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洞穴沉积铀含量及其同位素初始234U/238U[(234U/238U)0]变化均与过去气候环境变化关系密切。文章分别对石笋中U含量和(234U/238U)0的气候意义进行统计分析发现,多数研究认为洞穴沉积U含量和(234U/238U)0可能指示土壤湿度和有效降水变化。然而,不管是对洞穴沉积的U含量还是(234U/238U)0,其气候环境意义解读还存在两种观点。但无论如何,这些研究成果都显示了洞穴沉积的U含量和(234U/238U)0是研究过去气候环境变化的重要替代指标。在未来的研究中,除了土壤环境和过程,还应关注U来源的相对贡献变化和其他微量元素与U元素的关系。这一指标可能在对东亚地区的大气粉尘活动和冬季风演化、地表生物量的变化研究等方面发挥重要作用。 相似文献
本文对冀北—辽西地区早白垩世沉积盆地富有机质沉积岩进行了初步有机地球化学分析研究。结果显示,冀北—辽西沉积盆沉积有机质特征在时间和空间上存在很大差异,代表白垩系早期沉积的滦平盆地大北沟组有机质丰度低,这不仅显示其所代表的沉积相带不利于有机质的聚集,也反映了当时生物不够繁盛;大店子组时期沉积相带发生了变化,有机质类型随着发生了变化,丰度有所增高,但总体上显示环境条件不利于生物的发育和繁盛。到了桥头组和义县组沉积岩有机质丰度大幅升高,表明生物界非常繁盛,古气候环境有利于有机质的大量生成和堆积,总体上反映了温湿的气候条件;但同时也存在较为频繁或交替性寒冷气候波动,具体的古气候环境状态尚需进一步深入研究。 相似文献
我国最大的内陆封闭湖泊青海湖的沉积岩芯为研究末次冰期/全新世过渡期间青藏高原东北部的环境变化和季风降水演变提供了连续高分辨率环境档案。对两孔岩芯的多学科研究结果表明:大约14000~11600aB.P.期间气候干冷,湖泊的自生碳酸盐和有机质生产率远低于全新世;季节性入湖径流量在11600aB.P.突然增大;从10700aB.P.起,夏季蒸发量突然增大,干旱化作用导致碳酸盐滩湖环境;区域降水量在10000aB.P.的增大结束了滩湖环境,标志了早全新世温暖较湿气候的开始。全新世早期的青海湖水深比现在要浅20m左右,表明那时的有效湿度显然比现在要低很多。14000~10000aB.P.期间青海湖水深不超过6m,说明在末次冰消期的这一时段中,青藏高原东北部没有形成大规模冰融水。在10700~10000aB.P.期间突发的干旱事件与西欧的新仙女木事件(YoungerDryas)年代相当,但没有气候变冷的证据。青藏高原东北部末次冰消期的气候变化表现了明显的阶段性特征和有效湿度的突然改变。区域季风降水量和夏季温度的变化决定了该过渡期的这种变化格局。 相似文献
万寿岩遗址位于福建省三明市,遗址之一的船帆洞中曾生活过两期古人类(40~37 kaBP和30~29 kaBP)。在第一期古人类的文化层中发现的人工石铺地面在我国旧石器考古中属重要发现,对研究末次冰期古人类生存环境具有重大意义。对船帆洞沉积物的植硅体分析显示,尖型植硅体和棒型植硅体数量比较占优势,扇型和块状植硅体含量其次,短细胞植硅体形态中鞍型的含量较多。结合聚类分析结果可将剖面至下而上划分为5个气候带,气候环境依次为凉干-冷干-冷偏干-凉偏干-温凉偏干。第一期古人类生活于带I底部,为凉干背景下较温暖的气候环境;第二期古人类生活于带Ⅳ上部,为凉偏干背景下较温暖的气候环境。植硅体的变化特征较好地指示了H4和H3事件,分别对应两期文化层。两次Heinrich事件改变了古人类的生存环境,推测是两期古人类离开船帆洞的主要原因。 相似文献
气候转型与早期人类迁徙 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目前的旧石器考古证据表明,更新世早期可能发生了两次人类迁徙浪潮,时间分别在1.8-1.6MaBP和1.0MaBP左右,第一阶段,古人类演化为直立人并开始走出非洲、迁徙至其它中低纬度的热带-亚热带地区;第二阶段,直立人开始占据中高纬度的温带和干旱-半干旱地区。这两个阶段也是第四纪气候发生转型、环境产生重大调整的时期。二者在发生时间上的一致性揭示了它们之间的内在联系,推测气候转型时期环境转变是这两次人类迁徙浪潮的主要驱动力。 相似文献
Strontium, neodymium isotopic compositions and trace elements of the detrital sediments of Core NS90-103 from South China
Sea were analyzed. The results show that the87Sr/86Sr ratios of the detritus during the last glacial range from 0.722 4 to 0.723 0. They are significantly higher than those
during the Holocene and the maximum of the last interglacial, which range from 0.721 0 to 0.721 7. This indicates stronger
continental weathering during the last glacial. On the other hand, the143Nd/144Nd ratios of these detritus are higher during the last glacial too, similar to the variation of the87Sr/86Sr ratios. The trace element geochemistry of these detritus indicates that more authigenic sediments, such as ferromanganese,
during the last glacial may partly contribute to the increase of143Nd/144Nd ratios. Furthermore, much more detritus from continent of South China to the north of the South China Sea may probably
contribute to143Nd/144Nd ratios increase during the last glacial, which was the result of the enhancement of northeast monsoon. 相似文献
Using a recently developed global vegetation distribution, topography, and shorelines for the Early Eocene in conjunction with the Genesis version 2.0 climate model, we investigate the influences that these new boundary conditions have on global climate. Global mean climate changes little in response to the subtle changes we made; differences in mean annual and seasonal surface temperatures over northern and southern hemispheric land, respectively, are on the order of 0.5°C. In contrast, and perhaps more importantly, continental scale climate exhibits significant responses. Increased peak elevations and topographic detail result in larger amplitude planetary 4 mm/day and decreases