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以莺歌海盆地东方区和乐东区气田水样品水化学常规分析为切入点,利用气田水矿化度、水型、钠氯系数(变质系数)、脱硫系数,氯镁系数等参数,深入分析了两区气田水地球化学特征及水化学组合参数特征,并判识对比了两区气藏封闭程度及其保存条件。在此基础上,结合莺歌海盆地天然气成藏地质条件,重点剖析了两区气田水分布规律及成因控制因素,探讨了两区气田水与天然气运聚成藏之间的成因联系。强调指出,两区气田水具有相似的形成演化特征,天然气保存条件好,但对比两区气田水的水化学组合参数,乐东区天然气保存条件稍差于东方区;东方区气田水以NaHCO3水型占绝对优势,其分布规律与断裂系统存在密切联系。该区水文地质开启程度差,气藏盖层封闭性好,有利于天然气富集成藏。乐东区气田水类型多样,成因复杂,天然气保存条件较好但相对东方区稍差。两区气田水具分区分块分布规律,莺歌海盆地泥底辟及其伴生热流体活动对气田水成因及分布规律与天然气运聚成藏等均具有重要控制作用和影响。 相似文献
本文研究了1920年以来,云南地区M_s≥4.7级地震的时间序列及空间分布的特征标度。结果表明,当区内M_s≥4.7级地震在时间序列上出现我们定义的平静段和活跃段后,分别于418天和312天内即可能发生6级以上地震,对应率分别为71%和87%,1920年以来云南11次M_s≥6.8级地震前,出现活跃和平静特征标度的各5次。在空间上绝大多数(80%)大震震中处于我们所定义的长时间大范围空白缺震背景区或相对少震区内,仅少数(20%)位于4.7级以上地震相对密集区内或附近。4.7级以上地震上述时间序列及空间分布特征标度,可以作为云南6级,特别是6.8级以上地震中期或短期预测的判据和指标。同时可以看出,云南6级以上地震前,4.7级以上地震在时空演变上,经历了从无序到有序的演化过程。 相似文献
本文根据技术进步所带来的生产方式变革.将工业革命以来国外工业发展与布局研究历程划分为研究起步阶段、快速发展阶段及研究转向阶段.并在此基础上分析陈述各阶段的主要理论,最后对各阶段的主要研究成果进行评论。 相似文献
The distribution and abundance of euphausiid larvae and salps was studied from samples collected in 2002 and 2006 from Prydz Bay, Antarctica.Larvae of Thysanoessa macrura and Euphausia superba were mainly distributed in the north of the continental shelf. T. macrura was more abundant and had a relatively wider distribution. In 2006, with ice having retreated and higher seawater temperatures and chlorophyll a levels, E. superba and T. macrura occurred in higher abundances and at more mature developmental stages. Euphausia crystallorophias was mainly distributed in the neritic region. In 2002, with severe ice conditions in the neritic region, abundance of E. crystallorophias was consisted of metanauplius (MN) and calyptopis I (CI). Salps, mostly Salpa thompsoni, had a low abundance in Prydz Bay. In 2002, S. thompsoni was only m)-3. In 2006, S. thompsoni was found at three stations located near the contimental factors, such as the timing of ice melt, polynya formation and food concentration appear to have a marked effect on the distribution and abundance of euphausiid larvae and salps. 相似文献
To study the impact of the fractures on development in the ultra-low permeability sandstone reservoir of the Yangchang Formation of the Upper Triassic in the Ordos Basin,data on outcrops,cores,slices,well logging and experiments are utilized to analyze the cause of the formation of the fractures,their distribution rules and the control factors and discuss the seepage flow effect of the fractures. In the studied area developed chiefly high-angle tectonic fractures and horizontal bedding fractures,inter-granular fractures and grain boundary fractures as well. Grain boundary fractures and intragranular fractures serve as vital channels linking intragranular pores and intergranular solution pores in the reservoir matrix,thus providing a good connectivity between the pores in the ultra-low perme-ability sandstone reservoir. The formation of fractures and their distribution are influenced by such external and internal factors as the palaeo-tectonic stress field,the reservoir lithological character,the thickness of the rock layer and the anisotropy of a layer. The present-day stress field influences the preservative state of fractures and their seepage flow effect. Under the tec-tonic effect of both the Yanshan and Himalayan periods,in this region four sets of fractures are distributed,respectively assuming the NE-SW,NW-SE,nearly E-W and nearly S-N orientations,but,due to the effect of the rock anisotropy of the rock formation,in some part of it two groups of nearly orthogonal fractures are chiefly distributed. Under the effect of the present-day stress field,the fractures that assume the NE-SW direction have a good connectivity,big apertures,a high permeability and a minimum starting pressure,all of which are main advantages of the seepage fractures in this region. With the development of oilfields,the permeability of the fractures of dif-ferent directions will have a dynamic change. 相似文献
Even if earthquake precursory signals can be identified, how can they be useful? This paper investigates relationships among the attributes of 229 proposed earthquake related gasgeochemical and hydrogeological precursory signals, and applies these results to improve future earthquake prediction strategies. Sub-groups of these reported signals and relationships between sub-groups are established using parameters, including earthquake magnitude, signal duration, precursory time, and epicentral distance to the monitoring site (original studies are used wherever possible to improve data quality). A strong correlation (r=0.86) between signal duration and precursory time was identified. This suggests a relationship between the investigated precursory signals and tectonic processes related to the referenced earthquakes. Moreover, these signals are categorized into four groups, reflecting differences in monitoring station densities, measurement methods and physical processes related to signal occurrence: (a) radon exhalation from the earth’s crust, (b) exhalation of other gases (helium, argon and others), (c) temporal variation in water level or discharge of springs and (d) temporal variation in temperature and dissolved ions in the water of the monitoring sites. In addition, boundary functions are used to separate signal group subsets. Finally, it is shown how these boundary functions can be used in the context of an earthquake prediction strategy by identifying potential minimum magnitudes and maximum epicentral distances from the monitoring site. 相似文献
中国砚石资源及其开发利用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我国石砚的历史悠久。介绍了我国砚石资源的开发利用史、开发利用现状及砚石资源分布,指出我国砚石资源开发利用前景远大。 相似文献
A tectonics sedimentation evolution has been researched in Southeast Chongqing, and the reasonable Longmaxi shale highstand system tract (HST) and transgressive system tract (TST) geological model were built respectively based on the rock mechanical test and acoustic emission experiment which the samples are from field outcrop and the Yuye-1 well. The Longmaxi shale two-dimension tectonic stress field during the Cenozoic was simulated by the finite element method, and the distribution of fractures was predicted. The research results show that the tectonic stress field and the distribution of fractures were controlled by lithology and structure. As a result of Cretaceous movement, there are trough-like folds (wide spaced synclines), battlement-like folds (similar spaces between synclines and anticlines) and ejective folds (wide spaced anticlines), which are regularly distributed from southeast to northwest in the study area. Since the strain rate and other physical factors such as the viscosity are not taken into account, and the stress intensity is the main factor that determines the tectonic strength. Therefore, the stronger tectonic strength leads the higher stress intensity in the eastern and southeastern study area than in the northwest. The fracture zones are mainly concentrated in the fold axis, transition locations of faults and folds, the regions where are adjacent to faults. The fragile mineral contents (such as siliceous rock, carbonate rock and feldspar) in the shelf facies shale from south of the study area are higher than in the bathyal facies and abyssal facies shale from center of the study area. The shales characterized by low Poisson’s ratio and high elastic modulus from south of the study area are easily broken during Cenozoic orogenic movement. 相似文献