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Kela 2 Gas Field, with high formation pressure (74.35MPa), high pressure coefficient (2.022) and difficulty of potential test and evaluation, is the largest integrated proved dry gas reservoir in China so far and the principal source for West-East Gas Development Project. In order to correctly evaluate the elastic-plastic deformation of rocks caused by the pressure decline during production, some researches, as the experiment on reservoir sensitivity to stress of gas filed with abnormal high pressure, are made. By testing the rock mechanic properties, porosities and permeabilities at different temperature and pressure of 342 core samples from 5 wells in this area, the variations of petro-physical properties at changing pressure are analyzed, and the applicable inspection relationship is concluded. The average productivity curve with the reservoir sensitivity to stress is plotted on the basis of the research, integrated with the field-wide productivity equation. The knowledge lays a foundation for the gas well productivity evaluation in the field and the gas field development plan, and provides effective techniques and measures for basic research on the development of similar gas fields.  相似文献   
The groundwater of medium salinity refers to the groundwater with a mineralization degree of 2-7 g/L that can be directly or indirectly used for irrigation. This paper determined the distribution area of the groundwater with medium salinity in Tarim Basin, estimated the total amount of recharge resources and exploitable quantity of the groundwater of medium salinity. The irrigation water quality assessment was conducted on the groundwater of medium salinity by using multiple factors and methods. The salt tolerance parameters and irrigation water mineralization control parameters of the cotton in under-mulch-drip irrigation were determined. The under-mulch-drip irritation technology for cotton in groundwater of medium salinity was developed and applied successfully to the demonstration area. The social, economic and ecological effects of this technology as well as the application prospect were analysed. This paper also puts forward two questions that need to be further studied  相似文献   
以北羌塘盆地多格错仁地区为例,重点分析和论述了该地区地层、构造组合及其空间展布规律,指出北羌塘盆地多格错仁地区多级复式褶曲及与其匹配的边界断裂所构成的三级构造单元,呈现帚状构造组合特征,进而提出北羌塘盆地为一大型帚状旋扭构造体系。油气找寻的战略方向应在该体系向东南撤开的方向上,重点是多格错仁—赤布张错一带的广大区域。  相似文献   
This paper examines the transport of calcareous sand in unidirectional flow and its prediction through existing sediment transport models. A flume experiment of four sand samples collected on Oahu, Hawaii, provides 29 sets of sediment transport data in the bed-form and suspended transport stages. The measured transport data are compared with direct predictions from four energy-based transport models developed for siliceous particles. Corrections for the grain-size, fall velocity, and critical velocity of calcareous sand based on recent research are applied to the models and the results are compared with the direct calculations and measured data. The comparison illustrates the important role particle shape plays in the transport of calcareous sand. All four sediment transport models give consistent predictions and good agreement with the majority of the measured data. Two of the models respond positively to the corrections in both the bed-form and suspended transport stages indicating that such an approach may provide an interim solution for the transport of calcareous sand.  相似文献   
Cusp formation was continuously monitored on a manually flattened, plane section of a coarse clastic, microtidal, pocket beach on the Pacific coast of Japan using a CCD camera suspended in the air. Vertical video pictures enabled the examination of the temporal change in foreshore morphologies and swash pattern. Boulders on the beach face appeared to have triggered the formation of beach cusps, which gradually and successively grew up alongshore. In 2·5 h, two well defined beach cusps had developed with a spacing of 2·2 and 2·5 m, respectively. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
《遥感基础与应用》课程是土地资源管理专业的专业必修课,根据边疆少数民族地区高校学生的特点,按照因材施教的原则对汉族和民族学生区别教学,确定不同的教学内容和教材。采用启发-互动式、鼓励加分式教学,充分利用多媒体丰富课堂内容,尝试创新性实验教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量。  相似文献   
原油在储层介质中的加水裂解生气模拟实验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用高温高压热模拟实验方法,开展了原油在砂岩和火成岩储层介质中的加水裂解生气模拟实验研究.结果表明,原油开始大量裂解的温度是400℃,随模拟温度增加,甲烷相对含量增大,乙烷以上重烃气尤其是丙烷相对含量减小.其中砂岩的油水混合物裂解生气主要发生在450~500℃之间,生气窗范围小,对应的烃气产率高,火成岩的油水混合物裂解生气主要发生在450~600℃之间,生气窗范围大,对应的烃气产率小.模拟烃气的组分碳同位素分馏显著,随模拟温度增加呈变重趋势.在裂解生气过程中,水解加氢和催化作用对烃气的组成、产率和碳同位素分布有重要影响。  相似文献   
数字城市地理信息公共平台作为统一的、权威的空间信息公共服务平台,在许多行业将得到广泛应用。以黄山市旅游地理信息公众服务系统开发为例,基于数字黄山地理信息公共平台发布的OGC服务以及利用ArcGISAPI forSilverlight等开发技术,从系统的总体设计以及系统功能实现2个方面,提出了一套切实可行的行业设计方案。  相似文献   
室内管道系统抗震研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据最新震害统计资料发现,非结构构件在地震中造成的经济损失远大于结构构件。非结构构件按照地震反应特征可分为位移敏感型构件和加速度敏感型构件。其中,位移敏感型构件的破坏多受层间位移角控制,主要采用拟静力试验进行研究;加速度敏感型构件的破坏多受楼面加速度的控制,主要采用振动台试验进行研究。室内管道系统是非结构构件的重要组成部分,室内管道系统中的立管和水平管分别属于位移敏感型和加速度敏感型构件。本文系统地论述了近年来国内外学者开展的关于室内管道系统的抗震研究工作,并对室内管道系统下一步的研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android离线编辑关键技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,传统的外业调绘模式逐渐向内外业一体化模式转变。本文以地理国情内外业一体化系统为依托,重点研究了ESRI的离线编辑关键技术,介绍了基于ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android实现的离线编辑功能,以面修形算法为例,在细粒度的几何编辑基础上实现了常见的外业编辑业务。  相似文献   
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