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Reconnaissance seismic shot in 1971/72 showed a number of well defined seismic anomalies within the East Sengkang Basin which were interpreted as buried reefs. Subsequent fieldwork revealed that Upper Miocene reefs outcropped along the southern margin of the basin. A drilling programme in 1975 and 1976 proved the presence of shallow, gas-bearing, Upper Miocene reefs in the northern part of the basin. Seismic acquisition and drilling during 1981 confirmed the economic significance of these discoveries, with four separate accumulations containing about 750 × 109 cubic feet of dry gas in place at an average depth of 700 m. Kampung Baru is the largest field and contains over half the total, both reservoir quality and gas deliverability are excellent. Deposition in the East Sengkang Basin probably started during the Early Miocene. A sequence of Lower Miocene mudstones and limestones unconformably overlies acoustic basement which consists of Eocene volcanics. During the tectonically active Middle Miocene, deposition was interrupted by two periods of deformation and erosion. Carbonate deposition became established in the Late Miocene with widespread development of platform limestones throughout the East Sengkang Basin. Thick pinnacle reef complexes developed in the areas where reef growth could keep pace with the relative rise in sea level. Most reef growth ceased at the end of the Miocene and subsequent renewed clastic sedimentation covered the irregular limestone surface. Late Pliocene regression culminated in the Holocene with erosion. The Walanae fault zone, part of a major regional sinistral strike-slip system, separates the East and West Sengkang Basins. Both normal and reverse faulting are inferred from seismic data and post Late Pliocene reverse faulting is seen in outcrop.  相似文献   
A computer simulation method has been developed to find efficient drilling grids for mineral deposits. A well-known ore deposit is used as a model to develop an efficient pattern for undiscovered ore bodies in the same area or in other prospects where similar geometry is suspected. The model for this study is the Austinville, Virginia deposit, a Mississippi Valley-type deposit composed of 17 ore bodies totaling 34 million short tons (30 million metric tons). The method employs a computer program that simulates drilling the model deposit with different patterns, including various levels of follow-up drilling. Follow-up holes are drilled in fences at one half the original spacing around holes in the grid that show ore-grade mineralization. Each pattern is drilled 100 times from random starting locations to provide a range of outcomes of drilling, including the best, worst, and most likely. For this study, patterns of 100 drill holes were composed of 10 fences spaced 1000–5000 feet (305–1524 m) apart, each with 10 holes spaced 200–1000 feet (61–305 m) apart. In all, 25 grids were used with zero to three levels of follow-up drilling. The 600/2000 grid, with drill holes spaced 600 feet (183 m) apart in fences spaced 2000 feet (610 m) apart, was compared with the 200/5000 grid because they represented contrasting outcomes. The 600/2000 grid penetrated many ore bodies consistently but with few multiple hits to individual ore bodies; whereas the 200/5000 grid inconsistently penetrated few ore bodies with many multiple hits. The 600/2000 grid was more efficient than the 200/5000 grid at hitting large ore bodies of 1,000,000 short tons or greater (900,000 metric tons or greater) and was made more effective by adding one cycle of follow-up drilling. The 600/2000 grid had a 97% chance of hitting one or more large ore bodies with at least one drill hole per ore body, and the 200/5000 grid had a 64% chance. Once hit, there was an 82% chance that the largest ore body would be penetrated by three or more holes when using the 600/2000 grid and an 88% chance using the 200/5000 grid.  相似文献   
