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An interpretation and catalogue of paleoseismicity in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleoseismic data provide a long-term record of seismic activity to predict hazards for periods longer than one to a few centuries. In Sweden, the analysis reveals there was a drastic change in dominant seismic mode from a high to super-high deglacial mode to a low to moderately low mode in present and Late Holocene time. Paleoseismic criteria and characteristics include numerous different sources of information; viz. primary faults, bedrock deformation, sedimentary deformation, rock and sediment slides, liquefaction, sorting by shaking, tsunamis, differing geomorphic expressions, disordering and ordering of magnetic particles. By applying multiple criteria, it was possible to identify 44 paleoseismic events, including 23 events of estimated M 6–7, 12 events of M 7–8 and 6 events of M > 8. Varve-dating often allows a precision as to a single year, in one case even to the season of a year. The key for paleoseismic reconstruction and testing is the application of multiple criteria.  相似文献   
Eclogite facies mineral assemblages are variably preserved in mafic and ultramafic rocks within the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway. Mineralogical and microstructural data indicate that some Mg–Cr-rich, Alpine-type peridotites have had a complex metamorphic history. The metamorphic evolution of these rocks has been described in terms of a seven-stage evolutionary model; each stage is characterized by a specific mineral assemblage. Stages II and III both comprise garnet-bearing mineral assemblages. Garnet-bearing assemblages are also present in Fe–Ti-rich peridotites which commonly occur as layers in mafic complexes. Sm–Nd isotopic results are reported for mineral and whole rock samples from both of these types of peridotites and related rocks. The partitioning of Sm and Nd between coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene is used to assess chemical equilibrium. One sample of Mg–Cr-type peridotite shows non-disturbed partitioning of Sm and Nd between Stage II garnet and clinopyroxene pairs and yields a garnet–clinopyroxene–whole-rock date of 1703 ± 29 Ma (I= 0.51069, MSWD = 0.04). This is the best estimate for the age of the Stage II high-P assemblage. Other Stage II garnet–clinopyroxene pairs reflect later disturbance of the Sm–Nd system and yield dates in the range 1303 to 1040 Ma. These dates may not have any geological significance. Stage III garnet–clinopyroxene pairs typically have equilibrated Sm–Nd partitioning and two samples yield dates of 437 ± 58 and 511 ± 18 Ma. This suggests that equilibration of the Stage III high-P assemblage is related to the Caledonian orogeny and is more or less contemporaneous with high-P metamorphism of ‘country-rock’eclogites in the surrounding gneisses. The Sm–Nd mineral data for the Fe–Ti-rich garnet peridotites and for a superferrian eclogite, which occurs as a dyke within the Gurskebotn Mg–Cr-type peridotite, are consistent with a Palaeozoic high-P metamorphism. Finally a synoptic P–T–t path is proposed for the Mg–Cr-type peridotites which is consistent with the petrological and geochronological data.  相似文献   
LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating, whole -rock geochemistry and Hf isotopic analyses for the Jianshanzi volcanic rocks in the Kaiyuan area are presented to explore the Late Paleozoic -Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution history of the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China block. The detailed research indicates that the protolith of Jianshanzi metamorphic volcanic rocks includes rhyolite, dacite and andesite, they are calc-alkaline series and metaluminous-weak peraluminous rocks. According to the zircon U-Pb dating, the metamorphic rhyolite and metamorphic andesite formed in the Late Permian (256. 1 +/- 1. 5Ma, 252.4 +/- 1. 7Ma) and the Late Triassic (222. 4 +/- 1. 8Ma, 227. 9 +/- 1. 2Ma), respectively. They are characteristized by enrichment in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depletion of heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements. Metamorphic rhyolite has an obvious negative Eu anomaly with epsilon(Hf) ( t) values of 10. 83 + 8. 10 and the second -stage model are 698 similar to 1967Ma. They are mainly due to the partial melting of the juvenile basaltic lower crust and the contamination of a small amount of ancient crustal materials. Metamorphic andesite has no obvious Eu anomaly, and the epsilon(Hf)( t) value and the second -stage model are +4.54 similar to + 6. 79 and 825 similar to 968 Ma, which may be the product of partial melting of basic lower crust. There are two periods of magmatism in Jianshanzi volcanic rocks: Late Permian -Early Triassic (247 similar to 256Ma) and Late Triassic (similar to 225Ma). The material composition of the Jianshanzi volcanic rocks is characterized by different times and different tectonic backgrounds. It is comprehensively believed that the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China block was in an active continental margin tectonic environment during the Permian, and the Palaeo-Asian Ocean subducted in both directions; Mantle -derived magma ascends and emplaces, forming a nascent crust and causing crustal thickening. The Paleo-Asian Ocean finally closed in the early Middle Triassic, and the impact of collisional orogeny may have continued until the early Late Triassic.  相似文献   
Dated isotopic ages for 15 alkaline intrusives in the Yanliao-Yinshan area, ranging from 268 to 190 Ma, ten of which are from 250 to 208 Ma, indicate that most of them were formed in the Triassic Epoch. All the ENd(t) ratios from - 17.19 to -3.21 averaging -7.09, the ESr(t) ratios fmm 11.7 to71.5 averaging 36.63, and the Isr(t) ratios from 0.705 0 to 0.709 3 averaging 0.706 8, show their characteristics of enrichment. On the ENd (t) virus ESr(t) correlation diagram, the samples from these intmsives were plotted within the enriched mantle trend lines and just outside, demonstrating their close connection to materials from the enriched mantle reservoir, taking into account the same Pb isotopic composition as that of the mantle.  相似文献   