by 7–9 mm/day in the proto Himalayan region. Surface temperatures change by up to 18°C as a direct result of elevation modifications. Increased leaf area index (LAI), as a result of altered vegetation distributions, reduces temperatures by up to 6°C. Decreasing the size of the Mississippi embayment decreases inland precipitation by 1–2 mm/day. These climate responses to increased accuracy in boundary conditions indicate that “improved” boundary conditions may play an important role in producing modeled paleoclimates that approach the proxy data more closely. 相似文献
Sand wedge is formed under the conditions of coldclimate, and is an important basis for reconstructingpaleoenvironment (LI et al., 1990; WANG, 1991 ). Ithas been reported constantly over the last 20 years inthe Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau (GUO, 1979; CUl,1983; XU et al., 1984; LIANG et al.,, 1984; PAN etal., 199 ) and North China (YANG et al., 1983; DONGet al., 1985) and Northeast China (GUO et al.,1981 ). We also found fossil sand wedge groups formedin the end of the Late P… 相似文献
Climate extremes in Loess of China coupled with the strength of deep-water formation in the North Atlantic 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zhengtang Guo Tungsheng Liu Nicolas Fedoroff Lanying Wei Zhongli Ding Naiqin Wu Huoyuan Lu Wenying Jiang Zhisheng An 《Global and Planetary Change》1998,18(3-4)
The loess-paleosol sequences of the last 1.2 Ma in China have recorded two kinds of climate extremes: the strongly developed S4, S5-1 and S5-3 soils (corresponding to the marine δ18O stages 11, 13, and 15, respectively) as evidence of three episodes of great warmth and two coarse-grained loess units (L9 and L15, corresponding to the marine δ18O stages 22, 23, 24 and 38, respectively) which indicate severest glacial conditions. The climatic and geographical significance of these events are still unclear, and their cause remains a puzzle.Paleopedological, geochemical and magnetic susceptibility data from three loess sections (Xifeng, Changwu and Weinan) suggest that the S4, S5-1 and S5-3 soils were formed under sub-tropical semi-humid climates with a tentatively estimated mean annual temperature (MAT) of at least 4–6°C higher and a mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 200–300 mm higher than for the present-day, indicating a much strengthened summer monsoon. The annual rainfall was particularly accentuated for the southern-most part of the Loess Plateau, suggesting that the monsoon rain belt (the contact of the monsoonal northward warm-humid air mass with the dry-cold southward one) might have stood at the southern part of the Plateau for a relatively long period each year. The loess units L9 and L15 were deposited under semi-desertic environments with a tentatively estimated MAT and MAP of only about 1.5–3°C and 150–250 mm, indicating a much strengthened winter monsoon, and that the summer monsoon front could rarely penetrate into the Loess Plateau region.Correlation with marine carbon isotope records suggests that these climate extremes have large regional, even global, significance rather than being local phenomena in China. They match the periods with greatest/smallest Atlantic–Pacific δ13C gradients, respectively, indicating their relationships with the strength of Deep Water (NADW) production in the North Atlantic. These results suggest that the monsoon climate in the Loess Plateau region was significantly linked with the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation on timescales of 104 years. 相似文献