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Stress wave attenuation across fractured rock masses is a great concern of underground structure safety. When the wave amplitude is large, fractures experience nonlinear deformation during the wave propagation. This paper presents a study on normal transmission of P‐wave across parallel fractures with nonlinear deformational behaviour (static Barton–Bandis model). The results show that the magnitude of transmission coefficient is a function of incident wave amplitude, nondimensional fracture spacing and number of fractures. Two important indices of nondimensional fracture spacing are identified, and they divide the area of nondimensional fracture spacing into three parts (individual fracture area, transition area and small spacing area). In the different areas, the magnitude of transmission coefficient has different trends with nondimensional fracture spacing and number of fractures. In addition, the study reveals that under some circumstances, the magnitude of transmission coefficient increases with increasing number of fractures, and is larger than 1. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The response of an ideal elastic half‐space to a line‐concentrated impulsive vector shear force applied momentarily is obtained by an analytical–numerical computational method based on the theory of characteristics in conjunction with kinematical relations derived across surfaces of strong discontinuities. The shear force is concentrated along an infinite line, drawn on the surface of the half‐space, while being normal to that line as well as to the axis of symmetry of the half‐space. An exact loading model is introduced and built into the computational method for this shear force. With this model, a compatibility exists among the prescribed applied force, the geometric decay of the shear stress component at the precursor shear wave, and the boundary conditions of the half‐space; in this sense, the source configuration is exact. For the transient boundary‐value problem described above, a wave characteristics formulation is presented, where its differential equations are extended to allow for strong discontinuities which occur in the material motion of the half‐space. A numerical integration of these extended differential equations is then carried out in a three‐dimensional spatiotemporal wavegrid formed by the Cartesian bicharacteristic curves of the wave characteristics formulation. This work is devoted to the construction of the computational method and to the concepts involved therein, whereas the interpretation of the resultant transient deformation of the half‐space is presented in a subsequent paper. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on the Germany Koldwey Station's 1994-2003 conventional observation hourly data, this paper conducts a statistical analysis on the short-term climate characteristics for an arctic tundra region (Ny-(A)lesund island) where our first arctic expedition station (Huanghe Station) was located. Affected by the North Atlantic warming current, this area has a humid temperate climate, and the air temperature at Ny-(A)lesund rose above 0 ℃ even during deep winter season during our research period. The wind speed in this area was low and appeared most at southeast direction. We find that the temperature at Ny-(A)lesund rose in the faster rate (0.68 ℃/10 a) than those at the whole Arctic area. Compared with the floating ices where our expedition conducted in the Arctic, Ny-(A)lesund was warmer and more humid and had lower wind speed. Comparison of the near surface air temperature derived by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis to the conventional measurements conducted at the Koldwey site in Ny-(A)lesund area shows a good agreement for winter season and a significant difference for summer season.  相似文献   
带"人字"支撑的新型复合结构体系动力特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨了一种新型复合结构——带“人字”支撑的梁柱体系的动力特征问题。在满足静力荷载作用下承载力要求的基础上,根据结构动力学原理,推导了该结构体系的动力特征方程,分析了复合结构体系的支撑截面和型式的变化对动力特征的影响,计算显示,增加支撑对提高结构的频率即抗侧刚度有明显作用,且随支撑截面尺寸增大,固有频率单调增加。支撑倾角在一定范围内变化时,对频率影响较大,而超过该范围时,其影响明显减小,由此说明“人字”支撑为较合理的支撑型式。结果表明,所研究的具有“人字”支撑的复合结构体系具有较高的抗侧能力。  相似文献   
The comprehensive observations on lightning discharges were conducted in Naqu area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in summer of 2002. The electric structures of thunderstorms and the characteristics of lightning discharges at initial stage were analyzed by using the observation data. The results show that most of intracloud (IC) lightning flashes were polarities inverted in thunderstorms with tripole electric charge structure and occurred between negative charge region located in the middle of the thunderstorm and positive charge region located at the bottom of the thunderstorm. The radiation characteristics of discharge processes in cloud with longer lasting time involved in Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning flashes were similar to that of IC discharges.A lot of radiation pulses were produced in these discharge processes. Because the IC discharges took place at the bottom of thundercloud and were near the ground, they may produce more serious damage to equipment on the ground therefore should not be neglected in lightning protection.  相似文献   
长江中下游地区地下水中Mn元素的背景特征及其形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文论述了长江中下游地区地下水锰元素的背景特征及其与地下水的含水介质成分、上覆岩土性质、氧化还原环境、地下水的迳流条件、地下水及土壤酸碱度的关系.研究结果表明,长江中下游地区地下水中Mn元素含量,在区域上分布特点为江汉平原东部区〉长江三角洲南部区〉鄱阳湖区.  相似文献   
通过对个旧锡矿阿西寨矿段地表基岩的地球化学勘查。发现其成矿元素的地球化学异常表现出明显的环状分带,并以测区内隐伏花岗岩凸起为中心,元素分带序列与元素本身的地球化学性质所决定的侧向迁移活动能力相符合。该现象再次证实个旧锡矿为花岗岩岩浆期后热液成矿,花岗岩是大多数成矿金属元素的物质来源,同时也是成矿热液活动的主要驱动营力。分析认为,阿西寨测区是一个相对较完整和独立的(凸起)成矿场,成矿热液活动以阿西寨凸起为中心。成矿热液活动体系受断裂导流影响,在以花岗岩凸起为中心的分带控制下,可能存在的工业矿体将在主干断裂附近和有利的构造岩性界面产出。  相似文献   
腾冲热海火山地热区近期水热爆炸的阶段性演化特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
水热爆炸是活动性地热田的典型显示。腾冲热海火山地热区历史上曾发生过强烈的水热爆炸活动,但前期一度沉寂。1993年以来水热爆炸活动再度活跃。在过去十年间,研究区内发生过较大的爆炸喷发事件20余次,且规模越来越大。本文根据对爆炸形成泉点的选出气体化学和氦同位素组成的测试结果,研究了区内近期水热爆炸活动的演化特征。逸出气体化学和氦同位素组成特征指示,区内近期引发水热爆炸活动的气体源区有从浅层、中层向深层发展的趋势;作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。  相似文献   
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