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刘儒 《吉林地质》1994,13(3):81-83,45
黄金的成色并不是一成不变的,它成色的高低是与成矿温度、成矿阶段、深度、时代、变质程度、水溶液及风化作用等有一定关系,我们从这些关系中可以寻找到我们找矿的捷径和依据。  相似文献   
The mechanisms of finite brittle strain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From the studies of ore deposit geologic settings,sulfur isotopes,lead isotopes,carbon isotopes and oxygen isotopes,fluid inclusions and petrochemistry in this paper,the authors have drawn a conclusion that the ore-forming hydrothermal solutions are the high-temperature magmatic hydrothermal solutions for the gold ore deposit,and at the same time,the involvemety of crustal materials can not be ruled out .It is the first time that the authors have proposed that the Laozuoshan gold-ploymetallic ore deposit in Heilongjiang Province was formed in the calc-alkaline series environment at the margin of an active continent.  相似文献   
铝土矿床的包心构造,即粘土岩层包裹铝土矿体,是腐植酸长期分解土壤硅酸盐,而导致土壤剖面的垂直分层。具备垂直渗水系统的地形,如岩溶洼地、平顶山丘,是成矿的先决条件之一。铝岩系是一套陆相地层,夹在地层剖面的基底岩层风化侵蚀面之上,和其上发育植被的沉积间断面之下。铝土矿是陆上成矿,是植物化学风化残积矿床。  相似文献   
沉积盆地内地层中碳的来源 ,根据其碳、氧同位素特征可归纳为 :海洋沉积碳酸盐碳、生物碳、热解非生物成因碳、大气淡水方解石碳和热卤水系统中的无机碳。热水成因的金矿及喷气 沉积矿床中的碳都具有深源成因的无机碳。深部含无机碳的热流体喷溢到海洋底部可以解释为扩张盆地底部形成的缺氧环境和含矿黑色页岩的主导原因  相似文献   
地质学家重视研究深部(变质)CO_2对古气候的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王焰新  文冬光 《地学前缘》1996,3(4):274-281
地质学家重视研究深部(变质)CO2对古气候的影响贾跃明(中国地质矿产信息研究院,北京,100037)近几年来,随着过去全球变化研究的兴起,地质学家越来越重视地质历史时期影响大气CO2浓度的因素的调查。不少人认为,变质作用和火山活动可能是过去大气中CO...  相似文献   
银灿铜矿地处于北祁连走廊南山北坡—冷龙岭岛弧带中,矿区出露一套具双峰式火山岩特征的火山沉积建造,矿体主要赋存在石英角斑岩中并存在明显分带,上部为铜矿体向下部变为锌矿体,矿石类型属黄铁矿型多金属矿石,成矿作用过程直接或间接与火山活动有关,是北祁连地区早古生代典型的海相火山岩型块状硫化物矿床。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Dajing Cu–Sn–Ag–Pb–Zn ore deposit, Inner Mongolia of China, is a fissure‐filling hydrothermal ore deposit that occurs within the Upper Permian Linxi group. No magmatic pluton and volcanic rocks outcrop on the surface of the deposit. Most of ore veins show clear‐cut boundary with country rocks. Wallrock alterations that include silicification, carbonation, chlori–tization, and sericitization are generally weak and occur in the close vicinity of ore veins. Mineralization is divided into three stages: (1) cassiterite–arsenopyrite–quartz stage, (2) sulfide stage, and (3) Pb–Zn–Ag–carbonate stage. These mineralization stages have distinct ranges of homogenization temperatures, 290–350C for Stage 1, 260–320C for Stage 2, and 150–250C for Stage 3. However, salinities for Stages 1, 2, and 3 overlap and range between 2.2 and 10.4 wt % NaCl equivalent. The dD values relative to V‐SMOW of inclusion water from quartz are lower than –88% and centered at –100 to –130%. The δ34S values relative to CDT of sulfide ore minerals and δ13C values relative to PDB of carbonate gangue minerals, vary from –0.3 to +2.6%, and from –7.0 to –2.9%, respectively. Integrated isotopic data point to two major contributions to the mineralizing fluid that include a dominant meteoric‐derived water and the other from hypogene magma for sulfur and carbon species. Analyses of inclusion gas and liquid compositions are performed. The H2O and CO2 are the two most abundant gaseous components, whereas SO42‐ and Cl, and Na+, Ca2+, and K+ are the major anions and cations, respectively. A linear trend is shown on the gaseous H2O versus CO2 plot. Phase separation is excluded as cause for the trend on the basis of isotope data and fluid inclusion microthermometry. In addition, a weak wallrock alteration does not support fluid‐rock interaction as an efficient mechanism. Hence, the linear H2O–CO2 trend is interpreted in terms of absorption or dilution of CO2–dominant magmatic vapor by meteoric‐derived water. Cooling effects resulting from dilution may have caused precipitation of ore minerals. Major and trace element compositions of regional granites show a high‐K calc–alkaline characteristics and an arc–affinity. Lead isotopic compositions of galena samples from the Dajing deposit exhibit elevated U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. These characteristics indicate a common source of supra subduction zone mantle wedge for regional granites and metals from the Dajing deposit.  相似文献   
吴辉 《福建地质》2005,24(2):72-78
从分析区内水文地质特征入手,根据武平县悦洋银多金属矿区、上杭县古石背铀矿床、上杭县紫金山铜金矿区西北矿段铜矿床等水文地质特征,提出该区矿床水文地质勘探,应查明构造断裂带的特征,采用多种勘探方法相结合,加强地下水长期观测,正确地查明矿床水文地质条件和主要充水因素.准确预测矿坑涌水量。  相似文献   
全国主要大中型金铜多金属矿区域地球化学数据库   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用Visual dBase5.5和Visual Basic语言完成了全国主要大中型金铜多金属矿区域地球化学数据库(CRGD1.0)系统的设计和开发,并将所收集到的约30个大中型金,铜,多金属矿田/床的基础地质资料,区域地球化学资料装入库中,形成了全国主要大中型金铜矿多金属矿区域地球化学数据库,同时还开发,设计了数据录入,数据浏览,数据查询,数据输出,格式转换等功能。  相似文献   
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