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Considering the fact that there is only one pair of fixed potential poles in one direction used to monitor the resistivity changes under the observatory station which may indicate process of earthquake preparation, based on the precondition that the resistivity structure is 1-dimensional under the observatory station, and by way of equivalent model put forward by the authors, this paper suggests a kind of method trying to separate the resistivity changes in deep layers from that of the shallow layer. Analysis shows that, to obtain the same measured data with the same array, any a multi-layered geo-electrical structure can be equivalently taken as a two-layered one, we call it equivalent model. In this paper, the resistivity and thickness of the upper layer of the equivalent model are equal to that of the first layer of the original one, the resistivity of the lower layer of the equivalent model is obtained with calculation according to the requirement of equivalence, its value is relevant with the resistivities and thicknesses of all layer of the original model except for the first one, so the resistivity change of the equivalent layer can indicate the synthetic effect of variation of all layers of the original model except for the first one. The primary research results show that this method can work well. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (100146).  相似文献   
空间信息技术是防洪减灾现代化的基础   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
我国洪涝灾害频繁,洪灾损失严重,防洪减灾将是一项长期而艰巨的任务。在防洪减灾研究中,必须积极引进当今最新科学技术成果,以高新技术改造水利这一传统产业,以水利信息化推动水利现代化。以遥感、地理信息系统和全球导航定位系统为支撑的空间信息技术可以广泛地应用于防洪减灾中,是防洪减灾现代化的基础。本文分析了空间信息技术在防洪减灾中的作用,并对空间信息技术在防洪减灾中的应用趋势作出展望。  相似文献   
Field investigations indicate that unpaved roads are the largest sediment source on St John, US Virgin Islands. Cross-sectional measurements of eroded road surfaces were used to establish an empirical relationship to predict annual road surface erosion as a function of road gradient and contributing drainage area. A model (ROADMOD) for estimating and mapping average annual sediment production from a road network was developed by combining this empirical relationship with a series of network algorithms to analyse road data stored in a vector geographic information system. ROADMOD was used to estimate road surface erosion in two St John catchments with very different road densities but similar land cover, topography and soils. Unpaved roads were found to increase sediment production in the more densely roaded catchment by a factor of three to eight, and in the less-roaded catchment by a factor of 1·3–2·0. Turbidity measurements in the receiving bays of these two catchments are consistent with model predictions and observed sediment delivery processes. Although this model was developed specifically for St John, it can easily be adapted to other locations by substituting a locally derived predictive equation for road erosion. Model assumptions, limitations and potential improvements are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以云南省会泽县为例,基于ETM+、ASTER、DEM等遥感影像数据运用ArcGIS、ERDAS等遥感软件提取研究区的植被、地形、坡度坡向等一系列地理特征信息,并生成相关图件,为本区的农业规划、水土流失、地质灾害、资源开发、土壤侵蚀等相关研究提供多方面的空间信息参考.  相似文献   
Game-based Web sites and applications are changing the ways in which students learn the world map. In this study, a Web map-based digital learning tool was used as a study aid for a university-level geography course in order to examine the way in which global scale cognitive maps are constructed. A network analysis revealed that clicks were negatively correlated with familiarity, but were positively correlated with area. More significantly, well-known countries did not act as central nodes within network-based mental models, but served a more complex mediating role in structuring the space between subregions.  相似文献   
Firms often encounter location-based impediments that hinder them from engaging with international markets. These challenges can be exacerbated for smaller firms, which often have limited resources and exposure to global markets. This article examines successful small and medium-sized exporters from Nova Scotia, a province with decreased export activity in recent years. It explores these firms’ trade-related motivations, their impediments, and the strategies that they have used to address possible location-related problems. Although geographical distance does not appear to be a competitive challenge, other issues emerge, including travel expenditures and the costs of export intelligence gathering. Successful exporters have overcome many potential impediments by using government trade programs, establishing and maintaining face-to-face contacts, and working with international partners.  相似文献   
本文首先列举了近几年发生的几起典型的境外组织、机构和人员对我国进行的非法测绘案件,分析了空间数据的重要性以及公众对空间数据安全的认识误区,提出了制定我国空间数据安全政策的建议。  相似文献   
新型节水灌溉控制原理的应用研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
苏臣  孙一源 《水科学进展》1994,5(2):142-148
在土壤-植物-大气连续体系(SPAC)中,以植物茎、果微增长及其含水量变化作为植物需水信息建立的灌溉自动控制系统,可实现植物水分适度亏缺,有效调控其生长发育。实验结果表明,同充分供水的植株或树体相比,节水15.6%时,玉米长势良好,节水21.4%时,柑桔果实生长未受影响。  相似文献   
基于GIS的水资源管理信息系统   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
地理信息系统(GIS)因为其强大的空间数据处理能力,为水资源管理提供了一个新颖、高效的工具。本文深入GIS的功能和水资源管理的实际,通过山西汾阳县的应用实例,阐述了应用ArchInfo/ArcView构建水资源管理信息系统过程中的信息收集、储存、分析以及二次开发的方法和过程,分析了两者结合应用的可行性和优越性,并讨论了这种方法在水资源系统模拟、辅助决策支持等方面的广泛应用前景。  相似文献   
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