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采用原位衰减全反射红外光谱技术(ATR-FTIR)探讨pH值和磷酸根浓度对磷酸根在磁铁矿表面吸附形态的影响。结果表明:随着pH值降低,磷酸根浓度增大,磷酸根在磁铁矿表面的吸附量随之增加,形成内层吸附。发现有3种吸附模型:(1)在低pH值时,主要形成对称性为C1的吸附形态,可能主要是单质子化双齿双核络合形态;(2)在高pH值条件下发现有2种形态,高磷酸根浓度条件下,形成1种对称性为C3ν吸附形态,主要是单齿单核络合形态,在低浓度条件下,发现1种C2ν对称性吸附形态,可能是去质子化双齿双核络合形态,与单齿单核络合形态的物种在低浓度条件下共同存在。  相似文献   
把时钟拨回到大约40亿年前,回到太古代(Archean),当时的太阳光线比现在要弱大约30%。这样就存在一个问题:太阳虽然为地球提供了热量,但不足以避免海洋结  相似文献   
<正>The thermo-electric coefficients of twenty-six magnetite samples,formed either by magmatism or metamorphism,were tested by the thermo-electric instrument BHET—06.Results showed that the coefficient is of a constant value of about -0.05 mV/℃.It is emphasized that because every magnetite grain was tested randomly,the coefficient is independent of the crystallographic direction.This fact means the thermal voltage generated from a single magnetite crystal can be accumulated,and as a result a new thermo-electric field can arise when a gradient thermal field exists and is active within the earth's crust.Because magnetite is widespread in the earth's crust(generally appearing more in the middle-lower crust),there is more-than-random probability that the additional thermo-electric field can be generated when certain thermal conditions are fulfilled.We,therefore,used the thermo-electric effect of magnetite to study the mechanism responsible for the presence of abnormal geo-electric fields during earthquake formation and occurrence, because gradient thermal fields always exist before earthquakes.The possible presence of additional thermo-electric fields was calculated under theoretical seismological conditions,using the following calcu-lation formula:E= - 0.159(σ×△T×φ×ρ_2×[(h~2-2x~2)cosα+ 3hxsinα]/ρ_1(h~2 +x~2)~(5/2)).In the above formula,σis thermo-electric coefficient of magnetite,△T is the temperature difference acting on it,φis a sectional area on a block of magnetite vertically perpendicular to the direction of the thermal current.ρ_1 andρ_2 are the respective resistivities of magnetite and the crust,and h,α,and x,respectively,h is the depth of embedded magnetite block,αmeans the angle created by the horizontal line and ligature of the two poles of magnetite block,and x is the distance from observation point to projective center point of the magnetite block on earth surface.According to simulations calculated with this formula,additional thermo-electric field intensity may reach as high as n to n×10~2 mV/km.This field is strong enough to cause obvious anomalies in the background geo-electric field,and can be easy probed by earthquake monitoring equipment. Therefore,we hypothesize that geo-electric abnormalities which occur during earthquakes may be caused by the thermo-electric effect of magnetite.  相似文献   
湖南铁矿资源找矿和用矿的希望,首先是在现有国内外选矿技术的基础上化大力气研究解决选矿问题;其次是寻找易选矿石。  相似文献   
九星铁金矿位于扬子陆块与华夏陆块过渡带上,矿体产于甲路一段与二段间的翁浪—地虎滑脱蚀变带中,是一个小型规模矿床。电子探针、主-微量和稀土元素分析发现,主量元素方面,磁铁矿中K2O、Mg'O、P2O5和Ca'O含量甚微,而Fe'Ot含量与Si'O2、A12O3、Cr2O3和V2O3含量呈明显的负相关关系;微量元素方面,V、Cr、Zn、Cu、Sb、W、Pb和Bi等元素富集;稀土元素方面,具有富轻稀土、Eu负异常(δEu均值为0.77)和Ce弱负异常(δCe均值为0.95)特征。相关参数的判别和对比结果显示,九星铁金矿床的形成经历了成矿环境从弱氧化环境向还原环境过渡的过程,其成因属于热液型。  相似文献   
勘查区位于老挝西北部之波乔省,地表风化严重、浮土掩盖厚、深林茂密、基岩露头少,虽然局部地段出露有大量的铁帽,但不敢判断该区是否有大规模的磁铁矿.为此,我们采用1∶10000地面高精度磁法测量以了解磁铁矿的有无、范围、延伸、规模.后期勘探阶段开展2.5D人机交互正反演工作以了解深部磁铁矿的有无.结果表明,在老挝西北部地质勘查程度低的地区开展高精度磁测扫面工作是寻找磁铁矿产行之有效的方法,能够解决基础地质问题,矿山勘查问题,后期运用2.5D人机交互正反演能够解决一定的矿层预测工作.  相似文献   
论氢化物迁移成矿机制──兼论钒钛磁铁矿成矿的化学模式   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
论述了氢化物的形成条件及其物理化学特性。探讨了岩浆中钛、铁、钒、磷元素的迁移富集机制。建立了钒钛磁铁矿成矿的化学模式。  相似文献   
磁铁矿采空区处理施工工艺与技术方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章系统地介绍了采用地质钻机成孔,高压注浆机进行充填注浆的施工方法。为了将水泥砂浆及水泥粉煤灰浆填入采空区,采用能施加高压的输送泵及高压注浆设备、铸铁注浆管、水泥封孔的注浆工艺处理采空区铁路路基。在信息化施工过程中,通过试验不断地调整设计方法、改进施工工艺,在处理巨型磁铁矿采空区工程实践中达到了预期的目标。施工中,在控制充填边界、封孔方法及施工工艺等方面有一定的创新。提出的采空区施工技术控制、质量检测与评价方法,对同类工程勘察、设计及施工具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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