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The Tan–Lu Fault Zone (TLFZ) extends in a NNE–SSW direction for more than 2000 km in Eastern China. It has been considered either as a major sinistral strike-slip fault, as a suture zone or as a normal fault. We have conducted a structural analysis of the southern segment of this fault zone (STLFZ) in the Anhui Province. The ages (Triassic to Palaeocene) of the formations affected by the faults have been re-appraised taking into account recent stratigraphical studies to better constraint the ages of the successive stages of the kinematics of the STLFZ. Subsequently, the kinematics of the faults is presented in terms of strain/stress fields by inversion of the striated fault set data. Finally, the data are discussed in the light of the results obtained by previous workers.We propose the following history of the STLFZ kinematics during the Mesozoic. At the time of collision, a NNE orientated Tan–Lu margin probably connected two margins located north of the Dabie and Sulu collision belts. During the Middle–Late Triassic, the SCB has been obliquely subducted below the NCB along this margin which has acted as a compressional transfer zone between the Dabie and Sulu continental subduction zones. The STLFZ has been initiated during the Early Jurassic and has acted as a sinistral transform fault during the Jurassic, following which the NCB/SCB collision stopped. A NW-trending extension related to metamorphic domes was active during the basal Early Cretaceous ( 135–130 Ma); it has been followed by a NW–SE compression and a NE–SW tension during the middle–late Early Cretaceous ( 127 to 105 Ma, possibly 95 Ma); at that time the TLFZ was a sinistral transcurrent fault within the eastern part of the Asian continent. During the Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene, the STLFZ was a normal fault zone under a WNW–ESE tension. 相似文献
Diagenesis of vascular plant organic matter components during burial in lake sediments 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Diagenetic changes are difficult to distinguish from variations in sources of organic matter to sediments. Organic geochemical comparisons of samples of wood, bark, and needles from a white spruce (Picea glauca) living today and one buried for 10,000 years in lake sediments have been used to identify the effects of diagenesis on vascular plant matter. Important biogeochemical changes are evident in the aged spruce components, even though the cellular structures of the samples are well preserved. Concentrations of total fatty acids dramatically diminish; unsaturated and shorter chainlength components are preferentially lost from the molecular distributions. Concentrations of total alcohols are similar in the modern and 10,000-year-old wood and bark but markedly lowered in the aged needles. Hydrocarbon concentrations and distributions show little diagenetic change in the 10,000-year-old plant materials. Cellulose components in the wood decrease relative to lignin components, although both types of materials remain in high concentration in comparison to other organic components. Aromatization of abietic acid proceeds more rapidly in buried spruce wood than in bark; retene is the dominant polyaromatic hydrocarbon in the aged wood. In contrast to the variety of changes evident in molecular compositions, neither 13C values nor C/N ratios differ significantly in the bulk organic matter of modern and aged spruce components. 相似文献
A robust satellite data analysis technique (RAT) has been recently proposed as a suitable tool for satellite TIR surveys in seismically active regions and already successfully tested in different cases of earthquakes (both high and medium–low magnitudes).In this paper, the efficiency and the potentialities of the RAT technique have been tested even when it is applied to a wide area with extremely variable topography, land coverage and climatic characteristics (the whole Indian subcontinent). Bhuj–Gujarat's earthquake (occurred on 26th January 2001, MS 7.9) has been considered as a test case in the validation phase, while a relatively unperturbed period (no earthquakes with MS ≥ 5, in the same region and in the same period) has been analyzed for confutation purposes. To this aim, 6 years of Meteosat-5 TIR observations have been processed for the characterization of the TIR signal behaviour at each specific observation time and location.The anomalous TIR values, detected by RAT, have been evaluated in terms of time–space persistence in order to establish the existence of actually significant anomalous transients. The results indicate that the studied area was affected by significant positive thermal anomalies which were identified, at different intensity levels, not far from the Gujarat coast (since 15th January, but with a clearer evidence on 22nd January) and near the epicentral area (mainly on 21st January). On 25th January (1 day before Gujarat's earthquake) significant TIR anomalies appear on the Northern Indian subcontinent, showing a remarkable coincidence with the principal tectonic lineaments of the region (thrust Himalayan boundary).On the other hand, the results of the confutation analysis indicate that no meaningful TIR anomalies appear in the absence of seismic events with MS ≥ 5. 相似文献
