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环境空气中气溶胶粒子是由极性气体凝聚而成,呈三峰型分布.对其空气中溶胶粒子,特别是可吸入粒子的成分,气溶胶态、粒径大小、浓度等对人体健康危害进行了分析研究. 相似文献
SONG Huailong 《《地质学报》英文版》2014,88(Z1):196-197
正Salt desert,saline-alkaline dust storm and saline-alkaline mixed dust storm are significant but ignored problems for a long time.After many years of observations and researches,the author believes that salt desert,saline-alkaline dust 相似文献
矿山地质灾害是人类矿业活动和自然地质作用作用于地质环境造成的灾害事件。近几年,随着矿产资源开发力度的不断加大,矿山地质灾害发生频率呈加剧趋势,对矿业正常生产和人居生态环境构成严重的威胁,甚至造成重大的群死群伤灾难。依据2002—2005年全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)矿山地质环境调查与评估的成果资料,利用数据统计、分析、总结的方法,按不同省区市、不同地质环境背景区、不同类型矿产、不同规模的矿山、不同开采方式,简述了中国矿业开发引发的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝5种地质灾害的时空分布特征和危害,为矿山地质灾害监测、防治提供基础信息。 相似文献
世界遗产乐山大佛位于四川盆地西南部丘陵区,由白垩系夹关组(K1j)紫红色砂岩雕刻而成,但砂岩风化强烈,给大佛的保护带来极大的困难。长期以来,乐山大佛的保护受到国内外多方关注,众多专家学者进行了潜心研究,相关部门也采取了许多保护措施。但乐山大佛的保护目前仍面临两个主要问题,一是大佛遭受日晒雨淋、风化剥蚀,二是佛身受到渗水病害威胁。要保护好乐山大佛,就必须彻底解决上述两个问题。通过对乐山大佛风化剥蚀及渗水病害机理的探讨,有针对性地提出了相应解决办法和治理措施。 相似文献
This paper summarized six aspects such as the harm characteristics, type and index, climatic characteristics, causes, responding to globe changes, protecting technology and answering tactics of hot-dry wind and high temperature heat wave. There is distinction and relationship between hot dry wind and high temperature heat wave. This includes that both of hot-dry wind and high temperature heat wave belong to serious shorter time scale weather disasters. Lower humidity and higher temperature are their main characteristics. The two causes of abnormal circulation characteristics and impacts of the disasters from climate change are basically the same. The disasters may occur in the same area during the same period. Arid season is helphul for their development and aggravation damage. There are differences on harm characteristics, type and index, climatic characteristics, protecting technology and answering tactics in this two weather disasters in that the high temperature heat wave is the comprehensiveness meteorological disasters and dry-hot wind is the agrometeorological disasters. 相似文献
在选择了各污染物的“参照值”情况下,用污染物的实测学相对值代替水质污染损害率公式中的浓度监测值,公式中的参数可认为与污染物的特性无关。采用遗传算法优化中的参数,得到了多种水质污染物都能适用的水质污染损害率和污染损害指数公式。提出用对比加权对污染损害分指数进行赋权的新方法,计算水质综合污染损害指数。该方法用于水质综合评价的物理意义明确、计算简单、使用方便,具有普适性和可比性。 相似文献