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Abstract The high-grade metamorphic rocks of southern Brittany underwent a complex tectonic evolution under various P-T conditions (high-P, high-T), related to stacking of nappes during Palaeozoic continentcontinent collision. The east to west thrusting observed in the whole belt is strongly perturbed by vertical movements attributed to the ascent of anatectic granites in the high-T area. The field reconstruction of subvertical, closed elliptical structures in gneisses and migmatites, associated with the subhorizontal, doubly radial pattern of stretching lineation in the mica schists, suggests the existence of an elliptical diapiric body buried at depth beneath the present erosion level. Deformation is associated with a complex P-T evolution partly recorded in aluminous gneisses (kinzigites, e.g. morbihanites). A chronology of successive episodes of mineral growth at different compositions is established by detailed studies of the mineral-microstructure relationships in X-Z sections, using the deformation-partitioning concept (low- and high-strain zones). Several thermometric and barometric calibrations are applied to mineral pairs either in contact or not in contact but in equivalent microstructiiral positions with respect to the deformation history. This methodology provides a continuous microstructural control of P-T variations through time and leads to three P-T-t-d paths constructed from numerous successive P-T estimations. Path 1 is a clockwise retrograde path preserved in low-strain zones, which records general exhumation movements after crustal thickening. Paths 2 and 3 are clockwise prograde/retrograde paths from high-strain zones; they are interpreted and discussed in the light of models of crustal anatexis and upward movement of magma (diapirism). Deformation and P-T effects induced by diapirism can be distinguished from the general deformation-metamorphic history of a belt, and would seem to be produced during a late stage of its history. The present microstructural-petrological approach to defining successive mineral equilibria in relation to progressive deformation steps provides a far more accurate evaluation of the metamorphic evolution than is possible by ‘standard’thermobarometry. 相似文献
R. A. JAMIESON N. G. CULSHAW N. WODICKA D. CORRIGAN J. W. F. KETCHUM 《Journal of Metamorphic Geology》1992,10(3):321-332
Systematic mapping of a transect along the well-exposed shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario, combined with the preliminary results of structural analysis, geochronology and metamorphic petrology, places some constraints on the geological setting of high-grade metamorphism in this part of the Central Gneiss Belt. Correlations within and between map units (gneiss associations) have allowed us to recognize five tectonic units that differ in various aspects of their lithology, metamorphic and plutonic history, and structural style. The lowest unit, which forms the footwall to a regional decollement, locally preserves relic pre-Grenvillian granulite facies assemblages reworked under amphibolite facies conditions during the Grenvillian orogeny. Tectonic units above the decollement apparently lack the early granulite facies metamorphism; out-of-sequence thrusting in the south produced a duplex-like structure. Two distinct stages of Grenvillian metamorphism are apparent. The earlier stage (c. 1160–1120 Ma) produced granulite facies assemblages in the Parry Sound domain and upper amphibolite facies assemblages in the Parry Island thrust sheet. The later stage (c. 1040–1020 Ma) involved widespread, dominantly upper amphibolite facies metamorphism within and beneath the duplex. Deformation and metamorphism recently reported from south and east of the Parry Sound domain at c. 1100–1040 Ma have not yet been documented along the Georgian Bay transect. The data suggest that early convergence was followed by a period of crustal thickening in the orogenic core south-east of the transect area, with further advance to the north-west during and after the waning stages of this deformation. 相似文献
Tectono-Metallogenic System in the Altay Orogenic Belt, China 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
WANG Jingbin ZHANG Jinhong DING Rufu FANG TonghuiBeijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources State Bureau of Nonferrous Metals Industry Andingmenwai Beijing 《《地质学报》英文版》2000,74(3):485-491
