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In the Southampton Water estuary (southern England, U.K.), red-tides caused by the planktonic, phototrophic ciliateMesodinium rubrum(=Myrionecta rubra) occur during most summers and sometimes in autumn. These events were investigated in detail between 1985 and 1987 and were characterized by levels of chlorophylla(chl a) of over 100 μg l−1, cell numbers ofM. rubrumof over 1×103 ml−1, oxygen saturations of around 150%, and depleted numbers of macrozooplankton. Initiation of red-water did not appear to be triggered by irradiance or nutrients, but coincided with an increase in temperature and water column stability. This enhanced stability was promoted by increased surface to bottom gradients of both temperature and salinity, and by reduced mixing during neap tides. Development of red-water was accompanied by removal of most of the dissolved NH+4from the water column, whereas some NO3persisted, presumably maintained by freshwater input. NO3and NH+4gradually returned to pre-bloom concentrations as the red-water declined in late summer. Maximal biomass ofM. rubrumappeared to be limited by irradiance, and self-shading probably imposed an upper limit of around 300 mg chl a m−2within the water column. At the observed levels of chl a, irradiance values within the population maximum between 1 and 3 m depth were only just of the order (≈15 μmol photons m−2 s−1) required to balance estimated respiratory demands. Oxygen concentration became undersaturated during the late bloom phase, with minimal values of 20–30% saturation recorded in deeper waters; however, despite this and reduced numbers of macrozooplankton, direct deleterious effects on other organisms were not observed.  相似文献   
Autotrophic biomass and productivity as well as nutrient distributions and phytoplankton cell populations in the James River estuary, Virginia, were quantified both spatially and temporally over a 17-month period. Emphasis was placed on the very low salinity region of the estuary in order to gain information on the fate of freshwater phytoplankters. Differing amounts of freshwater plant biomass are advected into the estuary as living material, DOC or POC and the demonstrated variability of this input must play an important role in marine biogeochemical cycling.Late summer and fall maxima in both chlorophyll a and the photosynthetic production of particulate organic carbon in very low salinity regions were inversely correlated with river discharge.During periods of low river discharge greater than 50% of the chlorophyll a biomass measured at 0‰ disappeared within a narrow range of salinity (0–2‰). Cell enumeration data suggest that species introduced from the freshwater end-member tend to comprise the bulk of the biomass removed. Confounding factors, which may contribute to the regulation of both the abundance and species of phytoplankters mid-river, include the flocculation of colloidal material with phytoplankton cells, the presence of the turbidity maximum and the growth of endemic phytoplankton populations.An inverse relationship exists between the phytoplankton abundance in very low salinity waters and the abundance of biomass measured in the lower portion of the river (estuary). Thus, autotrophic production in the fresh and very low salinity areas may indirectly regulate the onset on the spring bloom in the estuary by controlling the amount of nutrients available.  相似文献   
The ice algal and phytoplankton assemblages were studied from Nella Fjord near Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica from April 12 to December 30, 1992. Algal blooms occurred about 3 cm thick on the bottom of sea ice in late April and mid November to early December respectively, and a phytoplankton bloom appeared in the underlying surface water in mid December following the spring ice algal bloom. The biomass in ice bottom was 1 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of surface water. Amphiprora kjellmanii, Berkeleya sp., Navicula glaciei, Nitzschia barkelyi, N. cylindrus /N. curta, N. lecointei and Nitzschia sp. were common in the sea ice temporarily or throughout the study period. The biomass in a certain ice segment was decreased gradually and the dominant species were usually succeeded as the season went on. Nitzschia sublineata and Dactyliosolen antarctica were two seasonal dominant species only observed in underlying water column. The assemblages between bottom of ice and underlying surface water were different except when spring ice algae bloomed. The evidence shows that the ice algal blooms occurred mainly by in situ growth of ice algae, and the phytoplankton bloom was mostly caused by the release of ice algae.  相似文献   
