地质资料,运用地下水化学动力学的基本理论和方法,对西峪煤矿奥陶系峰峰组岩溶含水层水文地质条件进行了定量评价,从而划分出了含水层的强、弱径流带,为煤矿的安全生产提供了依据。 相似文献
对塔中低凸起地层水化学特征与不整合之间关系的研究结果表明,地层水化学特征对不整合具有很好的响应。在遭受强烈抬升和剥蚀、之间形成不整合的奥陶系和志留系,以及紧靠不整合面附近的石炭系CⅢ油组,其地层水具有矿化度、Cl-含量、K Na 含量和r(Cl-Na)/rMg值相对较小,而HCO3-含量、rNa/rCl值和rSO42-×100/rCl值相对较大的特点,反映出地质历史时期大气降水的影响。在志留系与石炭系之间以及志留系与奥陶系之间的不整合面附近,地层水的矿化度、r(Cl-Na)/rMg值和B3 含量变小,而rNa/rCl值和rSO24-×100/rCl值变大,具有典型的遭受大气淋滤的地层水化学基本特征。 相似文献
"催化-供给"云降水形成机理的数值模拟研究 总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12
利用含有详细微物理过程的一维层状云模式模拟,研究了2002年4月5日冷锋降水性层状云云系中"催化-供给"云的微物理结构、降水粒子形成的环节和微物理过程,并从降水形成的环节和云的结构分析人工增雨的条件.结果说明,"催化-供给"云具有显著的分层结构:云内高层是冰晶,下层是雪,接下来是霰和过冷云水组成的冰水混合层,最下方是云中暖区的液水层.作为催化云层的冰水层对降水的贡献约25.5%,冰水混合层为31.3%,液水层为43.1%,亦即供给云对降水的贡献约74.4%.具有"催化-供给"云结构的层状云降水形成的主要环节是:冰晶通过凝华增长转化成雪,雪撞冻过冷云水、收集冰晶和凝华增长转化形成霰,霰靠撞冻过程、收集雪过程长大,从而形成可以降落到云的暖区融化形成雨水的粒子,它对降水的贡献较大.凝华和撞冻增长过程是冰粒子增长的主要物理过程,也是雨水产生的重要过程."催化-供给"云体系是重要的人工增雨条件,云中水汽对雨水形成的贡献与过冷云水几乎相当,与过冷云水一样,水汽也是人工增雨的重要条件. 相似文献
盆地流体及其成矿作用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
盆地流体指在大陆性地壳基底上的沉积盆地演化过程中活动于沉积柱内的有机,无机复杂流体相,包括来自盆地内部由有机,无机沉积物压实和相变所释放出的自生流体和外来流体(盆地边缘隆起区补给的大气水和基底补给的流体)。盆地演化早期的沉积水地质阶段很可能以压实驱动流为主的自生流体占优势,而在晚期的渗入水地质阶段则以重力驱动流为主的外来流体。典型的低温热液地球化学特性和丰富有机组分的广泛参与,乃是盆地流体的两大突出特征。盆地流体广泛参与了沉积物的成岩一后生和成烃成矿过程。它既可以上升到达海底以沉积喷流的方式成矿,也可在海底以下的沉积柱中运移时遇到合适的地球化学障而发生沉淀卸载。献中报道的典型矿床类型主要包括沉积喷流型矿床,密西西比式铅锌矿床和大陆砂页岩型矿床。但在我国却发现了一批具有复杂成矿元素组合的重要矿床类型,包括沉积岩容矿的微细浸染型金矿床等。 相似文献