The Altay erogenic belt of China is an important metallogenic belt of base metals, rare metals and gold. The main orogenic-metallogenic epoch is the Hercynian (Late Palaeozoic). Hercynian orogeny underwent two tectonic stages: the early volcano-passive continental margin extension (D1-D2) and late subduction-collision (D3-P). There correspondingly developed two different metallogenic systems. One is the stratabound massive sulphide and iron metallogenic system related to volcano-passive continental margin, and the other is the epigenetic gold and granite-associated rare metals system formed by collision. Very few mineralizations were formed during the subduc-tion time. 相似文献
甘肃北山地区古亚洲南缘古生代岛弧带位置的讨论 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
综合研究得出结论:甘肃北山红石山断裂带以北的雀儿山-英安山地区为一种与俯冲洋壳板块相关的岛弧带,它记录了古亚洲大洋向南缘东天山古陆系统下俯冲消减的整个地史过程.主要依据:①该地区缺少古老基底陆壳;②发育于区内的中奥陶世-泥盆纪不同时代地层中的火山岩和石炭-三叠纪的中酸性侵入岩,主要以钙碱性或TTG或埃达克成分系列为主要标志,揭示深部有消减洋壳板片或岩源的存在;③从中奥陶世和志留纪火山岩的玄武岩、安山岩和英安岩组合,到泥盆纪以安山岩、英安岩为主的流纹岩、玄武岩组合,至三叠纪马鞍山、小草湖中酸性侵入岩序列的部分高钾钙碱性岩石类型组合,反映古亚洲大洋在南侧消减带之上从一种不成熟岛弧到成熟岛弧和大陆边缘弧发育演化的过程;文章提出代表古亚洲大洋南缘消减带的实际位置应在雀儿山-英安山一线以北的蒙古境内,而北山岛弧带实属南侧东天山古陆陆缘增生地体的一部分. 相似文献
Caldear Volcanic Group (CVG), a stratigraphically well defined, calc-alkaline rock complex within Sa de Gata in the eastern part of the Alpine Betic mountain chain, S Spain, consists of three distinct formations: Hernández pyroxene andesites, Bujo hornblende-bearing pyroxene andesites and Viuda hornblende-bearing pyroxene dacites–rhyolites. The letter rock formation may have developed through crystal fractionation of mainly plagioclase and pyroxenes, however there is no direct relation between two formations. CVG has a domainal structure with a northeastern domain where Hernández formation is overlain by Bujo formation while Viuda formation is absent, and a southwestern domain where Viuda formation forms the only fractionate after Hernández formation. Hernández parent magma is thought generated through crustal anatexis by dehydration melting of a predominantly amphibolitic source rock complex which was formed by metamorphism from c. 500 Ma volcano-sedimentary parent material. The domainal structure of CVG is explained by compositional variation within this protogenetic complex. Single crystal U–Pb ages of c. 500 Ma to 1800 Ma for inherited zircon support the presence of clastic material of Proterozoic derivation within the original volcano-sedimentary complex. Regional study of syn-collisional rock formations (Alpine nappe complexes) indicate that the collisional tectonic stage in the Betic-Rif orogenic belt took place rather early (25–30 Ma?) and was followed by a stage of rapid regional rock uplift, fast cooling (c. 500°C/my) and extensional tectonics in the period 22–17 Ma. This later tectonic stage was set into motion by slab break-off which set the stage for a high temperature regime in the overlying lithosphere, providing the framework for the crustal melting and magma production responsible for the calc-alkaline rocks of Alborán volcanic province. Miocene zircon with ages ranging from c. 17 to 11 Ma indicate a rather protracted magmatic development prior to eruption at c. 11 Ma. Post-collisional character of Caldear Volcanic Group thus seems well established. 相似文献
阿拉伯-努比亚地盾(Arabian Nubian Shield,简称ANS)是900~550Ma期间冈瓦纳超大陆汇聚过程中形成的增生造山带,这一造山过程也被称为是泛非造山运动。它记录了一个长期的造山演化历史,经历了从大洋俯冲、岛弧形成及弧后的岩浆作用到大陆板块碰撞地体的拼合,再到新生地壳的逃逸构造、走滑剪切、张性断裂一系列的构造演化过程。这个演化可以分为四个阶段:(1)洋盆形成阶段(870~800 Ma);(2)洋壳俯冲阶段(800~670 Ma);(3)造山阶段(750~550 Ma);(4)后造山阶段(550 Ma~三叠纪),其中后三个阶段都有金的富集成矿作用。洋壳俯冲阶段的金矿化主要赋存在Algoma型含铁建造层(BIF)、凝灰质变质碎屑岩,以及火山成因的块状硫化物矿床内。造山阶段的主要金矿化类型为含金石英-碳酸盐脉状金矿化、与斑岩铜矿化有关的金矿化,以及与辉长岩类岩体有关的含金石英脉状矿化。与后造山阶段有关的金矿化以少量浸染状、网脉状并伴有Sn-W-Ta-Nb矿化的石英脉为特征。目前在ANS中发现了大量金矿床或矿点,它们具有各种不同的成因类型。根据构造背景及赋矿围岩,ANS原生金矿化可以划分为三类:(1)与火山沉积序列有关的金矿化,包括VMS型、浅成热液型;(2)空间分布上与碳酸盐化蛇绿岩带相关的金矿化;(3)与后造山或造山晚期闪长岩-花岗岩岩体或次火山岩有关的金矿化。 相似文献
滇西潞西地区位于青藏高原东南缘,大地构造位置上属于保山地体。由于新生代强烈的陆内变形作用,保山地体与青藏高原腹地体的对应关系难以确定。野外观察及LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,潞西新元古代—早古生代地层(震旦系—寒武系蒲满哨群及下奥陶统大矿山组)大部分碎屑锆石Th/U0.1,说明其大多为岩浆成因。U-Pb年龄跨度较大,太古宙—早古生代都有分布,且具有明显的562Ma、892Ma及2265Ma年龄峰,以及较弱的1680Ma和2550Ma年龄峰。保山地体潞西地区沉积岩碎屑锆石年龄分布特征与特提斯喜马拉雅、南羌塘沉积地层碎屑锆石年龄分布特征相似,说明其具有相同的物源——冈瓦纳大陆北部的印度大陆。在新元古代晚期—早古生代,保山地体位于印度大陆北缘,与南羌塘、喜马拉雅地体相邻。伴随着俯冲相关的增生造山过程,保山地体形成相应的新元古代末期—早古生代沉积地层。 相似文献
北极地区地质构造及主要构造事件 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
北极地区范围很广,北极圈面积达2 100×104 km2,区域地质复杂。通过对北极地区区域地质编图,笔者认为前寒武纪主要由波罗的、劳伦和西伯利亚三大克拉通,以及其间的微板块或地块组成。主要造山带包括新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔造山带、晚志留世-早石炭世的加里东造山带、晚古生代-早中生代的海西造山带、晚中生代的上扬斯克造山带、新西伯利亚造山带与楚科奇-布鲁克斯造山带。根据北极地区区域地质构造特征,显生宙以来经历的构造事件大致包括:新元古代-早寒武世的贝加尔运动,致使波罗的古陆与斯瓦尔巴-喀拉地块碰撞造山;晚泥盆世-早石炭世的加里东运动,在劳伦古陆周边形成规模巨大的加里东造山带;晚古生代的海西运动,波罗的古陆与西伯利亚古陆的碰撞造山形成海西造山带;北极阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块裂离加拿大边缘,侏罗纪加拿大海盆开始张开;早白垩世,阿拉斯加-楚科奇微板块继续与西伯利亚碰撞,阿纽伊洋(Anyui Ocean)消亡,形成上扬斯克-布鲁克斯造山带。受北极调查程度影响,许多问题有待进一步研究。 相似文献