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This paper describes the application of environmental isotopes and injected tracer techniques in estimating the contribution of storms as well as annual precipitation to groundwater recharge and its circulation, in the semi‐arid region of Bagepalli, Kolar district, Karnataka. Environmental isotopes 2H, 18O and 3H were used to study the effect of storms on the hydrological system, and an isotope balance was used to compute the contribution of a storm component to the groundwater. Some of the groundwater samples collected during the post‐storm periods were highly depleted in stable isotope content with higher deuterium excess relative to groundwater from the pre‐storm periods. Significant variation in deuterium excess in groundwater from the same area, collected in two different periods, indicates the different origin of air masses. The estimated recharge component of a storm event of 600 mm to the groundwater was found to be in the range of 117–165 mm. There was no significant variation in environmental tritium content of post‐storm and pre‐storm groundwater, indicating the fast circulation of groundwater in the system. After completion of the environmental isotope work, an injected radiotracer 3H technique was applied to estimate the direct recharge of total precipitation to the groundwater. The estimated recharge to the groundwater is 33 mm of the 550 mm annual precipitation during 1992. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
沸石在水环境治理中的应用现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章叙述了沸石的基本结构以及吸附、离子交换特性,总结了近年来国内外有关沸石在水环境保护方面的研究与应用成果,提出了沸石在今后的水环境保护和改善方面将具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
乌拉苔草光合速率日变化及日同化量   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乌拉苔草沼泽是长白山沟谷湿地的重要类型 ,对其光合速率研究的结果表明 ,乌拉苔草光合速率日变化呈单峰曲线 ,最高峰出现在 1 0时 ,最大值是 1 8.0 7μmol(CO2 ) / (m2 ·s) ;与其该群落伴生的修氏苔草光合速率日变化出现“午休”现象。影响光合速率最大的环境因素是光量子通量密度和叶温 ,呈极显著的正相关 ,其他因素亦多呈正相关 ,环境因子综合影响了乌拉苔草的光合日进程。乌拉苔草光合作用的日总同化量为 1 896 0 1 .2 μmol(CO2 ) /m2 ,是光合能力较强的一种沼泽植物  相似文献   
Delayed Geochemical Hazard (DGH briefly) presents the whole process of a kind of serious ecological and environmental hazard caused by sudden reactivation and sharp release of long-term accumulated pollutant from stable species to active ones in soil or sediment system due to the change of physical-chemical conditions (such as temperature, pH, Eh, moisture, the concentrations of organic matters, etc.) or the decrease of environment capacity. The characteristics of DGH are discussed. The process of a typical DGH can be expressed as a nonlinear polynomial. The points where the derivative functions of the first and second orders of the polynomial reach zero, minimum and maximum are keys for risk assessment and harzard pridication.The process and mechanism of the hazard is due to the transform of pollutant among different species principally. The concepts of "total releasable content of pollutant", TRCP, and "total concentration of active specie", TCAS, are necessarily defined to describe the mechanism of DGH. The possibility of the temporal and spatial propagation is discussed. Case study shows that there exists a transform mechanism of "gradual release" and "chain reaction" among the species of the exchangeable and the bounds to carbonate, iron and manganese oxides and organic matter, thus causing the delayed geochemical hazard.  相似文献   
概要分析了淮南新孜5号井煤矸石所含的重金属元素对塌陷区鱼塘水质的影响,指出除个别水样中Zn、Cu超标外,其他均不超标,该鱼塘水质适宜养鱼要求。矸石样与华北及整个地壳泥岩中元素的丰度比,矸石中Cr、Pb、Zn与泥岩丰度基本持平,而Cd、Cu均超过其他泥岩中丰度值。因此,煤矸石在地面遭受风化,其所含有害物质可能会释放到环境,在煤矸石堆放处适当进行监测还是必要的。  相似文献   
采用审查回归模型,分别选取了中国东、中、西部的三个典型城市无锡、武汉和西安,计算了三城市受访者的支付意愿值,并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)支付意愿值与地区经济发展水平直接相关。无锡、武汉和西安受访者的支付意愿分别为21.68,17.15和10.07元/年;(2)年龄越长者,由于其天气知识更丰富、日常消费较节俭,对气象服务的支付意愿越低;(3)文化程度越高者,更能理解和支持气象服务事业,对气象服务的支付意愿越高;(4)月收入变量对气象服务的支付意愿有显著影响,但就不同城市的受访者而言,影响的方向并不一致。  相似文献   
认识青藏高原东部现代表土的色度特征及其空间分布,理解其与现代气候因子之间的联系,对于高原地区黄土-古环境重建和揭示第四纪环境变化历史具有重要意义。通过对研究区表层土壤色度的详细分析,对比现代气候资料,探讨了青藏高原东部表层土壤色度的空间变化特征及其环境意义。结果表明:① 高原东部表土色度参数空间变化特征差异显著,表现为随纬度升高,土壤亮度呈先减小后增大的趋势,而红度和黄度则逐步减小;随经度的升高,黄度先增大后减小,而红度值逐步减小;红度和黄度整体随着海拔上升而呈先减小后升高的特征。这些变化特征和差异是表土色度对高原东部复杂地理环境和水热条件变化响应的结果。② 在高原的干旱-半湿润区,土壤亮度对降水的响应敏感;红度和黄度对大尺度的温度变化响应较敏感,而较冷的环境下,红度对温度响应复杂,但与降水存在一定的联系。红度/黄度比值主要指示了气候控制下的赤铁矿和针铁矿的变化和竞争,对干旱-半湿润区域的降水变化响应较为敏感。青藏高原东部现代表土色度与气候密切相关,其空间变化特征一定程度上反映了该地区现代气候因子的空间变化;另一方面由于该区地形和气候复杂多变,部分色度指标与气候关系复杂,在重建青藏高原东部黄土古环境变化历史时需要谨慎。  相似文献   
The Cultural Impact Assessment of the Saru River Region represents the first time that a site investigation was implemented in Japan in order to preserve an ethnic culture in relation to the construction of a dam. One of the project's basic concepts was to get local residents, especially those of Ainu ethnicity, to participate in the investigation. Existing case studies of environmental impact assessment have argued that the assessment has failed to sufficiently involve Indigenous people in its process and has largely failed to incorporate Indigenous knowledge, cultural values, and voices into its processes and outcomes. Also, intangible aspects of Indigenous cultural heritage have not been protected. In the Cultural Impact Assessment of the Saru River Region, the Final Report was released in 2006 and significantly included the 3 year investigation of input by local residents. In this sense, this assessment succeeded in effectively involving Indigenous people in its process and in reflecting their cultural values in its results. The more important issue is, however, how these results were included in the final outcomes. If Indigenous people have no power over final decision making, their involvement is not effective. This paper analyses the significance and unresolved problems involved in this overall assessment process.  相似文献   
ECOLOGIC ENVIRONMENT OF TARIM RIVER AND ITS PROTECTIVE PROGRAMME ChengQichou(程其畴)XinjiangInstituteofGeography,theChineseAcade...  相似文献   
该文对濮阳台记录的21次地震进行了地震波衰减研究,讨论了地球介质品质因子随频率变化的关系;利用不同地震采用不同流逝时间的尾波品质因子测定方法,有效去除了由于不同地震或同一地震的地震散射波在纵向介质中穿透深度的不同而导致对品质因子测量结果的影响,从而有利于扑捉到品质因子的异常变化特征与地震孕育过程的关系。利用改进后的模型,对鲁豫交界地区尾波值进行了计算,得到了该地区品质因子随频率的变化关系和区域介质衰减的时间变化特征。  相似文献   
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