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The development of the Lancaster Sound Trough Mouth Fan (TMF) and glacial history in Arctic Canada were studied using a high‐resolution seismic profile across the entire fan and two piston cores. Stacked tills separated by erosion surfaces on the shelf pass seaward through till deltas into thick transparent glacigenic debris flow (GDF) deposits on the slope, separated by thin, well‐stratified glaciomarine layers. An age model was built by ties to the Ocean Drilling Program Site 645. The deepest GDF on the seismic profile was indicative of the onset of shelf‐crossing glaciation in the Early Pleistocene. The transition of the growth of Lancaster Sound TMF from an aggradational sequence (unit M) to an aggradational–progradational sequence (unit F) occurred at the Middle Pleistocene transition in glacial cyclicity. In the most recent glacial cycle, GDF sheets were deposited during Heinrich events 4 and 2 according to the correlation of the main detrital carbonate beds in two piston cores. The outmost till wedge reflects the maximum advance of the grounding glacier, far seaward of previously proposed Last Glacial Maximum ice extent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The effects of tidal forcing on the biogeochemical patterns of surface water masses flowing through the Strait of Gibraltar are studied by monitoring the Atlantic Inflow (AI) during both spring and neap tides. Three main phenomena are defined depending on the strength of the outflowing phase predicted over the Camarinal Sill: non-wave events (a very frequent phenomenon during the whole year); type I Internal wave events (a very energetic event, occurring during spring tides); and type II Internal wave events (less intense, occurring during neap tides).During neap tides, a non-wave event comprising oligotrophic open-ocean water from the Gulf of Cádiz is the most frequent and clearly dominant flow through the Strait. In this tidal condition, the inflow of North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) provides the main nutrient input to the surface layer of the Alboran Sea, supplying almost 70% of total annual nitrate transport to the Mediterranean basin. A low percentage of active and large phytoplankton cells and low average concentrations of chlorophyll (0.3–0.4 mg m−3) are found in this tidal phase. Around 50% of total annual phytoplankton biomass transport into the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait presents these oligotrophic characteristics.In contrast, during spring tides, patches of water with high chlorophyll levels (0.7–1 mg m−3) arrive intermittently, and these are recorded concurrently with the passage of internal waves coming from the Camarinal Sill (type I internal wave events). When large internal waves are arrested over the Camarinal Sill this implies strong interfacial mixing and the probable concurrent injection of coastal waters into the main channel of the Strait. These processes result in a mixed water column in the AI and can account for around 30% of total annual nitrate transport into the Mediterranean basin. Associated with type I internal wave events there is a regular inflow of large and active phytoplankton cells, transported in waters with relatively high nutrient concentrations, which constitutes a significant supply of planktonic resources to the pelagic ecosystem of the Alboran Sea (almost 30% of total annual phytoplankton biomass transport). 相似文献
滇、川、黔成矿区的铅锌矿源层(岩) 总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23
滇、川、黔铅锌成矿区的矿源层(岩)及其成矿作用,具多矿源层(岩)、多容矿层和多遮挡层共存的特点。矿源层(岩)改造成矿分海西晚期改造生成贫铅锌矿床和燕山期改造生成铅锌富矿床两个旋回,改造成矿的3个主因是:多条继承、发展了基底构造的深一道断层系统,峨眉山玄武岩浆上涌产生的高热能、喷气、矿质和广泛、多中心循环的热卤水,铅锌矿床为沉积─改造─后成成矿。 相似文献
河北大庙铁矿床黑云母40Ar/39Ar年龄及其地质意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
文章以野外观察为基础确定了致矿侵入体,以岩相学特征确立了测年样品的代表性。在此基础上,选取大庙铁矿大乌素沟矿区浸染状铁矿石中的黑云母进行了40Ar/39Ar年龄测定,坪年龄为(395.8±3.7) Ma,反等时线年龄为(395.6±4.0) Ma(2σ; MSWD=0.9; n=8)。因此,大庙铁矿及其致矿苏长岩的形成年龄约为396 Ma,相当于中泥盆世,而不是前人所认为的元古宙。新的测年结果与区域上近年来陆续识别出来的泥盆纪侵入岩类形成年龄一致,不仅表明华北克拉通的改造过程至少从泥盆纪就已经开始,而且暗示华北克拉通北缘仍有寻找其他“大庙式铁矿”的潜力。同时,文章提出,用成岩年龄作为成矿年龄时,需要有可靠的地质学和岩相学证据。
关键词:大庙式铁矿;斜长岩;苏长岩;40Ar/39Ar定年;成矿年代;华北克拉通 相似文献
鲁春VMS 锌铅铜多金属矿床产于金沙江构造带内鲁春-红坡牛场伸展裂谷盆地中,是三江地区典型的火山成因块状硫化物矿床,其含矿层位为双峰式火山岩系中的流纹质火山--沉积岩系。通过研究该矿床的主成矿元素、双峰式火山岩和矿石的稀土元素特征,对其成矿金属来源、赋矿火山岩及构造环境进行研究表明,鲁春多金属矿床属Zn --Pb --Cu 型火山成因块状硫化物矿床,形成于碰撞造山后在薄陆壳( 陆缘弧) 基底上伸展而成的裂谷盆地环境; 矿石的主成矿元素含量特征w ( Zn) /w ( Pb + Zn) 均值为0. 64,与日本黑矿和四川呷村矿床较为接近; ΣREE 为( 15. 99 ~ 144. 43) × 10 - 6,平均73. 99 × 10 - 6,LREE/ HREE 为3. 59 ~ 11. 40,平均6. 30,呈典型的LREE 富集型; δEu 为0. 13 ~ 0. 46,平均0. 28,Eu 负异常明显,与矿区流纹岩极为相似。矿体与流纹岩空间上的密切关系以及地球化学特征的一致性表明,成矿金属元素源自下伏的长英质岩系。 相似文献
西藏尼玛县达查金矿床同位素地球化学研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
西藏达查金矿的成矿物质来源问题一直存在很大的争议。达查金矿床矿物中硫、铅、硅同位素及包裹体水中的氢、氧同位素研究表明 ,矿区内黑色炭质板岩、浸染状黄铁绢英岩化闪长玢岩和石英黄铁矿脉中的δ3 4SCDT值分布范围为 1 1‰~ 1 6‰ ,平均为 1 4‰ ,与陨石硫或深源岩浆硫接近。地层铅、岩浆岩铅和矿石铅在构造模式图上主要落在造山带线附近。石英包裹体的均一温度为 44 0 8~ 5 0 1 8℃ ,δDV -SMOW 值为 - 12 6‰~ - 98‰ ,δOV -SMOW 在 2 0 8‰~ 8 84‰之间 ,为典型的岩浆水 ;矿石中热液石英的硅同位素δ3 0 SiNBS -2 8 值的极差主要集中在 - 0 5‰~- 0 6‰之间 ,与成矿密切相关的硅质可能来源于基性或中基性岩浆岩。岩金矿的成矿物质可能有 3个主要的源区 :一是木嘎岗日群第二、三岩组 ,该岩组的海底热水沉积物含有大量的成矿物质 ;二是深部隐伏的原来特提斯海底的基性或中基性岩浆岩 ,它是金与硅的主要供给者 ;三是本区的中酸性岩浆岩 ,它是多种成矿物质最终集中成矿的主要中介。本区的成矿流体主要为受到大气降水或海水强烈改造的岩浆热液 相似文献