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The stratigraphical context of two Middle Pleistocene fossiliferous palaeosols from Central Italy (Abruzzo and Tuscany) have been studied. Small mammals and molluscs occur in both palaeosols, which are covered by tephra layers that were analysed using an interdisciplinary approach. Application of fission‐track dating to apatites separated from the Case Picconetto tephra (Pescara, Abruzzo), yielded an age of 0.48 ± 0.04 Ma, indistinguishable from those previously determined for the Campani Quarry (Lower Valdarno, Tuscany) (0.46 ± 0.05 Ma and 0.48 ± 0.05 Ma). Geochemical and petrographic investigations indicate that these tephra originated from different volcanoes, the Alban Hills Volcanic Complex and the Vico Volcano (Latium) respectively. Small mammal and mollusc assemblages indicate different palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions for the Case Picconetto and Campani Quarry palaeosols. Warm and humid conditions can be inferred for the Campani Quarry site, whereas open and cold conditions can be inferred for Case Picconetto. On the basis of faunal data, fission‐track dates and attribution of tephra to specific volcanic eruptions, we suggest a correlation of these faunas with marine oxygen isotope stage 14 (Case Picconetto) and with marine oxygen isotope stage 11 (Campani Quarry), respectively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
南秦岭十里坪锑矿床成矿时代及成因的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
十里坪锑矿床受赵川陆缘隆_滑构造的主滑脱拆离带的控制。矿体呈脉状赋存于韧_脆性主滑脱带上部的脆性次级断层_节理中,矿石类型主要为萤石石英辉锑矿型。围岩为太古宙_元古宙变质岩系,围岩蚀变弱。成矿流体属H2O_CO2_NaCl体系,流体包裹体盐度w(NaCleq)为3.6%~11.3%,均一温度为109~232℃,形成压力大致为800×105Pa。硫、铅同位素研究表明,矿质主要来源于变火山岩围岩;氢、氧同位素显示,成矿流体以大气降水为主,初步将该矿床定为变质岩源就地式大气降水热液矿床。矿石中萤石Sm_Nd等时线年龄为(392±24)Ma,与南秦岭北部晚古生代拗陷区热水喷流_沉积成矿时代相一致,它们都形成于秦岭微板块泥盆纪非造山裂解阶段。  相似文献   
田苗壮 《地质论评》2024,70(1):2024010006-2024010006
2014年南水进京后,持续开展地下水回补对于遏制和减缓地面沉降发展起到重要作用,但地下水回升由此带来的不同区域、不同层位的地面沉降与回弹机制及其控制因素尚不明确。深入探讨和研究回补时间、回补量、回补地点与水位及地表形变之间的关系,了解地表形变发生机理和识别主控因素,为后续如何科学回补,发挥最大化水资源回补效益、对地面沉降防治和超采区治理具有极其重要意义。本文以潮白河冲洪积扇中上部区域为例,采用永久散射体差分干涉测量(PS InSAR)技术获取研究区地面沉降形变信息,并结合区域分层地下水位动态变化、分层沉降变化等多手段进行耦合,查明研究区地表形变与多因素之间的响应与控制因素。结果表明:南水持续回补导致区域地面沉降减缓,并在牛栏山地区出现地表抬升,抬升范围也随着水位上升逐渐向中下游扩展,2022年最大回弹速率达46.9 mm/a;地表形变具有明显的受断裂所控制的第四系沉积差异特性,以黄庄—高丽营断裂、顺义断裂和南口—孙河断裂所分割的后沙峪凹陷范围内变化明显大于其他地区;地下水位变幅与富水性差异决定水位上升范围与响应变化,而沉积构造作用所造成第四系沉积差异在地下水流向上具有一定控制作用。结果为地面沉降防控和机理研究提供理论和科学依据,同时也为后续开展地下水科学回补和方案优化提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   
Investigations of atmospheric composition in the Himalayas has been limited in both temporal and spatial scales, mainly due to difficult logistics. Ideal sites for monitoring atmospheric composition and its evolution should be free from local pollution and representative of the remote troposphere (HUEBERT et al., 1980). As the Himalayas are far removed from highly industrialized regions they provide suitable locations to monitor the chemistry of the remote troposphere and to study the evolu…  相似文献   
Two main volcanic events are distinguished between Saraykent and Akçakışla in the Yozgat province of central Anatolia: (1) early Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene effusive activity, that produced a sequence of intermediate to felsic ‘basal lavas’; and (2) marginally later Palaeocene explosive activity that formed a series of covering ignimbrite flows. Due to their close temporal and spatial relation, geochemical comparisons were made between the silicic members of the lavas and ignimbrites, to identify chemical groups and their relative petrogenesis. The basal lavas range from calc‐alkaline basaltic andesites to dominant rhyolites. Based on trace element correlations three main geochemical groups were identified: the Akçakışla rhyolites (present as domes); Akçakışla rhyodacites‐dacites (lava flows); and Ozan‐Saraykent rhyolites (lava flows). Large‐ion lithophile elements have been mobile in all the groups, but mainly in the Akçakışla rhyolites. Rare earth element (REE) patterns show marked similarity between the Ozan and Saraykent basal lavas. The Akçakışla dome rhyolites are more fractionated with lower LaN/YbN ratios (c.10), whereas the Akçakışla basal lavas have much higher LaN/YbN ratios (c.30). The chemical coherence and petrographic similarities between the Saraykent and Ozan lavas suggest a single suite related via fractionation. Three