Late Glacial and Neoglacial (Little Ice Age) deposits on the Humboldt Massif were analyzed for relative-age dating parameters, including geomorphic and weathering characteristics, geochemical and soil properties. The soil chronosequence, formed in chemically uniform parent materials, provides an important database to study soil evolution in a tropical alpine environment. Extractable and total Fe and Al concentrations, examined to assess their use in relative-age determination, and as paleoenvironmental indicators, provide an important measure of the accumulation and downward profile movement over time of organically-bound Al, ferrihydrite and other crystalline forms (hematite and goethite) of extractable Fe. Ferrihydrite is particularly useful in determining former perched water levels in soils with relation to paleoclimate. The ratios of most Fe extracts are time dependent. The Fed/Fet ratio, within statistical limits, shows a slow increase from LIA (Little Ice Age) to Late Glacial soils, which closely correlates with other alpine soil studies in the middle latitudes and other tropical alpine locales. Values of Ald (dithionite) and Alo (oxalate extractable) generally do not correlate with time; however, Alp (pyrophosphate extractable) measured against Alt (total) provides insight on the downward translocation over time of organically-bound Al. Low leaching rates in this chronosequence are further supported by clay mineralogy trends and the geochemical data. 相似文献
Spatial patterns and replacement in ten cacti were studied on an island of the coastal desert of Sinaloa, México. Four platyopuntias had 74–92% of their individuals beneath shrub canopies, whereas three globose cacti, one columnar cactus and two cylindropuntias had similar or higher percentages of individuals in open spaces. This study advances the idea that open-space colonization is enhanced by less harsh physical and biotic conditions in coastal deserts, and by certain morphological and physiological adaptations of cacti. The absence of nurse-shrub replacement is understood as a result of induced co-existence by physical damage from cyclones in the coastal zone. 相似文献
Subsurface thermal structure in Tohoku district are characterized by existing data such as geothermal resources maps, drill hole thermal gradients, Curie point depths and hypocenters distribution maps. The collected data are registered in a database system, then, compared in plan view, cross-section and bird's-eye pictures. The comparison indicates that subsurface temperatures extrapolated from drill hole thermal gradients are generally concordant to the Curie point depth, assumed to be 650 °C. Tohoku district is generally divided into 5 type areas; fore arc lowland, fore arc mountain country, Quaternary volcanic terrain, back arc lowland and back arc mountain country. The surface thermal manifestations in Quaternary volcanic terrain are mainly controlled by the magma chambers as heat sources, while, surface thermal features such as hot springs in non-volcanic areas are controlled by degrees of heat flows, and hydrothermal flows in permeable Cenozoic formations and along permeable fault zones. 相似文献
Eclogites within exhumed continental collision zones indicate regional burial to depths of at least 60 km, and often more than 100 km in the coesite‐stable, ultra‐high pressure (UHP) eclogite facies. Garnet, omphacitic pyroxene, high‐Si mica, kyanite ± coesite should grow at the expense of low‐P minerals in most felsic compositions, if equilibrium obtained at these conditions. The quartzofeldspathic rocks that comprise the bulk of eclogite facies terranes, however, contain mainly amphibolite facies, plagioclase‐bearing assemblages. To what extent these lower‐P minerals persisted metastably during (U)HP metamorphism, or whether they grew afterwards, reflects closely upon crustal parameters such as density, strength and seismic character. The Nordfjord area in western Norway offers a detailed view into a large crustal section that was subducted into the eclogite facies. The degree of transformation in typical pelite, paragneiss, granitic and granodioritic gneiss was assessed by modelling the equilibrium assemblage, comparing it with existing parageneses in these rocks and using U/Th–Pb zircon geochronology from laser ablation ICPMS to establish the history of mineral growth. U–Pb dates define a period of zircon recrystallization and new growth accompanying burial and metamorphism lasting from 430 to 400 Ma. Eclogite facies mafic rock (~2 vol.