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DONG Yunpeng ZHANG Guowei ZHAO Xia YAO Anping & LIU Xiaoming The Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics Ministry of Education Department of Geology Northwest University Xi抋n China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2004,(4)
Being a composite collisional orogen between North China and South China blocks, the Qinling orogenic belt is the key to understand the composite combination, prolonged evolutionary history and their continental dynamics. The main suture between north and south Qinling, called Shangdan suture zone (SDSZ), had been studied in detail for about twenty years. Recently, another suture zone, called Mianl黣 suture zone (MLSZ), has been identified in the Qinling Mountains. It is characterized b… 相似文献
遂川—热水走滑断裂带特征及其对丰州盆地铀成矿的控制作用 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
本文以322矿田为例,对穿越矿田的遂川-热水走滑断裂带的特征及其对铀成矿的控制予以讨论。论述了矿田内铀矿床的形成、分布与遂川-热水走滑断裂带的关系,揭示了丰州拉分盆地的形成与铀成矿的内在联系,认为遂川-热水走滑断裂系是322矿田的主控条件,走滑断裂的脉动性控制了铀成矿的多期多阶段性。最后简要地分析了322矿田的找矿前景和走滑断裂的找矿意义。 相似文献
Salvatore Grimaldi Andrea Petroselli Gustavo Alonso Fernando Nardi 《Advances in water resources》2010
The automated spatial estimation of the hillslope runoff dynamics is used as a valuable tool for the estimation of the travel time distribution (flow time), a major factor for the hydrologic prediction in ungauged basins. In fact, while the flow time function is usually obtained by rescaling the flow paths with constant channel and hillslope velocities, in this work a spatially distributed kinematic component, as a function of terrain features and in particular slope and land use, is implemented and its influence on the hydrologic response is tested by means of the Width Function Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (WFIUH) framework. Hillslope surface flow velocities are evaluated by applying different uniform flow formulas within an automated DEM-based (terrain analysis) algorithm. A comparison test of the performances of the Manning, Darcy, Maidment and Soil Conservation Service uniform flow equations is performed for several case studies in Italy pertaining to different climatic and geomorphic conditions. Results provide new insights for a better understanding of the flow time function also introducing a more parsimonious and physically-based calibration scheme of the WFIUH. 相似文献
Rachna Raj 《Journal of Earth System Science》2007,116(5):413-421
The detailed analysis of landforms, drainages and geology of the area between the rivers Amaravati and Karjan was carried
out in order to understand the tectonic history of the lower Narmada basin. Movement along the various faults in the area
was studied on the basis of the drainage offsetting. Horizontal offsetting of stream channels was found quite demonstrable
along NNW-SSE trending transverse faults. Tectonic landforms including systematic deflection of stream channels and ridges,
alignment of fault scarp and saddles and displacement in the basement rocks and alluvial deposits show that the area is undergoing
active deformation driven by the NSF system. 相似文献
Combined evidence from the outcrop and the fluid inclusion assemblage (FIA) analysis indicates that there exist two episodes of fluid flow controlled by the tectonic activity. The first episode was recorded mainly in the reservoir rock of the Honghuayuan Formation,representing the fluid flow of hydrocarbon charging. The second episode occurred mainly along the fault systems,representing the fluid move-ment when the ancient oil reservoir was destroyed. The host mineral morphology,homogeneous tem-perature,and salinity of the FIAs record an episodic fluid movement. Characters of high homogenous temperature,low salinity and a quick temperature variation of the first episode fluid flow may indicate an early-stage fluid eruption,and correspondingly,fine-grained calcite was formed. Temperature of the erupted fluid tended to decrease during its mixing with the upper formation fluid and finally had the same temperature as the upper formation. From then on,the temperature was rather steady and fa-vored the growth of the coarse calcite. Due to this character of the temperature variation of the episodic fluid flow,we can use the homogenous temperature of the FIA of the coarse calcite to date the forma-tion and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir. Episodic fluid flow was known for its inhomogeneous trapping,which resulted in the failure of dating according to the burial history. But taking a close look at its temperature variation,we think that the latest stage of fluid flow,characterized by steady state temperature and grow of the coarser crystals,can be used for dating. It will be of great value if this method is proved to be effective. The formation and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir were dated to be in the Indosinian Period and the late Yanshan-early Hymalayan Period respectively. This conclusion is in great discrepancy with the common accepted idea that the Majiang ancient oil reservoir was formed and destroyed during the Caledonian tectonic movement. Even so,this paper further discussed its reliability from the view of the source rock evolution and also the local tectonic evolution. 相似文献
