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新疆东准库布苏金矿床石英矿物标型特征及找矿评价意义张旺生高怀忠吕瑞英(中国地质大学,武汉430074)关键词石英标型特征找矿评价东准噶尔新疆1金矿成矿阶段石英的一般特征库布苏金矿位于新疆东准噶尔野马泉南约16km,矿区所属构造单元为西伯利亚板块准噶...  相似文献   
城镇化是我国现代化进程中的最伟大工程,2001年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者J.Stiglitse把中国的城镇化与美国的高科技并列为影响21世纪人类发展进程的两大关键因素。协调好城市化进程中强大的人类工程活动同复杂的地质环境变化间的关系是我国工程地质工作者的责任与义务,也是工程地质学发展的机遇。充分学习、借鉴地球科学相关学科领域的新观念、新成果、新资料,开展区域工程地质研究,探寻我国区域工程地质环境的形成演化和工程建设与地质环境间的相互作用规律,实现城镇化与地质环境的和谐。  相似文献   
An experimental study on reduction of U (Ⅵ) by anaerobic bacteria, Shewane//a putrefaciens, is first reported here in China. The experimental conditions were: 35℃ and pH =7.0-7.4, corresponding to a physicochemical environments in which the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposit formed in Northwest China's Xinjiang. Bacteria adopted in the present experiment, Shewanella putrefaciens, occur extensively in natural environment. Our study shows that nano-crystal precipitates of uraninite quickly occurred on the surface of the cells within one week. It was found that the pitchblende was characterized by a random arrangement of uraninite nanocrystals (2-4 nm) in it, significantly different from natural pitchblende in which uraninite nanocrystals are arranged in order. Finally, a possible mechanism of uranium biomineralization by microorganisms in the deposits is discussed. Our investigation may supply a technical train of thoughts for bioremediation of nuclear-contaminated water environments and for underground dissolving extraction of the sandstone-hosted uranium ores.  相似文献   
系统研究了安家营子金矿区含金石英和无金石英的微量元素、流体包裹体、颜色、比重、发光、晶胞参数和红外光谱等标型特征,并依据所得数据对这两类石英进行了判别分析,提出了一系列的找矿标志。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the strategy for successfully predicting the location of potential hidden ore bodies in aged ore field,and presents the result of location prediction of hidden ore bodies in Fenghuangshan ore field,Tongling.Innovative conceptual targeting procedures based on a genetic understanding of mineralization systems,carefully geological investigation and correct deduction,together with new geochemical and geophysical technology and integrating of comprehensive information are all very important for the successful prediction.In the aged Fenghuangshan ore field,through researching by application of the metallogenic theory of polygenetic compound ore deposits and triple-frequency induced polarization method and exploration tectono-geochemical method,we predicted location and quality of hidden ore bodies.According to the prediction,hidden high quality Cu-Au ore bodies of skarn type and porphyry type have been discovered.  相似文献   
The west Kunlun fold-thrust belt (WKFTB) and the Altun fold-thrust belt (AFTB) are respectively located in the southern margin of the Tarim basin, NW China. The analyses of typical structures and regional dynamics of the fold-thrust belts reveal their different structural and petroleum features and mechanisms. WKFTB differs from AFTB by abundant fault-related folds and triangles zones, and was formed by northward extrusion of the west Kunlun orogen. AFTB was affected synchronously by northward extrusion of the Altun orogen and the sinistral strike-slipping of the Altun Fault, so it is characterized by the minor scale and the monotonous structural styles. The Aqike anticline and the Aqike fault, of which the strikes are orthogonal to the strike of the fold-thrust belts, are regarded as the adjustive structures between both of the fold-thrust belts. The oil-gas pools of WKFTB develop mainly in the faulted-related anticline traps, but the oil-gas pools of AFTB develop mainly in the low fault-block and anticlines traps related with the paleo-uplifts. There are different exploration countermeasures for both of the fold-thrust belts.  相似文献   
本文提出了一个用“空矿”溶液及再生处理过的废弃乙酸丁酯测定金的方法。运用该方法测金 ,提高了灵敏度和准确度 ,改善了标准曲线的线性关系 ,同时也提高了乙酸丁酯的利用率。  相似文献   
The Lanmuchang Tl deposit and its environmental geochemistry   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Tl is a dispersed element and it seldom occurs in the form of independent minerals.The world annual production of Tl is about 13 ton, most of which is by-product separated from non-ferrous metal products. Lanmuchang is the only large-size independent Tl deposit in the world. Bio-enrichment and hydrothermal reworking are the two important metallogenic mechanisms of this Tl deposit. Samples of plant and animal organs and villagers’ urine as well as hair and nail (toenail) samples from the Tl mining district were analyzed. Analytical results showed that the contents of Tl, Hg and As are high, suggesting that the residents and villagers in the mining district have been affected by Tl-Hg pollution, and on the other hand, they can serve as the guidelines for ore prospecting. The contents of Tl, Hg, and As in human beings and other organic bodies depend largely on the background values of these metals in rock, ore, soil and water.  相似文献   
刘翔 《铀矿地质》1998,14(3):142-149
本文以322矿田为例,对穿越矿田的遂川-热水走滑断裂带的特征及其对铀成矿的控制予以讨论。论述了矿田内铀矿床的形成、分布与遂川-热水走滑断裂带的关系,揭示了丰州拉分盆地的形成与铀成矿的内在联系,认为遂川-热水走滑断裂系是322矿田的主控条件,走滑断裂的脉动性控制了铀成矿的多期多阶段性。最后简要地分析了322矿田的找矿前景和走滑断裂的找矿意义。  相似文献   
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