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利用水波动力学中的浅水Stokes波理论建立了随机波统计模式,并由此导出了浅水非线性海浪的波高概率分布函数.所导出的以浅水波陡和浅水因子作为参数的波高概率分布在物理上更为合理.这两个参数既可作为控制波高分布函数变化的参量,又能通过它们体现波高分布偏离瑞利分布的程度.新的波高分布克服了瑞利分布大波预报过高,而众值预报过低的不足之处;同时也使得小概率对应的波高值比瑞利分布预报的为低.浅水波陡的作用与深水情况类似,而浅水因子的作用则体现在分布众值对应的波高随着浅水因子的变小而逐渐降低以及浅水波浪分布更为集中等方面.资料验证表明,本文结果更具合理性. 相似文献
内蒙古长期天气预报业务化系统(三)──长期预报专用因子普查管理系统侯国成(内蒙古气象台)因子库是以特定的形式存储的各种预报指标。实践表明,预报因子的选择是决定预报成功与否的关键。1因子普查管理系统的设计思想因子普查系统是长期预报业务系统的重要组成部分... 相似文献
由美国华盛顿卡内基研究所(Carnegie Institution of Washington)的一些学者倡导而开辟的生物地球化学研究领域,经过较长时间的开创性研究与探索现已处于领先地位,其中许多研究课题是由该所地球物理实验室的研究人员承担的。为了满足地质学家及生物科学在内的专门领域和专家们的需要,他们研制出了许多新的仪器和研究方法。生物地球化学这门学科即将列入大学课程。 地质学和生物学的结合,产生了生物地球化学学科,科学家们在此领域对生物组织与有机 相似文献
贵阳百花湖长期受汞法生产醋酸企业含汞废水的污染,沉积物及其孔隙水均受到严重的汞污染,总汞含量远远高于背景区.我们研究了汞污染企业停排后,百花湖沉积物剖面中汞污染程度、水平和垂直分布特征.研究显示,汞的垂直分布呈现表层和底层含量较低,中层出现峰值的分布趋势,沉积物中总汞的最高含量达到38 mg/kg(干重),且这种分布趋势恰好与贵州有机化工厂的生产历史相对应,反映了百花湖汞污染主要来源于该厂.百花湖表层沉积物中总汞的含量逐步下降,但在上游沉积物中总汞含量仍约为背景区总汞含量的40倍左右,离污染源较远的下游逐渐减少到背景区的3倍左右.这表明百花湖的汞污染在逐渐减轻,沉积物中大量的汞的扩散和再悬浮对上覆水体、鱼类和其他水生物具潜在的危害性. 相似文献
Combined data of physical property, benthic foraminifera, and stable isotopes from ODP Sites 1148, 1146, and 1143 are used to discuss deep water evolution in the South China Sea (SCS) since the Early Miocene. The results indicate that 3 lithostratigraphic units, respectively corresponding to 21-17 Ma, 15-10 Ma, and 10-5 Ma with positive red parameter (a*) marking the red brown sediment color represent 3 periods of deep water ventilation. The first 2 periods show a closer link to contemporary production of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Northern Component Water (NCW), indicating a free connection of deep waters between the SCS and the open ocean before 10 Ma. After 10 Ma, red parameter dropped but stayed higher than the modern value (a*=0), the CaCO3 percentage difference between Site 1148 from a lower deepwater setting and Site 1146 from an upper deepwater setting enlarged significantly, and benthic species which prefer oxygen-rich bottom conditions dramatically decreased. Coupled with a major negative excursion of benthic δ13C at ~10 Ma, these parameters may denote a weakening in the control of the SCS deep water by the open ocean. Probably they mark the birth of a local deep water due to shallow waterways or rise of sill depths during the course of sea basin closing from south to east by the west-moving Philippine Arc after the end of SCS seafloor spreading at 16-15 Ma. However, it took another 5 Ma before the dissolved oxygen approached close to the modern level. Although the oxygen level continued to stabilize, several Pacific Bottom Water (PBW) and Pacific Deep Water (PDW) marker species rapidly increased since ~6 Ma, followed by a dramatic escalation in planktonic fragmentation which indicates high dissolution especially after ~5 Ma. The period of 5-3 Ma saw the strongest stratified deepwater in the then SCS, as indicated by up to 40% CaCO3 difference between Sites 1148 and 1146. Apart from a strengthening PDW as a result of global cooling and ice cap buildup on northern high latitudes, a deepening sea basin due to stronger subduction eastward may also have triggered the influx of more corrosive waters from the deep western Pacific. Since 3 Ma, the evolution of the SCS deep water entered a modern phase, as characterized by relative stable 10% CaCO3 difference between the two sites and increase in infaunal benthic species which prefer a low oxygenated environment. Thesubsequent reduction of PBW and PDW marker species at about 1.2 Ma and 0.9 Ma and another significant negative excursion of benthic δ13C to a Neogene minimum at ~0.9 Ma together convey a clear message that the PBW largely disappeared and the PDW considerably weakened in the Mid-Pleistocene SCS. Therefore, the true modern mode SCS deep water started to form only during the "Mid-Pleistocene climatic transition" probably due to the rise of sill depths under the Bashi Strait. 相似文献