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尼日利亚的巴古多(Bagudo)锰矿是近年新发现的具有找矿潜力的沉积变质型锰矿床,位于马如—安卡费金铜铁成矿带的西北缘附近。矿区共圈定了3个锰矿区,锰矿体出露于地表,整体呈NW向或近SN向延伸。矿体中的条纹状锰矿石和块状锰矿石均属低磷中铁中品位的氧化锰-硅酸锰混合矿石,且块状锰矿石锰品位低于条纹状锰矿石。目前矿区的勘查深度主要为-50m以上的浅表部分,深部的勘查工作尚未进行。由于锰矿石具弱磁性,故而高精度磁异常的部位具有找锰意义。 相似文献
彭志忠石产于湖南安化白钨矿区,是一种富含镁、锡、铝的复杂氧化物。矿物为浅黄褐色、浅黄色,少量无色,晶体呈六方板状。晶体化学式为:(Mg,Zn,Fe,Al)_4(Sn,Fe)_2(Al,□)_(10)O_(22)(OH)_2,空间群P_3ml,a=5.692(5)A,c=13.78(2)A,V=386.7A~3,Z=1。D=4.22(3)g/cm~3,H≥8,一轴正晶,ω=1.802(2),ε=1.814(2)。 相似文献
把一种确定任何形状和规模正断层的三维几何形态的通用自动方法应用于尼日利亚Nun River油田的三维地震反向数据中,除了计算断层几何形态外,此法亦自动追索扩张方向,而不需要事先对断层形状或扩张方向有任何了解。 相似文献
Francis M. Nwosu 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2010,9(1):71-75
The Cross River Estuary, Nigeria, is an important shrimping area for artisanal fishermen of the coastal communities. The multi-species
Macrobrachium fishery is exploited with three main gears, namely beach seine, push net and trap. Studies on species composition of this
fishery recorded thirteen shrimp species, one swimming crab (Callinectes amnicola) and two fish species (Eleotris sp. and Pellonula leonensis). The shrimp species identified included Macrobrachium macrobrachion (83.39% and 55.69% by number and weight, respectively), M. vollenhovenii (9.66% and 37.18%), M. equidens (3.8% and 2.87%), juveniles-sub-adults of Penaeus notialis (1.11% and 1.3%), M. dux, M. felicinum, Palaemonetes africanus, Palaemon maculatus, Palaemon elegans, Desmocaris sp., Leander sp., Nematopalaemon hastatus and Alpheus pontederiae. While the selectivity index for trap was 0.25, beach seine and push net had a lower index of 0.063. The results present
the first comprehensive and representative report for the Estuary shrimp fishery and will assist in the management of the
biodiversity of this ecosystem. 相似文献
Mineralization of pegmatites in parts of the Oban Massif, Southeastern Nigeria: A preliminary analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Oban Basement Massif of southeastern Nigeria is composed of metamorphosed rocks including phyllites, schists, gneisses and amphibolites cut by pegmatitic dykes of varying length and thickness, which intruded the metamorphic rocks. Preliminary geochemical study and analysis of these pegmatites from western Oban Massif at Uyanga, Akwa Ibami, Iwuru I, Iwuru Ⅱ and Igbofia showed that the pegmatites are highly albitized. This is incon-sistent with earlier postulations that the pegmatites in this part of Nige... 相似文献
This study focused on the influence of base metal mining on heavy metal levels in soils and plants in the vicinity of Arufu lead-zinc mine, Nigeria. Soil samples (0-15 cm depth) and plant samples were collected from cul-tivated farmlands in and around the mine, the unmineralized site and a nearby forest (the control site). The samples were analyzed for heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Cd) by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The physical properties of soils (pH and LOI) were also measured. Results showed that soils from cultivated farm-lands have neutral pH values (6.5-7.5), and low organic matter contents (10%). Levels of Zn, Pb and Cd in culti-vated soils were higher than the concentrations obtained from the control site. These heavy metals are most probably sourced from mining and agricultural activities in the study area. Heavy metal concentrations measured in plant parts decreased in the order of rice leavescassava tuberspeelings. In the same plant species, metal levels decreased in the order of ZnFeMnCuPbCrCd. Most heavy metals were found in plant parts at average concentrations normally observed in plants grown in uncontaminated soil, however, elevated concentrations of Pb and Cd were found in a few cassava samples close to the mine dump. A stepwise linear regression analysis identified soil metal contents, pH and LOI as some of the factors influencing soil-plant metal uptake. 相似文献