geochemical groups were also established for the ignimbrites: Saraykent ignimbrite; Bağlıca ignimbrite‐Toklu‐Kızıldağ crystal tuffs; and Keklikpınar ignimbrite. The ignimbrites, like the basal lavas, display a pronounced depletion in Ba on ORG‐normalized plots. Relative to the basal lavas, chondrite‐normalized patterns for the ignimbrites are different in displaying negative Eu anomalies that indicate feldspar fractionation. The lack of geochemical overlap or coherence between any of the lava and ignimbrite groups suggests that they represent distinct eruptive events and are not related in any simple volcanic development and cogenetic sense. Two geochemical features are common to all the volcanic rock groups: (1) the presence of a Nb‐Ta anomaly, which is generally accepted as a crustal signature; and (2) the relatively low Y abundances which appear characteristic for the region as a whole. These fundamental features of the local silicic volcanism largely reflect source composition and effects. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The MHD wave instabilities due to non-uniform magnetic field and non-homogeneity of density have been studied. The reference (coordinate) system considered here is cylindrical type. The General Dispersion Relation (GDR) for the wave propagation in a gravitating but non-relativistic region has been derived. Similar to common knowledge, the said non-uniformities have been found to be responsible for the instability of the system. But interestingly many instability factors are produced due to presence of two types of non-uniformities simultaneously. This theory may add more clues for the event of instabilities, formation of hot plasma-bed in Galactic Central Region, and mass out-flow from there. Many conditions for instabilities could be obtained from GDR deduced here. However, a few conditions for critical wavelength of the MHD wave have been obtained in terms of system parameters (like gradient of magnetic field and rotation). This theory, in turn, may be helpful for the better understanding of the Explosion Theory of formation of outer structure of Galaxies like ours.  相似文献   
根据蓄冰中央空调的控制要求设计了一个基于西门子可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的两级监控系统,现场工作站由PLC与触摸屏组成,作为现场监控及数据采集平台;管理工作站由工控计算机和打印机组成,作为主要的人机界面(HMI),除能打印数据及远程监控现场工作站外,还具有现场工作站的所有功能。实际运行结果表明,设计的监控系统能实时监视和控制蓄冰中央空调状态,有效地提高空调系统的制冷量及制冷效率。  相似文献   
协调发展与共享发展是指导中原城市群建设的新理念.运用协调发展、共享发展的理念分析中原城市群建设所面临的问题,结果表明,由于现有制度的缺陷或缺失,导致城市群内部存在人口迁移受阻、经济非理性竞争、公共资源不可共享、空间一体化梗阻、一体化秩序混沌、忽视协调和共享发展等问题.因此,中原城市群需要对现有的制度进行改革和创新,建立保障人口自由迁移制度、合理的利益分配和合作发展制度、有限的公共服务共享制度、发展规划的协调制度、协调与共享发展的组织制度,体现一体化贡献的政府政绩考核制度.  相似文献   
高铁对中国城市可达性格局的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
基于列车时刻表数据,以地级城市为研究对象,通过提取两两中心城市间的最短交通时间,以平均可达性为度量指标,测算了全国31个中心城市的可达性水平,分析了高铁对中心城市可达性格局的影响。依据中心城市到全国地级城市的最短交通时间提取全国31个中心城市的一日交流圈范围,分析了中心城市的高铁效应,并选择北京、上海、广州、武汉、重庆5个中心城市作为典型案例,分析和探讨一日交流圈空间格局变化的影响因素。结果表明:1中心城市可达性水平与城市的空间区位及城市的对外交通条件关联密切;2高铁网络的发展使中心城市的可达性水平有所提升,受城市所处的空间区位及高铁建设条件的影响,不同城市的可达性改善程度存在差距;3高铁对中心城市一日交流圈范围拓展的影响显著且呈东中西差异分布,中心城市一日交流圈覆盖的地级市数量增加,在城市密集地区,地级市被叠加覆盖的次数增长;4中心城市一日交流圈的拓展与高铁线路布局走向一致,优越的中心地理位置有利于中心城市交流圈范围的扩大,地形、水域等地理障碍则会限制城市交流圈在不同方向上的拓展;5高铁网络的发展对改善城市可达性的作用正逐渐赶超城市空间区位对城市可达性水平的影响。  相似文献   
An integrated explanation is proposed for the Late Cenozoic crustal deformation in Yunnan, SW China, using sedimentary and geomorphological evidence from the Yangtze and Red River systems. The observed fluvial incision indicates up to ~ 15 km of crustal thickening, associated with ~ 3 km of uplift, apparently triggered at ~ 8 Ma by monsoon-induced erosion drawing mobile lower crust from beneath Tibet to the northwest. The mobile lower-crustal layer beneath Yunnan was initially very thin, but a positive feedback loop developed, whereby each incremental influx of lower-crust widened and heated this layer, facilitating the next increment. At ~ 5 Ma, the shear tractions exerted on the brittle upper-crust by this flowing lower crust became sufficient to reactivate pre-existing lines of weakness, dragging blocks of the brittle layer southward and creating the region′s modern active fault systems. This region thus provides a dramatic example of crustal deformation induced by Late Cenozoic climate change, notwithstanding its location adjoining the India–Eurasia plate boundary.  相似文献   
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