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大型海藻对富营养化海湾生物修复的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国诸多海湾富营养化严重,海湾赤潮和大规模的养殖生物病害频繁发生,海湾生态系统严重失衡。海带、裙带菜、紫菜、龙须菜等大型经济海藻,生物量大、生产力高,在生长过程中能大量吸收C、N、P等营养物质,栽培大型海藻是吸收、利用营养物质,防治富营养化的有效措施之一。本文综述了规模化栽培大型海藻对富营养化海湾生物修复的研究进展。  相似文献   
天津港南部海区水体富营养化水平评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006年3月和7月的调查数据,对天津港南部海区海水的营养水平及动态变化进行了评价。考虑到水质状况和水体营养水平是水体中多项指标分析评价的综合结果.本文先通过单项指标评价法和营养指数法进行评价。然后又通过集对分析方法,选择化学需氧量(COD)、无机磷(DIP)、无机氮(DIN)、叶绿素a(Ch1—a)等作为评价指标,对该区海水富营养化水平进行了综合评价。评价结果表明集对分析方法更能反映海水的实际富营养化状况,计算结果显示天津港南部海域两期调查中除21,26.27和29站位在7月呈富营养化状态其余站位海水均在中营养(Ⅳ)及以下水平状况,未达到富营养化水平,水质状况较好。  相似文献   
Biochemical mechanism of forming the red tide is discussed in this paper.The existence of a large number of nitrates and phosphates in the eutrophic water is the prerequisite of explosive increase of algae and the forming of red tide.Reduction of eutrophication is an important approach to preventing the red tide.The method of deep treatment of the waste water and its denitrification and dephosphorization are introduced,and a new opinion on the red tide formation and fundamental prevention is put forward.  相似文献   
We use palaeolimnological techniques to reconstruct the eutrophication history of a volcanic lake (Lake Albano, central Italy) over the past three centuries. The presence of annual varves down to the bottom of the core (c. 1700 A.D.) indicated the lack of bioturbation and likely long-term meromixis. Sedimentation rates were estimated by varve counts (calcite/diatom couplets), indicating a mean rate of 0.15 cm yr–1. The reconstruction of eutrophication was traced using past populations of algal and photosynthetic bacteria (through their fossil pigment), and geochemistry, as well as fossil remains of chironomids. Phaeophorbidea and the red carotenoid astaxanthin were used to detect past zooplankton development.The first sign of trophic change related to human activities is datedc. 1870 A.D. From that period onward a sharp increase of authigenic CaCO3, nitrogen, N:P ratio, and dinoxanthin, a characteristic carotenoid of Chrysophyceae and Dinophyceae, is observed.Chironomid analyses showed the near absence of a deep water fauna throughout the core length. The populations of chironomid larvae are restricted to oxygenated littoral zones. In fact, the few fossil remains found are primarily of littoral origin, representing shallow water midges that were transported to profundal waters. The reduction of total chironomid in the uppermost layers of the core is to be related to human land uses.  相似文献   
The varve data-set from a freeze-core taken in the deepest part of Baldeggersee was subjected to different multivariate statistical analyses in order to estimate the amount of variance in the varve thickness measures explicable by past climate and by the trophic state of the lake. A comparison of two different time-periods (1902 to1992 versus 1920 to 1980) revealed that the lake restoration programme since 1982 has had a significant impact on the formation of the seasonal layers. Results of the partitioning of the variance in the varve thickness measures showed that about two thirds of the variance are unexplained by a climate and trophic state model and that trophic state explains 6%, whereas climate accounts for about 28% of the variance before the effect of lake restoration had a strong impact on the varves. Among the climate parameters the amount of annual precipitation is a strong predictor for explaining the thickness of both dark layer and total couplet thickness, whereas summer precipitation is important for the thickness of the light layer.  相似文献   
Red tide,also called harmful algal bloom interna-tionally,is a disaster abnormal phenomenon of oceanecology with an explosive breed or dense assemble ofone or several phytoplanktons in a specific ocean en-vironment condition,colors the seawater,influencesand harms ocean living things.The formation of redtide is controlled mainly by a complex interplay ofbiological,physical and chemical processes,but themost main cause influencing the occurrence of red tideis the seawater eutrophication,i.e.,the…  相似文献   
采用浮游植物指示法评价了福州省山仔水库2005年不同季节水体的富营养状况,结果表明:冬、春季库区水体处于中—富营养水平,夏季发生水华微囊藻(Microcystis flos-aquae)“水华”,水体处于富营养水平,秋季水体处于中营养水平.由于浮游植物的生长状况受到多因素的影响,有必要进一步结合其他评价方法对整个水体的富营养状态做出综合判断.  相似文献   
以苏州古城区内的河道为研究对象,采用静态培养的方式,研究了上覆水体不同富营养化程度对底泥中P释放/吸附的影响。研究结果表明:截断外源污染后,苏州河道底泥对水体中营养盐P呈现吸收状态;随着上覆水体磷酸盐浓度的增大,单位面积底泥累积吸收的磷酸盐就越多;上覆水与底泥比值越大,底泥对P的吸附率有减小的趋势。  相似文献   
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