L.L. Chyi 《International Journal of Coal Geology》1997,33(4):317-331
The Harlem coal is postulated to have been deposited in raised-bog settings. It was initially deposited as low-sulfur peat, but groundwater of a later origin altered portions of it to high-sulfur coal. The total sulfur content of 172 samples from 31 locations on a moisture- and ash-free basis have a quadrimodal distribution with two major modes at 0.75% S and 2.0%S. Multiple sampling and analyses at specific mine sites indicate that the addition of sulfur of a later origin occurred either laterally adjacent to sandstone channels or vertically adjacent to faults. Significant sulfur addition also occurred above clay partings at these sites. The original low-sulfur nature is preserved where the coal bed is isolated from descending groundwater by a thick impervious layer. Trace-element analyses show high concentrations of mobile elements such as Na and Mn in the high-sulfur coals. 相似文献
Kunming basin is a Cenozoic faulted basin under the control of mainly SN-trending active faults. In and around the basin, there are a total of eight major active faults. Seismo-geological survey and fault slip observation show that the SN- and NE-trending active faults are mostly sinistral strike-slip faults, while the NW-trending faults are mostly dextral strike-slip faults. Using stress tensor inversion method with 706 active fault striation data at 22 measurement sites, we determined tectonic stress field of the study area. The result shows that modern tectonic stress field in and around Kunming basin is characterized by NNW-SSE compression, ENE-WSW extension, and strike-slip stress regimes. The maximum principal compressional stress (σ1) is oriented 335o~2o, with an average dip angle of 21°; the minimum (σ3) is oriented 44o~93o, with an average dip angle of 14°, and the intermediate (σ2) has a high, or nearly vertical, dip angle. The inversion result from fault slip data is consistent with the result from focal mechanism solutions. 相似文献
To look for gas hydrate, 22 multi-channel and 3 single-channel seismic lines on the East China Sea (ECS) shelf slope and at the bottom of the Okinawa Trough were examined. It was found that there was indeed bottom simulating reflector (BSR) occurrence, but it is very rare. Besides several BSRs, a gas seepage was also found. As shown by the data, both the BSR and gas seepage are all related with local geological structures, such as mud diapir, anticline, and fault-controlled graben-like structure. However, similar structural "anomalies" are quite common in the tectonically very active Okinawa Trough region, but very few of them have developed BSR or gas seepage. The article points out that the main reason is probably the low concentration of organic carbon of the sediment in this area. It was speculated that the rare occurrence of gas hydrates in this region is governed by structure-controlled fluid flow. Numerous faults and fractures form a network of high-permeability channels in the sediment and highly fractured igneous basement to allow fluid circulation and ventilation. Fluid flow in this tectonic environment is driven primarily by thermal buoyancy and takes place on a wide range of spatial scales. The fluid flow may play two roles to facilitate hydrate formation:to help gather enough methane into a small area and to modulate the thermal regime. 相似文献
四川盆地泸州古隆起嘉陵江组储层特征研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对研究区嘉陵江组沉积背景认识的基础上,通过岩心观察、岩石薄片确定了不同类型的储集岩和储集空间,得出本地区储层岩石类型和储渗空间类型均多样化的特点。从成因角度识别出来了溶蚀孔隙型储层、膏溶孔洞型储层、裂缝型储层等三类储层。研究不同类型储层的孔、渗特征及关系表明,溶蚀孔隙型储层物性要优于膏溶孔洞型储层,而溶蚀孔隙型储层中的颗粒云岩溶蚀孔隙型储层物性最好、颗粒灰岩溶蚀孔隙型物性其次、粉晶云岩溶蚀孔隙型储层物性最差,其原因是不同储层受沉积环境和成岩作用控制和影响。 相似文献
根据1951-2010年珠江流域23个典型断面流量资料,用P-III型分布曲线拟合洪水系列进行频率计算,分析了珠江流域极端洪水事件的变化趋势。结果表明:1980年以来,珠江流域极端洪水事件发生的频次明显增加,尤其是自1990年以来增加趋势显著;1981-2010年较1951-1980年珠江流域约70%典型断面极端洪水事件呈增加趋势,主要分布在西江、北江、粤西;而近30%的典型断面呈减少趋势,主要分布在东江和桂南。 相似文献