中国东部中生代发生的大规模岩浆活动是地学界长期以来关注的课题之一。本文通过对浙东地区晚中生代火山岩锆石U-Pb年代学、主量、稀土及微量元素地球化学的研究,讨论其岩石成因及形成的构造环境。研究表明,大爽组底部火山岩年龄为155.2±1.4 Ma (MSWD = 0.83),显示浙东地区晚中生代火山岩的形成时代并不限于白垩纪,火山喷发至少于晚侏罗世就已经开始;岩石总体属高钾钙碱性系列,少量属钾玄岩系列;基性岩石、中性岩石与中酸性(酸性)岩之间不具有同源演化关系,基性岩石来源于富集地幔,并受到了不同程度的地壳混染,中性岩石可能来源于先存于下地壳深部的新元古代岛弧岩石,中酸性(酸性)岩石来源于地壳,中酸性岩浆与酸性岩浆之间存在演化关系;岩石总体形成于地壳幕式减薄环境,而其弧岩浆岩特征主要反映源岩属性。  相似文献   
蚌埠隆起区位于华北克拉通东南缘,胶—辽—吉造山带的最南端,主体由五河杂岩组成。前人对该地区的研究主要集中于同位素年代学和变质温压条件研究,其中变质P-T条件研究结果差异较大,以压力变化最为显著,对峰期变质P-T条件缺乏统一认识。本文对蚌埠隆起区石榴辉石岩进行了大量的岩相学、矿物化学成分分析,表明该岩石记录了3期变质作用,其中S-M1和S-M2的矿物组合类似为Grt+Cpx+Opx+Amp+Pl+Ilm,S-M3的矿物组合为Cpx+Amp+Pl+Grt (极边窄带)。结合变质温压条件分析和锆石U-Pb年代学分析,本次主要取得以下几点认识:1)石榴辉石岩WS047-1中记录的3期变质作用,温压条件分别为T-M1 = 616 ℃~647 ℃、P-M1 = 1.03~1.08 GPa,T-M2 = 721 ℃~837 ℃、P-M2 = 1.11~1.29 GPa和T-M3 = 531 ℃~607 ℃、P-M3 = 0.81~0.91 GPa,经历了由较高压力的角闪岩相→中-低麻粒岩相→角闪岩相的变质过程;2)据变质温压条件分析知,蚌埠隆起区具有顺时针的P-T轨迹特征,S-M1→S-M2和S-M2→S-M3分别为近等压升温和近等压降温的缓慢过程;3)石榴辉石岩锆石U-Pb年代学结果主要分为4组:1 839±13 Ma、1 925±31 Ma、2 041±55 Ma和2 762±14 Ma,其中峰值变质年代为1.93~1.84 Ga;4)结合温压条件和锆石U-Pb年代学分析结果,本文认为蚌埠隆起区的P-T轨迹与弗朗西斯科型俯冲或大陆碰撞环境的P-T轨迹较为类似,其应与1.93~1.84 Ga华北克拉通东、西陆块的碰撞拼合及胶—辽—吉造山带形成时限基本吻合。本次研究为深入理解华北克拉通的构造演化特征和蚌埠隆起区的变质作用及演化,提供了大量可靠的科学资料。  相似文献   
板山坪岩体是北秦岭二郎坪群中的侵入岩。为了查明该岩体的成因,对该岩体进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、锆石原位Hf同位素研究以及矿物化学分析等方面的研究。研究结果表明,板山坪岩体岩性组成主要为石英闪长岩和花岗闪长岩,花岗闪长岩内部存在暗色包体。本次研究获得板山坪石英闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄为442.7~432.2 Ma,花岗闪长岩锆石U-Pb年龄为436.8~432.7 Ma,暗色包体锆石U-Pb年龄为437.6 Ma。锆石176Hf/177Hf值为0.282 737~0.282 736,εHf(t)值集中分布在8.4~9.4之间,二阶段Hf模式年龄(TDM2)在876~832 Ma之间。石英闪长岩结晶温压分别为673 ℃~745 ℃和0.19~0.54 GPa,花岗闪长岩结晶温压分别为657 ℃~730 ℃和0.48~0.96 GPa,暗色包体结晶温压分别为680 ℃~734 ℃和0.69~1.65 GPa。综合分析认为板山坪岩体为复式岩体,两期结晶年龄分别为496~487 Ma和442~432 Ma。岩石来源于地幔分离出来的新生下地壳。  相似文献   
湖南仁里稀有金属矿田是中国近年来新发现的一处重要的花岗伟晶岩型铌、钽、锂等稀有金属矿产地,文章针对矿田含锂伟晶岩地球化学特征、成矿时代及其与花岗岩的关系,选取传梓源锂铌钽矿床内规模最大的206号锂辉石伟晶岩脉开展地球化学和白云母Ar-Ar定年工作,并与区内其他伟晶岩、花岗岩的地球化学特征、成岩时代对比分析.传梓源206号锂辉石伟晶岩属高分异稀有金属伟晶岩,形成时代为(135.4±1.4)Ma,岩石地球化学表现为高硅、高铝、低钙、相对富碱、钙碱性及过铝质特征;稀土元素总量很低,以轻稀土元素为主;微量元素富集Cs、Rb、U、Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf,相对亏损Ba、Ti,Zr/Hf、Nb/Ta比值低且集中.幕阜山地区稀有金属成矿可分为2期:第1期稀有金属成矿时代约145 Ma,与燕山早期岩浆活动有关;第2期稀有金属成矿时代135~125 Ma,为主成矿期,该期稀有金属伟晶岩与燕山晚期的二云母二长花岗岩存在成因联系,两者为同源岩浆连续结晶分异过程中不同阶段的产物.稀有金属富集成矿经历了岩浆-热液两阶段作用,Be、Nb、Ta、Li、Rb、Cs等稀有元素的富集多发生于岩浆结晶分异晚期,热液作用使Ta、Li、Rb、Cs再次富集.  相似文献   
林子宗群是青藏高原南部的一次重大构造岩浆事件,记录了印度板块和欧亚大陆碰撞造山的关键信息;文章对冈底斯南缘泽当地区典中组火山岩年代学及地球化学特征进行了研究。典中组底部安山质凝灰岩LAICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为65. 79±0. 55 Ma,形成时代属于古新世,可代表泽当地区典中组火山岩成岩年龄。该区典中组火山岩具有贫碱、贫镁、过铝质特征,属于过铝钙碱性系列;轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损,轻重稀土分馏明显,具弱Eu负异常,相对富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、K、Sr),亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素;地球化学研究表明,本区典中组火山岩形成于俯冲造山的构造环境,岩浆源区主要来源于地幔组分,具有岛弧或陆缘弧特点。  相似文献   
同位素地质学定年方法评述   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
详细分析了当前同纱年代学的常用定年方法,如K-Ar法,U-Pb法,Rb-Sr法和Sm-Nd法等的适用性和局限性。讨论了地质事件定年过程中存在的一些问题,提出了准确定年的注意事项。  相似文献   
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