利用高分辨率三维地震资料,对西非尼日利亚海上OML130地区近海底深水沉积进行了研究.剖析了深水水道体系各沉积单元地震反射特征,详细论述了水道与堤岸单元的外形几何特征及内部充填特征,即单一水道在剖面上为V字型,下部地震反射为强反射、低连续,代表相对粗颗粒碎屑沉积,顶部为中强振幅、连续性强、水平层状地震反射特征,反映了水道发育晩期废弃充填的特点,平面形态为高弯度条带状.在分析水道下切侵蚀与充填特征的基础之上,总结了水道体系内水道之间的3种叠置样式,研究表明平面上类似曲流河沉积体系的水道体系内,后期单一水道的发生不一定是在前期水道基础之上直接侧向迁移与顺流演化,而可能是另一个新的沉积过程,因而在不同位置展现不同的水道叠置样式.通过分析水道体系形成演化的主要影响因素,结合研究区浅层与深层资料,提出了被动大陆边缘深水水道体系的沉积模式.研究认为,在陆坡上某一区域,在物源供给及海平面变化,尤其是流域地形(构造或沉积所致)影响下,使得水道体系、朵叶体系既可以同时出现,也可以在顺流方向交替出现.借助近海底的高分辨率三维地震资料对深水沉积进行研究,可以揭示沉积单元特征,从而建立研究区内适性强的沉积演化模式,为深水油气勘探与开发提供更为成功的服务. 相似文献
The amount of methane leaked from deep sea cold seeps is enormous and potentially affects the global warming,ocean acidification and global carbon cycle. It is of great significance to study the methane bubble movement and dissolution process in the water column and its output to the atmosphere. Methane bubbles produce strong acoustic impedance in water bodies, and bubble strings released from deep sea cold seeps are called \"gas flares\"which expressed as flame-like strong backscatter in the water column. We characterized the morphology and movement of methane bubbles released into the water using multibeam water column data at two cold seeps. The result shows that methane at site I reached 920 m water depth without passing through the top of the gas hydrate stability zone(GHSZ, 850 m), while methane bubbles at site II passed through the top of the GHSZ(597 m) and entered the non-GHSZ(above 550 m). By applying two methods on the multibeam data, the bubble rising velocity in the water column at sites I and II were estimated to be 9.6 cm/s and 24 cm/s, respectively. Bubble velocity is positively associated with water depth which is inferred to be resulted from decrease of bubble size during methane ascending in the water. Combined with numerical simulation, we concluded that formation of gas hydrate shells plays an important role in helping methane bubbles entering the upper water bodies, while other factors, including water depth, bubble velocity, initial kinetic energy and bubble size, also influence the bubble residence time in the water and the possibility of methane entering the atmosphere. We estimate that methane gas flux at these two sites is 0.4×10~6–87.6×10~6 mol/a which is extremely small compared to the total amount of methane in the ocean body, however, methane leakage might exert significant impact on the ocean acidification considering the widespread distributed cold seeps. In addition, although methane entering the atmosphere is not observed, further research is still needed to understand its potential impact on increasing methane concentration in the surface seawater and gas-water interface methane exchange rate, which consequently increase the greenhouse effect. 相似文献
富钛尼日利亚石产于燕山早期花岗岩体与泥盆系上统灰岩外接触带的大理岩中,呈六方板状,浅黄到棕黄色,(0001)解理完全,D=4.1,Hv=1280kg/mm~2(荷重50g),弱多色性,低重折率,No>Ne>1.78,一轴(一)。晶体结构为六方晶系,晶胞参数:α=5.7004,c=13.8699,V=390.33~3。探针成分多点分析平均含量:TiO_26.205、SiO_20.191、MgO5.525、MnO1.134、SnO_217.585、Al_2O_358.491、FeO5.021、CaO0.161、ZnO5.619。Kα特征X射线图象表明,钛在矿物中呈均匀分布,与锡成类质同象存在。富钛尼日利亚石是尼日利亚石的新变种。是在富Ti、Sn、高Zn、Al的岩浆期后热液中形成。 相似文献