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A statistical analysis of the peak acceleration demands for nonstructural components (NSCs) supported on a variety of stiff and flexible inelastic regular moment‐resisting frame structures with periods from 0.3 to 3.0 s exposed to 40 far‐field ground motions is presented. Peak component acceleration (PCA) demands were quantified based on the floor response spectrum (FRS) method without considering dynamic interaction effects. This study evaluated the main factors that influence the amplification or decrease of FRS values caused by inelasticity in the primary structure in three distinct spectral regions namely long‐period, fundamental‐period, and short‐period region. The amplification or decrease of peak elastic acceleration demands depends on the location of the NSC in the supporting structure, periods of the component and building, damping ratio of the component, and level of inelasticity of the supporting structure. While FRS values at the initial modal periods of the supporting structure are reduced due to inelastic action in the primary structure, the region between the modal periods experiences an increase in PCA demands. A parameter denoted as acceleration response modification factor (Racc) was proposed to quantify this reduction/increase in PCA demands. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This technical communication presents some MATLAB® routines for visualizing the structure in turbulent signals based on a standard conditional averaging and thresholding approach. Up to three velocity components may be analysed and the resulting output highlights the time at which important flow events occur as well as the frequency levels that contribute the greatest energy to this particular event. The latter information is derived from a wavelet decomposition of the signal and may assist in providing a process‐based explanation of observed flow features. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
作者报告了300例脑囊虫。对脑囊虫病的CT表现进行了讨论。作者认为;(1)平扫为多发小囊状低密度灶,如囊壁上有高密度点。(2)较大囊状低密度灶,囊壁上有高密度点。(3)平扫为多发局灶性低密度区,增强出现多发结节及环形强化灶。为诊断脑囊虫病有价值的征象。本文还对脑囊虫病的病理及鉴别诊断进行了讨论。  相似文献   
影响CT球管寿命的非质量因素是指对其使用寿命的长短产生影响的因素。笔者通过对多年工作实践的总结,从操作技术、维修保养等方面探讨诸因素对CT球管寿命的影响。  相似文献   
林楠  姜琦刚  刘德利 《测绘科学》2013,38(3):178-180
本文在专业的遥感和地理信息系统软件平台支持下,利用Aster立体像对和IKONOS高分辨率遥感影像分别提取矿区地形信息和地物信息,结合矿区的实际特点,参照地形图制作规范对矿区大比例尺地形图的制作进行了分析和探讨,结果表明利用遥感影像进行矿区大比例尺地形图制作不但周期短、速度快、时效性强,而且精度完全能够满足生产需要,是一种实用可行的方法。  相似文献   
The adequate documentation and interpretation of regional‐scale stratigraphic surfaces is paramount to establish correlations between continental and shallow marine strata. However, this is often challenged by the amalgamated nature of low‐accommodation settings and control of backwater hydraulics on fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy. Exhumed examples of full‐transect depositional profiles across river‐to‐delta systems are key to improve our understanding about interacting controlling factors and resultant stratigraphy. This study utilizes the ~400 km transect of the Cenomanian Mesa Rica Sandstone (Dakota Group, USA), which allows mapping of down‐dip changes in facies, thickness distribution, fluvial architecture and spatial extent of stratigraphic surfaces. The two sandstone units of the Mesa Rica Sandstone represent contemporaneous fluvio‐deltaic deposition in the Tucumcari sub‐basin (Western Interior Basin) during two regressive phases. Multivalley deposits pass down‐dip into single‐story channel sandstones and eventually into contemporaneous distributary channels and delta‐front strata. Down‐dip changes reflect accommodation decrease towards the paleoshoreline at the Tucumcari basin rim, and subsequent expansion into the basin. Additionally, multi‐storey channel deposits bound by erosional composite scours incise into underlying deltaic deposits. These represent incised‐valley fill deposits, based on their regional occurrence, estimated channel tops below the surrounding topographic surface and coeval downstepping delta‐front geometries. This opposes criteria offered to differentiate incised valleys from flood‐induced backwater scours. As the incised valleys evidence relative sea‐level fall and flood‐induced backwater scours do not, the interpretation of incised valleys impacts sequence stratigraphic interpretations. The erosional composite surface below fluvial strata in the continental realm represents a sequence boundary/regional composite scour (RCS). The RCS’ diachronous nature demonstrates that its down‐dip equivalent disperses into several surfaces in the marine part of the depositional system, which challenges the idea of a single, correlatable surface. Formation of a regional composite scour in the fluvial realm throughout a relative sea‐level cycle highlights that erosion and deposition occur virtually contemporaneously at any point along the depositional profile. This contradicts stratigraphic models that interpret low‐accommodation settings to dominantly promote bypass, especially during forced regressions. Source‐to‐sink analyses should account for this in order to adequately resolve timing and volume of sediment storage in the system throughout a complete relative sea‐level cycle.  相似文献   
CT诊断胸部平片隐匿部位肿瘤的检出价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对227例胸部肿瘤中的34例X线不易发现的肿瘤进行了X线与CT诊断的对照分析,此组病例共占胸部肿瘤的14.9%,胸部隐匿部位的肿瘤在传统X光正位胸片上受组织重叠的影响是不易看到的,容易漏诊,须通过CT扫描检查方可观察到,CT扫描是诊断胸部隐匿部位肿瘤的最好,最有效的检查方法之一。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):143-155
This article examines possibilities associated with the cultivation of balanced regional images via the use of simple methods. Two experiments based on the primacy effect and the painting picture rule, or visual depiction of regions, were conducted. The results show significant differences in the formation of regional images. More specifically, the presentation of positive prior knowledge and the depiction of regional aspects with strong visual cues led to the formation of regional images that were more balanced. In conclusion, these simple teaching methods are effective for cultivating balanced regional images, an important element of geography education.  相似文献   
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