% of crust) is the most transformed composition and records the ambient peak conditions. Rare garnet‐bearing pelitic rocks (<10 vol.% of crust) preserve a mostly prograde mineral evolution to near‐peak conditions; REE concentrations in zircon indicate that garnet was present after 425 Ma and feldspar broke down after 410 Ma. Felsic gneiss – by far the most abundant rock type – is dominated by quartz + biotite + feldspar, but minor zoisite/epidote, phengitic white mica, garnet and rutile point to a prograde HP overprint. Relict textures indicate that much of the microstructural framework of plagioclase, K‐feldspar, and perhaps biotite, persisted through at least 25 Ma of burial, and ultimately UHP metamorphism. The signature reaction of the eclogite facies in felsic rocks – jadeite/omphacite growth from plagioclase – cannot be deduced from the presence of pyroxene or its breakdown products. We conclude that prograde dehydration in orthogneiss leads to fluid absent conditions, impeding equilibration beyond ~high‐P amphibolite facies. 相似文献
Maowen Li Yongqiang Xiong Lloyd R. Snowdon Dale Issler 《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》2006,89(1-3):214
Molecular and isotopic compositions of crude oils in the Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin confirm three genetic end-member oil groups and suggest extensive cross-formational hydrocarbon fluid flows in the Tertiary deltaic system. Inter- and intra-fractional variations in the geochemistry of the Tertiary-reservoired oils indicate that the oil source/maturity signatures were substantially masked by biomarkers that were picked up along migration pathways. Thus, many of the previously recognized “immature non-marine oils” are in fact thermally mature, probably derived from unpenetrated deeper marine source rocks. Although the effective source rock volumes have not been evaluated and their exact stratigraphic levels remain unknown, the relative timing of oil generation versus trap formation, rather than poor source quality, may be the cause of under-filled traps in the offshore area. 相似文献
Bayesian analysis of stage–fall–discharge models for gauging stations affected by variable backwater
Parsimonious stage–fall–discharge rating curve models for gauging stations subject to backwater complications are developed from simple hydraulic theory. The rating curve models are compounded in order to allow for possible shifts in the hydraulics when variable backwater becomes effective. The models provide a prior scientific understanding through the relationship between the rating curve parameters and the hydraulic properties of the channel section under study. This characteristic enables prior distributions for the rating curve parameters to be easily elicited according to site‐specific information and the magnitude of well‐known hydraulic quantities. Posterior results from three Norwegian and one American twin‐gauge stations affected by variable backwater are obtained using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The case studies demonstrate that the proposed Bayesian rating curve assessment is appropriate for developing rating procedures for gauging stations that are subject to variable backwater. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Juan C. Tokeshi Madan B. Karkee Yoshihiro Sugimura 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2006,26(2-4):163-174
The paper utilizes previously developed microtremor simulation technique to evaluate the reliability of Rayleigh wave dispersion curve estimated by f–k spectral analysis of microtremor array measurement. The simulated microtremors are obtained for a fictitious (TEST) site. Attempt is also made to obtain the dispersion curve for two real sites (OHDATE and SKC) by inverse analysis of the microtremor array measurement using f–k spectra method. The estimated dispersion curve from simulated microtremors (TEST site) compares well with the theoretical dispersion curve, demonstrating the reliability of f–k spectra method and indicating that the estimated dispersion curve from microtremor measurements could be adequately used as the target for inverse analysis purposes. It is also demonstrated that the dispersion curve from microtremor measurements can be utilized to estimate the soil profile at OHDATE and SKC sites by inverse analysis. Results show that the theoretical dispersion curve of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh wave after the end of inverse analysis are in good agreement with the dispersion curve obtained by f–k spectral analysis of microtremor array measurement. 相似文献