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The emergence of artificial neural network (ANN) technology has provided many promising results in the field of hydrology and water resources simulation. However, one of the major criticisms of ANN hydrologic models is that they do not consider/explain the underlying physical processes in a watershed, resulting in them being labelled as black‐box models. This paper discusses a research study conducted in order to examine whether or not the physical processes in a watershed are inherent in a trained ANN rainfall‐runoff model. The investigation is based on analysing definite statistical measures of strength of relationship between the disintegrated hidden neuron responses of an ANN model and its input variables, as well as various deterministic components of a conceptual rainfall‐runoff model. The approach is illustrated by presenting a case study for the Kentucky River watershed. The results suggest that the distributed structure of the ANN is able to capture certain physical behaviour of the rainfall‐runoff process. The results demonstrate that the hidden neurons in the ANN rainfall‐runoff model approximate various components of the hydrologic system, such as infiltration, base flow, and delayed and quick surface flow, etc., and represent the rising limb and different portions of the falling limb of a flow hydrograph. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Advanced material constitutive models are used to describe complex soil behaviour. These models are often used in the solution of boundary value problems under general loading conditions. Users and developers of constitutive models need to methodically investigate the represented soil response under a wide range of loading conditions. This paper presents a systematic procedure for probing constitutive models. A general incremental strain probe, 6D hyperspherical strain probe (HSP), is introduced to examine rate‐independent model response under all possible strain loading conditions. Two special cases of HSP, the true triaxial strain probe (TTSP) and the plane‐strain strain probe (PSSP), are used to generate 3‐D objects that represent model stress response to probing. The TTSP, PSSP and general HSP procedures are demonstrated using elasto‐plastic models. The objects resulting from the probing procedure readily highlight important model characteristics including anisotropy, yielding, hardening, softening and failure. The PSSP procedure is applied to a Neural Network (NN) based constitutive model. It shows that this probing is especially useful in understanding NN constitutive models, which do not contain explicit functions for yield surface, hardening, or anisotropy. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In urban environments, one major concern with deep excavations in soft clay is the potentially large ground deformations in and around the excavation. Excessive movements can damage adjacent buildings and utilities. There are many uncertainties associated with the calculation of the ultimate or serviceability performance of a braced excavation system. These include the variabilities of the loadings, geotechnical soil properties, and engineering and geometrical properties of the wall. A risk‐based approach to serviceability performance failure is necessary to incorporate systematically the uncertainties associated with the various design parameters. This paper demonstrates the use of an integrated neural network–reliability method to assess the risk of serviceability failure through the calculation of the reliability index. By first performing a series of parametric studies using the finite element method and then approximating the non‐linear limit state surface (the boundary separating the safe and ‘failure’ domains) through a neural network model, the reliability index can be determined with the aid of a spreadsheet. Two illustrative examples are presented to show how the serviceability performance for braced excavation problems can be assessed using the reliability index. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
GPS网平差观测量选取的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由多台GPS接收机在不同时段进行静态观测而组成的观测网形,当采用高精度的科研软件与常用商用软件解算基线时,其基线向量的方差阵不同,前者的方差阵结构是完全的、严密的。同时,在进行GPS网平差时,选取GPS基线的方式及数量的不同,构造的网形也就不同,采用不同的数学模型其得到的平差结果和精度指标也不相同。文章先从理论上进行分析,后用示例进行比较论证。  相似文献   
本文从图论的观点出发,分析了数字化市政管网的构成和连通的特点,探索出数字化管网线路连通性分析的规律,提出了逐步淘汰算法进行连通性分析的方法。给出了基于mapbsic的实现这种算法的关键语句和注意问题。  相似文献   
曹燕峰  刘艺  贾光军 《北京测绘》2010,(2):52-53,98
当使用网络RTK布设工程控制点很难达到预期的精度要求时,我们可以利用参考站高精度的坐标作为静态GPS网的起算点进行控制网布设。本文以北京某市政道路工程为例,介绍了使用这种方法布设GPS平面控制网的方法,并对控制网的精度进行分析。  相似文献   
本文论述了按地面同坐标和协方差参考系中的位置基准和方位基准作GPS网平差和转换的各种方法,在采用GPS定位技术检测和改善原有城市或工程控制网时,宜根据不同情况而选择采用。  相似文献   
在短期基坑沉降监测中,由于数据量少且呈非线性变化,沉降模型很难准确建立。灰色GM(1,1)对数据少、趋势性强、波动小的数据有较高的预测精度,但不能模拟复杂的非线性函数;BP神经网络可以对非线性数据进行学习训练,具有自学习、自适应能力;通过将GM(1,1)与BP神经网络组合,并优化网络部分的学习率、权值和阈值等,建立一种改进的灰色神经网络模型,该模型具有对非线性数据自学习、自适应能力和预测精度更高等优点。通过某基坑沉降监测分析,验证改进的灰色神经网络模型预测精度更高,适合短期建模,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   
The ant algorithm is a new evolutionary optimization method proposed for the solution of discrete combinatorial optimization problems. Many engineering optimization problems involve decision variables of continuous nature. Application of the ant algorithm to the optimization of these continuous problems requires discretization of the continuous search space, thereby reducing the underlying continuous problem to a discrete optimization problem. The level of discretization of the continuous search space, however, could present some problems. Generally, coarse discretization of the continuous design variables could adversely affect the quality of the final solution while finer discretization would enlarge the scale of the problem leading to higher computation cost and, occasionally, to low quality solutions. An adaptive refinement procedure is introduced in this paper as a remedy for the problem just outlined. The method is based on the idea of limiting the originally wide search space to a smaller one once a locally converged solution is obtained. The smaller search space is designed to contain the locally optimum solution at its center. The resulting search space is discretized and a completely new search is conducted to find a better solution. The procedure is continued until no improvement can be made by further refinement. The method is applied to a benchmark problem in storm water network design discipline and the results are compared with those of existing methods. The method is shown to be very effective and efficient regarding the optimality of the solution, and the convergence characteristics of the resulting ant algorithm. Furthermore, the method proves itself capable of finding an optimal, or near-optimal solution, independent of the discretization level and the size of the colony used.  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to develop a new numerical approach for the three-dimensional modelling of flow and transient solute transport in fractured porous media which would provide an accurate and efficient treatment of 3D complex geometries and inhomogeneities. For this reason, and in order to eliminate as much as possible the number of degrees of freedom, the fracture network, fractures and their intersections, are solved with a coupled 2D–1D model while the porous matrix is solved independently with a 3D model. The interaction between both models is accounted for by a coupling iterative technique. In this way it is possible to improve efficiency and reduce CPU usage by avoiding 3D mesh refinements of the fractures. The approach is based on the discrete-fracture model in which the exact geometry and location of each fracture in the network must be provided as an input. The formulation is based on a multidimensional coupling of the boundary element method-multidomain (BEM-MD) scheme for the flow and boundary element dual reciprocity method-multidomain (BE-DRM-MD) scheme for the transport. Accurate results and high efficiency have been obtained and are reported in this paper.  相似文献   
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