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A palaeotemperature reconstruction based on periglacial phenomena in Europe north of approximately 51 °N, is compared with high‐resolution regional climate model simulations of the marine oxygen isotope Stage 3 (Stage 3) palaeoclimate. The experiments represent Stage 3 warm (interstadial), Stage 3 cold (stadial) and Last Glacial Maximum climatic conditions. The palaeotemperature reconstruction deviates considerably for the Stage 3 cold climate experiments, with mismatches up to 11 °C for the mean annual air temperature and up to 15 °C for the winter temperature. However, in this reconstruction various factors linking climate and permafrost have not been taken into account. In particular a relatively thin snow cover and high climatic variability of the glacial climate could have influenced temperature limits for ice‐wedge growth. Based on modelling the 0 °C mean annual ground temperature proves to be an appropriate upper temperature limit. Using this limit, mismatches with the Stage 3 cold climate experiments have been reduced but still remain. We therefore assume that the Stage 3 ice wedges were generated during short (decadal time‐scale) intervals of extreme cold climate, below the mean temperatures indicated by the Stage 3 cold climate model simulations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文论述了保安地区火山岩的地质、岩石、副矿物、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素、稳定同位素、火山岩相及火山机构等特征。并对其演化规律、形成机制与成矿作用的关系,作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
The west Kunlun fold-thrust belt (WKFTB) and the Altun fold-thrust belt (AFTB) are respectively located in the southern margin of the Tarim basin, NW China. The analyses of typical structures and regional dynamics of the fold-thrust belts reveal their different structural and petroleum features and mechanisms. WKFTB differs from AFTB by abundant fault-related folds and triangles zones, and was formed by northward extrusion of the west Kunlun orogen. AFTB was affected synchronously by northward extrusion of the Altun orogen and the sinistral strike-slipping of the Altun Fault, so it is characterized by the minor scale and the monotonous structural styles. The Aqike anticline and the Aqike fault, of which the strikes are orthogonal to the strike of the fold-thrust belts, are regarded as the adjustive structures between both of the fold-thrust belts. The oil-gas pools of WKFTB develop mainly in the faulted-related anticline traps, but the oil-gas pools of AFTB develop mainly in the low fault-block and anticlines traps related with the paleo-uplifts. There are different exploration countermeasures for both of the fold-thrust belts.  相似文献   
初论紫金山铜金矿床超临界成矿流体系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫金山矿床是我国东南沿海发现的大型金铜矿床.在分析超临界成矿流体系统形成的区域地质背景和研究成矿物理化学条件的基础上,探讨了超临界成矿流体系统形成的动力学条件,提出该系统的成矿机理:与燕山晚期酸性火山-侵入岩浆有关的金铜矿床是在上地幔隆起、张性或向张性过渡背景下形成的,酸性岩浆经熔体-流体分离作用形成的岩浆热液与大气降水混合,经水-岩作用等复杂的输运和化学反应耦合过程的动力学产物.  相似文献   
吴辉 《福建地质》2005,24(2):72-78
从分析区内水文地质特征入手,根据武平县悦洋银多金属矿区、上杭县古石背铀矿床、上杭县紫金山铜金矿区西北矿段铜矿床等水文地质特征,提出该区矿床水文地质勘探,应查明构造断裂带的特征,采用多种勘探方法相结合,加强地下水长期观测,正确地查明矿床水文地质条件和主要充水因素.准确预测矿坑涌水量。  相似文献   
扬子地台北缘裂谷系金与多金属成矿特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
涂怀奎 《黄金地质》1997,3(4):36-42
扬子地台北缘大多数金矿床集中集中在裂谷系古陆隆起内外接触处,经历了复杂的地壳结构演化,形成新的金矿类型和矿化组合,具多源性,以深源为主,浅源次之,再次是陆源,控矿构造含同生构造与封闭聚矿盆地等多种成矿作用的叠加。  相似文献   
赣南西华山钨矿床成矿流体演化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赣南西华山钨矿床是一个闻名中外的大型石英脉型钨矿床。为探讨成矿流体性质以及演化过程,本文对西华山石英脉型钨矿床主成矿阶段含矿石英脉中流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温学研究和激光拉曼光谱分析。结果显示,西华山钨矿床的流体包裹体以H2O-NaCl型为主,局部发育H2O-NaCl-CO2型。流体热焓-盐度图解表明成矿流体以混合作用为主,局部沸腾在热液系统演化中作用不大。通过对沸腾包裹体的测温数据进行计算,得出西华山脉型钨矿成矿压力约为27~87 MPa,矿床形成深度约为1.0~3.3 km。  相似文献   
王然  连芳  余瀚  史培军  王静爱 《地理研究》2016,35(5):836-850
在全球气候变化与经济一体化的背景下,台风引发的次生灾害构成灾害链,加剧人口、经济等多方面的损失。以2000-2010年案例数据为基础,依据台风所经过区域的孕灾环境特性,提出了全球台风灾害链分类体系,并统计得出类型与强度的区域特征:在西北太平洋,主要发生于山地(丘陵)区(占34.4%),强度为3.1;在南太平洋,主要发生于岛屿区(占59.2%),强度为2.6~3.0;在北印度洋,主要发生于河口海岸区(占35.8%),强度为0.7~0.9;在南印度洋,主要发生于平原区(占31%),强度为2.6;在北大西洋与东北太平洋,主要发生于平原海岸区(分别占24.7%与31.2%),强度分别为2.0~2.3和2.3。研究结果可为台风灾害链自动识别、动态模拟与预测提供理论基础,用以支持区域防灾减灾建设与应急响应策略制定。  相似文献   
长江河口涨、落潮槽内的沙波地貌和输移特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
涨、落潮槽是河口区的重要地貌单元,槽内由于不同的优势流作用而表现出不同的泥沙运移特征。沙波是底沙输移的表现,因此研究槽内的沙波特征对于涨、落潮槽的水动力和沉积地貌研究有重要的意义。本文依据现场声纳观测、测深仪测深、表层取样和现场水动力观测等方法获得河槽床面沙波和水动力资料,对沙波的几何形态、波高和全潮周期的迁移距离进行...  相似文献   
龙滩水利枢纽位于广西天峨,是一座典型高坝大库容水库。本文通过对库区及周围的地质构造和蓄水前后地震活动分析,总结了龙滩水库蓄水初期诱发地震的时间、空间和深度分布特征以及蓄水后库区水位变化与地震活动关系,讨论了龙滩库区蓄水初期诱发地震机理。  相似文献   
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