Microzooplankton production in the oceans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水库水文情势与浮游植物群落结构   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
综述和讨论了当前水库水文情势对浮游植物群落的影响研究,主要是水文情势对浮游植物数量、种类组成、物种多样性和群落的空间格局包括垂直和水平分布以及群落演替的影响.  相似文献   
Changes in the biomass and species composition of phytoplankton may reflect major shifts in environmental conditions. We investigated relationships between the late summer biomass of different phytoplankton taxa and environmental factors, and their long-term (1979–2003) trends in two areas of the Baltic Sea, the northern Baltic proper (NBP) and the Gulf of Finland (GF), with statistical analyses. An increasing trend was found in late summer temperature and chlorophyll a of the surface water layer (0–10 m) in both areas. There was also a significant decrease in summer salinity and an increase in winter dissolved inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus (DIN:DIP) ratio in the NBP, as well as increases in winter DIN concentrations and DIN:SiO4 ratio in the GF. Simultaneously, the biomass of chrysophytes and chlorophytes increased in both areas. In the NBP, also the biomass of dinophytes increased and that of euglenophytes decreased, whereas in the GF, cyanobacteria increased and cryptophytes decreased. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that summer temperature and winter DIN concentration were the most important factors with respect to changes in the phytoplankton community structure. Thus, the phytoplankton communities seem to reflect both hydrographic changes and the ongoing eutrophication process in the northern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
采用浮游植物指示法评价了福州省山仔水库2005年不同季节水体的富营养状况,结果表明:冬、春季库区水体处于中—富营养水平,夏季发生水华微囊藻(Microcystis flos-aquae)“水华”,水体处于富营养水平,秋季水体处于中营养水平.由于浮游植物的生长状况受到多因素的影响,有必要进一步结合其他评价方法对整个水体的富营养状态做出综合判断.  相似文献   
Sevim Polat 《Marine Ecology》2002,23(2):115-126
Abstract. The monthly changes in chlorophyll a , phytoplankton abundance and nutrient concentrations at two stations, one at the inshore and the other at the deep waters of the northern part of İskenderun Bay, were investigated between 1994 – 1995. The vertical distribution of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass were also studied at the deep station. The concentrations of NO3+NO2-N, PO4-P and SiO4-Si of surface water at both stations were 0.31 – 1.63 µg-at · l-1, 0.08 – 0.60 µg-at · l-1 and 0.50 – 2.7 µg-at · l-1, respectively. The highest concentrations were measured at the inshore station and clear differences were found between the inshore and deep-water stations. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged from 0.17 to 2.78 µg · l-1 and the highest value was measured in March. At the inshore station, which was affected by land run-off, phytoplankton abundance reached the highest value (21,308 cells · l-1) in October 1995, with a marked dominance of Pseudonitzschia pungens (20,200 cells · l-1). The nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations at the inshore station were higher than those at the deep station. One reason for this is the land-based nutrient input into the coastal area here. In spite of these effects, the bay is not eutrophicated because of circulation events in the northeastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
东山湾海水中化合态无机氮的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许清辉  林峰 《台湾海峡》1993,12(3):287-292
1988年5月东山湾海水中硝酸盐、铵氮、亚硝酸盐和总化合态无机氮的平均浓度分别为3.44、1.60、0.49和5.53μmol/dm~3;8月航次这些要素的平均含量分别为1.83、0.88、0.39和3.10μmol/dm~3;11月航次这些要素的平均浓度分别为6.48、0.61、0.31和7.40μmol/dm~3;1989年2月航次这些要素的平均浓度分别为12.5、0.39、0.48和13.2μmol/dm~3。不同季节无机氮的主要外部来源不尽相同。除冬季外,其他季节无机氮的分布均在不同程度上受到浮游植物摄取的影响,其中秋季的影响最大。此外,夏季无机氮的分布还受到上升流的影响。  相似文献   
根据2002年11月在亚大湾大鹏澳进行的连续30d(每日采样一次)观测资料,运用主成分分析和多元回归分析相结合方法,分析大鹏澳非养殖区中各浮游植物优势种之间的关系及影响其生长与演替的主要理化因子.建立秋季浮游植物优势种演替模型,并与春季的大鹏澳现场调查建立的浮游植物优势种演替模型进行比较,分析生境变化(降雨)对浮游植物优势种演替过程的影响。结果表明,春,秋季浮游植物优势种发生不同的演替过程。春季浮游植物对资源的竞争较为激烈,大量降雨引起海水中营养盐浓度升高,促进并维持中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)高密度生长,待营养盐被大量消耗后,中肋骨条藻数量下降,减轻了对柔弱菱形藻(Nitzschia delicatissima)的生长压力而使其成为优势种;而秋季水温较低,浮游植物细胞数量较春季大为减少,中肋骨条藻和柔弱菱形藻对资源的竞争较为缓和,使外界环境变化成为影响优势种变化的主要原因;降雨期间虽然营养盐增加,但环境变化使浮游植物的生长受到限制,雨后柔弱菱形藻数量不能恢复,水体中高营养盐浓度促使中肋骨条藻出现生长峰值。  相似文献   
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