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Spectacularly developed lower Eocene chert in the Corones platform carbonates of the Spanish Pyrenees is concentrated within a restricted, brackish-water, laminated ostracod-rich facies, which also contains abundant sponge spicules. The chert occurs as nodular, bedded and mottled varieties, and four petrographic types of quartz are developed: microquartz; length-fast (LF) chalcedony; megaquartz; and microspheres. δ18O values of chert range from 29·6‰ to 30·9‰ (SMOW), which correspond to a broad isotope rank common for biogenic and diagenetic replacement cherts. Calcian dolomite crystals with high Fe and Na are disseminated within the microquartz and LF-chalcedony, but are absent from the megaquartz and host carbonate. The chert is closely associated with desiccation cracks and with interstratal dewatering structures. Load casts are silicified, and laminae rich in sponge spicules are convoluted. Early cracks related to dewatering are filled by microquartz and quartz cements. Ostracod shells within chert are locally fractured; those in the host carbonate are commonly flattened. Late fractures are filled by LF-chalcedony and megaquartz. There is much evidence for the dissolution of sponge spicules and their calcitization in the carbonate host rock. Silica for the Corones cherts was derived from sponges during early diagenesis and shallow burial. Early mechanical compaction and sediment dewatering played a major role in sponge spicule dissolution, migration of silica-rich fluids and the consequent precipitation of chert. Quartz cements continued to be precipitated into the burial environment.  相似文献   
河北唐山地区中寒武统张夏组鲕粒灰岩的岩石学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本区张夏组鲕粒灰岩内,广泛见到细径放射鲕和较粗的同心-放射鲕.放射鲕中存在连生体,我们称之“连生鲕”.与赵震等(1984)人工合成的静水鲕对比,区内放射鲕亦系静水条件下生成;因未见长串连生体,仅呈现数鲕(2—4个)连生,表明鲕粒生成后遭到搅动水拆开.由此可以认为,本组鲕粒灰岩属间歇高能成因模式的产物。又按该类岩石显示的成岩特征,可知本区鲕粒灰岩经历过多种成岩环境,至今仍保留较为明显的大气成岩环境的标志.  相似文献   
Abstract   The lithology of shallow-water carbonates collected from 19 sites on 16 seamounts in six areas of the northwestern Pacific Ocean using the Deep-sea Boring Machine System are described. The areas include the Amami Plateau, Daito Ridge, Oki-Daito Ridge, Urdaneta Plateau, Kyushu-Palau Ridge and Ogasawara Plateau. Chronological constraint is provided by calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy and strontium (Sr) isotope stratigraphy. Large amounts of shallow-water carbonates accumulated on the seamounts during the Oligocene, a relatively cool period, whereas limited carbonate deposits formed during the Early Miocene, a relatively warm period. This might indicate that deposition of shallow-water carbonates on seamounts in the northwestern Pacific Ocean was not necessarily controlled by climatic conditions, but was related to volcanism and tectonics that served as foundations for reef/carbonate-platform formation. Remarkable differences in biotic composition exist between Cretaceous and Cenozoic shallow-water carbonates. Late Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates are distinguished by the occurrence of rudists, solenoporacean algae and microencrusters. Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene shallow-water carbonates are dominated by Halimeda or nummulitid and discocyclinid larger foraminifers. Scleractinian corals became common from the Oligocene onward. Nongeniculate coralline algae and larger foraminifers were common to abundant throughout the Eocene to the Pleistocene. The replacement of major carbonate producers in the shallow-water carbonate factory during post-Cretaceous time is in accordance with previous studies and is considered to reflect a shift in seawater chemistry.  相似文献   
黄新强 《江苏地质》2017,41(2):347-351
无锡某大厦地基青龙群灰岩岩溶发育,范围多在-80~-96 m之间,采用袖阀管注浆法进行处理,经钻探及CT层析物探验证,岩溶溶洞治理效果较佳,最终桩基持力层选用⑦层粉质黏土层,主体封顶3年累计最大沉降3.82 cm,治理效果达到预期目的,经济效益明显,具有推广应用价值  相似文献   
2012年底在云南省泸西县东山镇地区中三叠统关岭组中发现大规模典型台地边缘鲕粒浅滩和生物礁,同时在向阳乡方摆村附近发现典型台地前缘斜坡相泥晶灰岩,滑塌构造发育.台缘生物礁垂向3分结构明显,礁基为浅滩相鲕粒灰岩、豆粒灰岩;礁核为粘结海绵-水螅骨架岩,蓝绿藻粘结结构和亮晶栉壳状胶结结构发育;礁盖为台缘斜坡相深灰色薄层泥晶灰岩和泥质灰岩.生物礁横向展布也具有3个明显特征:礁后为碳酸盐台地相灰岩,礁核为粘结海绵-水螅骨架岩,礁前为台缘斜坡相薄层灰岩和泥岩,局部发育滑塌构造和滑塌角砾岩.该发现可为滇东南地区继续寻找油气资源开辟新的勘探方向.  相似文献   
杜金云 《探矿工程》2006,33(8):51-52
在灰岩地区钻探施工过程中,常见孔壁坍塌、掉块现象,尤其在含泥晶灰岩地层分布区钻进过程中,这种现象尤为突出,轻则影响钻探施工效率,重则造成钻探孔内事故。针对孔内坍塌、掉块现象的征兆及特点,提出了相对应的处理办法。  相似文献   
利用测井资料自动识别藻灰岩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
藻灰岩在测井曲线图上具有不同于其它岩性的特征,据此确定了7种测井参数(自然伽玛、自然电位、井径、声波时差、补偿中子、补偿密度及深电阻率),将测井数据归一化后得到了相应的岩性判别样本参数。利用F-Means中速度较快的聚类迭代(LBG)算法对研究样本进行分类,优选了一组数据用于判别分析。在进行Q因子分析的基础上建立了用于岩性判别的3个判别函数,并对花土沟油田某井段进行了岩性识别预测分析。  相似文献   
基于岩石损伤理论推导了冻融循环作用下岩石的损伤劣化模型,并采用冻融循环试验方式测试了后崴子隧道灰岩岩样冻融循环后的物理力学特征变化规律,分析了其损伤劣化规律。获得了岩样的质量、纵波波速随冻融循环呈现先增后减的趋势,单轴抗压强度持续减小,弹性模量和峰值应变逐渐增大的结果。分析获得了冻融循环作用下灰岩总损伤变量与应变的关系,冻融和载荷的共同作用会使总损伤加剧,但损伤曲线表明耦合作用也可适当缓解这一影响,且灰岩应变值趋于一致,表明影响灰岩强度极限的主要因素可以不考虑冻融循环。  相似文献   
岩石的变形机制是研究岩石圈变形和局部构造活动的重要基础,岩石的微观结构是研究其变形机制的关键。微观层析成像(微观CT)技术可以无损地获取样品内部高精度三维数字化图像,为观测岩石内部结构提供了技术保证。新近发展起来的动态CT技术,使得观测岩石变形过程成为可能。本文利用一组莱塔石灰岩受差应力变形的三维动态CT图像数据,通过图像切割、图像分割等处理步骤,以团簇为基本表征单位,表征不同形状、大小孔隙的动态变化过程,分析对比全部孔隙、大团簇、小团簇和裂隙型小团簇的动态图像。结果表明:随着岩石的压缩变形,其大孔隙在不断地缩小;在变形的初始阶段,靠近施压活塞的样品上部出现了密集的新生小孔隙;当岩石所受差应力到达73 MPa时,其下半部出现了明显的剪切带,具体表现为大量的新生裂隙生成并且新生裂隙集中带与轴向成约45°交角。此前的研究观测到该样品中下部若干压缩带形成的过程;本文通过基于团簇的可视化技术,观测到了高孔隙度岩石变形过程中压缩带和剪切带共同形成的过程。同时,新生的沿剪切带分布的微小裂隙并没有显示与剪切带相同的方向,而是具有各方向均匀分布的特征。该特征可能与岩石内部复杂的局部孔隙结构有关,是值得...  相似文献   
西沙-南沙珊瑚礁礁灰岩抗蚀性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台风、风浪、涌浪、风暴潮、天文潮等现象中的气流和水流往往携带大量固体碎屑物,对南海岛礁礁灰岩体产生强烈的侵蚀作用。笔者首先通过珊瑚的磨蚀与压缩实验验证了磨蚀理论的可靠性;其次,由抗压强度和弹性模量定义了具有压强量纲的抗蚀因子,以定量描述岩石抵抗风水侵蚀的能力;最后,对石岛西南端地表风成灰岩进行了初步研究,发现其抗蚀能力较弱。礁灰岩抗蚀性研究将为南海岛礁防护提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
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