The southwest monsoon that dominated Central Himalaya has preserved loessic silt deposits preserved in patches that are proximal to periglacial areas. The occurrence of such silts suggests contemporary prevalence of cold and dry northwesterly winds. Field stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineral magnetism, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon dating has enabled reconstruction of an event chronology during the past 20 ka. Three events of loess accretion could be identified. The first two events of loess deposition occurred betweem 20 and 9 ka and were separated by a phase of moderate weathering. Pedogenesis at the end of this event gave rise to a well‐developed soil that was bracketed around 9 to > 4 ka. This was followed by the third phase of loess accretion that occurred around 4 to > 1 ka. Episodes of loess deposition and soil formation are interpreted in terms of changes in the strength of the Indian southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Fe-oxyhydroxide samples from one dredge station (long. 103°54.48'W, lat. 12°42.30'N, water depth 2655 m) on the East Pacific Rise near lat 13°N were analyzed by XRD, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS. Most Fe-oxyhydroxides are amorphous, with a few sphalerite microlites. In comparison with Fe-oxyhydroxides from other fields, the variable ranges in the chemical composition of Fe-oxyhydroxide samples are very narrow; their Fe, Si, and Mn contents were 39.90%, 8.92%, and 1.59%, respectively; they have high Cu (0.88%―1.85%) and Co (65×10?6―704×10?6) contents, and contain Co Cu Zn Ni> 1.01%. The trace-element (As, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ba, Sr) and major-element (Fe, Ca, Al, Mg) contents of these samples are in the range of hydrothermal sulfide from the East Pacific Rise near 13°N, reflecting that this type of Fe-oxyhydroxide constitutes a secondary oxidation product of hydrothermal sulfide. The Fe-oxyhydroxide samples from one dredge station on the East Pacific Rise near 13°N are lower in ΣREE (5.44×10?6―17.01×10?6), with a distinct negative Ce anomaly (0.12 ― 0.28). The Fe-oxyhydroxide samples have similar chondrite-normalized rare-earth-element (REE) patterns to that of seawater, and they are very different from the REE composition characteristics of hydrothermal plume particles and hydrothermal fluids, showing that the REEs of Fe-oxyhydroxide are a major constituent of seawater and that the Fe-oxyhydroxides can become a sink of REE from seawater. The quick settling of hydrothermal plume particles resulted in the lower REE content and higher Mn content of these Fe-oxyhydroxides, which are captured in part of the V and P from seawater by adsorption. The Fe-oxyhydroxides from one dredge station on the East Pacific Rise near 13°N were formed by secondary oxidation in a low temperature, oxygenated environment. In comparison with the elemental (Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Co, Cu) average content of hydrothermal sulfide samples from the East Pacific Rise near 13°N, the Zn, Cd, and Pb contents of the Fe-oxyhydroxides are lower, and their Fe, Co, and Cu contents are higher.  相似文献   
锦州25—1油田是渤海湾近年钻探发现的大型油田。锦州25—1区块先后钻了十多口探井,在钻井作业中遇到上部井眼扩大严重、井径不规则、井垮、起下钻遏阻卡、电测作业遏阻、电测井底沉砂较多、井漏等复杂情况。通过对锦州25—1区块前面几口探井钻井中出现的问题进行认真分析,研究了锦州25—1区块的地层压力剖面分布。经过不断的总结与措施改进后,在后面的探井钻井作业中做到了起下钻顺利,上部井径扩大率较小,未出现井垮情况,电测一次到底,钻井作业生产时间大幅度提高,为锦州25—1油田的生产井钻井积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
矿产资源的开发是一个涉及多个利益主体的经济行为,利益分配是矿产资源开发相关利益主体关注的焦点问题,如何实现利益的共享成为少数民族地区可持续发展的关键。从云南兰坪矿产资源开发中存在的问题出发,通过对矿产资源开发利益主体的重新认识,提出建立共享机制的措施,从而建立适合少数民族地区的资源开发共享机制,最终促进少数民族地区经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
“余太翠”玉因产于内蒙古巴彦淖尔市乌拉特前旗大余太地区而得名。采用偏光显微镜、X射线粉末衍射仪、电子探针等研究方法,对白色、绿色、黄色、紫色系列的“佘太翠”玉样品的矿物组成、化学成分、显微结构和呈色机理等进行了测试与研究。结果表明,“佘太翠”玉视颜色品种不同,组成矿物略有差异。除白色品种的“余太翠”玉以白云石(质量分数高于60%)为主要矿物外,其它颜色品种的均以石英为主要矿物,石英的质量分数约占80%以上。“佘太翠”玉的次要矿物主要有云母、方解石、长石、赤铁矿、叶蜡石、伊利石、高岭石等。绿色“佘太翠”玉在查尔斯滤色镜下变红,主要由铬云母致色,属东陵石;白色品种“佘太翠”玉为白云石玉,而黄色的及其它颜色的品种为石英岩玉。  相似文献   
利用Minolta CM-2002光谱光度计对南黄海陆架136个短柱样品20~25cm段的沉积物进行了颜色反射率数据测量,通过化学元素、粒度、磁化率等来确定影响沉积物颜色反射率变化的成分和因素,介绍了反射率光谱的一阶导数和因子分析的方法。分析结果表明,南黄海陆架沉积物颜色反射率受控于沉积物中的铁氧化物、有机质以及粘土矿物和钙质生物碎屑含量。主因子F1指示氧化环境,并与陆源物质相关,F2指示弱氧化环境,F3指示弱还原环境,主因子的波长范围分别是405~445 nm和495~595 nm,605~695 nm,445~485 nm。  相似文献   
浅层地震探测的可控震源信号设计   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
在工程与环境物探中,浅层地震探测是一种常用的高分辨率物探方法,但是这种方法使用的炸药震源和枪击震源破坏力大,对人和建筑物都有危害,因而被禁止在人口稠密的地区使用.因此,无公害的电磁驱动可控震源技术得到了发展和应用.利用扫描信号压缩技术,小能量弹性波Chirp信号可持续向地下发送,不损害地面和建筑物,对人群也没有影响,是一种较理想的城市浅层地震震源.本文介绍了电磁驱动可控震源的信号设计方法,并简要介绍了具有波束定向能力的相控震源的设计思想.  相似文献   
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