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A component (s-factor) with obvious promoting effect on hydrogen evolution of hydrogenase has been isolated and extracted
from a cell-free preparation ofSpirulina platensis. The effect of the s-factor in the reaction system is similar to that of Na2S2O4, but is coupled with light. The s-factor has the maximum absorption peak at 620 nm in the oxidized state, at 590 nm in the
reduced state. The partially purified s-factor showed two bands by SDS-PAGE and is distinctly different from phycocyanin,
which has no change of oxidized state and reduced state absorption spectra, and also has no promoting effect on hydrogenase
ofSpirulina platensis under the light.
The research supported by the NSFC. 相似文献
两个相连湖泊的微生态系统——云南高原湖泊中浅水的星云湖和深水的抚仙湖研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
抚仙湖是中国云南省的一个深水湖,连接着富营养化的浅水湖--星云湖,星云湖排放含绿藻的水进入抚仙湖。两湖位于省会昆明附近,由于地方文化、集约化农业、以及旅游业的发展,两湖已经富营养化。因为湖泊体积容量的级别差异,深水湖的富营养化几乎没被注意,抚仙湖秋季下层滞水带缺氧已经关注了20年,似乎下层滞水带是深水湖富营养化的指标或趋势。抚仙湖看起来目前情况尚好,可以说寡营养,然而,外界负荷是潜在的,且是以稳定的加速度进行的。在此对浅水湖富营养化的原因进行了讨论,包括在其它云南湖泊观察到富营养化的过程,再者,对两个连相湖的藻和蓝藻碎片的大小构成进行比照。为了与深水的抚仙湖状况进行比较,简略介绍了一个日本的深湖及其径流系统。其中,涡流和它的微生态系统,在两者中相关性很好。对于以涡流生态系统的见解判断微生态系统的深水湖富营养化问题将给予概括。 相似文献
针对洱海流域蓝藻预警研究所需的气象数据不足的问题,提出洱海气象监测站优化布局方法,采用环境影响统计概念模型分析了对环境产生影响的主要经济因素,根据水体污染指标将洱海各个行政区分为高污染区和低污染区,再考虑汇入洱海支流是否流经高污染区,认为在高污染区支流汇入口是蓝藻发生概率较高的区域。依据2个主要参数:区域污染程度和支流入口,部署气象监测站,该监测站能为洱海蓝藻预警研究提供必要、准确和可靠的水面气温、降雨量以及日照长度等气象参数,将对水环境的监测和研究具有重大意义和广泛应用前景。 相似文献
Influence of the vertical distribution of cyanobacteria in the water column on the remote sensing signal 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tiit Kutser Liisa Metsamaa Arnold G. Dekker 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2008,78(4):649-654
An increased intensity of cyanobacterial blooms and their potentially harmful effects have attracted the attention of environmental agencies, water authorities and the general public worldwide. Reliable operational monitoring methods of coastal waters, lakes and ponds are needed. Mapping of the surface extent of cyanobacterial blooms with remote sensing is straightforward, but recognizing waters dominated by cyanobacteria throughout the water column and quantitative mapping of cyanobacterial biomass with remote sensing is more complicated. Unlike most algae, cyanobacteria can regulate their buoyancy and move vertically in the water column. We used the Hydrolight 4.2 radiative transfer model and the specific optical properties of three species of cyanobacteria to study the impact of vertical distribution of cyanobacteria on the remote sensing signal. The results show that the vertical distribution of cyanobacteria in the water column has a significant impact on the remote sensing signal. This result indicates that developing remote sensing methods for quantitative mapping of cyanobacterial biomass is much more complex than quantitative mapping of an algal biomass that is uniformly distributed in the top mixed layer of water column. 相似文献
Factors influencing biodeposit production by the New Zealand freshwater mussel Echyridella menziesii
Kevin J. Collier Susan J. Clearwater Paula H. M. W. Neijenhuis Susanna A. Wood 《新西兰海洋与淡水研究杂志》2018,52(1):1-15
Laboratory experiments on the New Zealand freshwater mussel Echyridella menziesii were used to investigate the short-term effects (7–8 days) of food type on rates of biodeposition and benthic substrate respiration. Post-feeding biodeposition rates ranged from 0.34 to 1.52?mg?g?1?h?1 (mean?=?0.50?mg g?1?h?1) and were unaffected by the addition of toxin-producing Microcystis. Addition of suspended sediment (30?mg?L?1) visibly altered substrate composition, and increased total and inorganic biodeposit production rates by 24–33% compared to mussels fed commercial phytoplankton stock. Biodeposition rates of mussels in lake bed substrates were 38% higher than those in silica sand for identical feeding regimes, suggesting that a significant proportion of material produced in this experiment could have been derived from feeding on organic matter in the lake bed sediments. Respiration rates were higher in treatments with Microcystis but were unaffected by the presence of mussels. This laboratory study suggests that biodeposition by E. menziesii is resilient to short-term exposure to Microcystis, and highlights the ability of mussels to alter benthic substrate composition by incorporating suspended sediment into substrates. 相似文献
Anne Klöppel Martin Pfannkuchen Annika Putz Peter Proksch & Franz Brümmer 《Marine Ecology》2008,29(2):259-272
Sponges provide the largest number of biologically active natural products known from the marine environment and continue to be a very well studied phylum of marine fauna. The Mediterranean sponge Aplysina aerophoba accumulates brominated isoxazoline alkaloids such as Aplysinamisin-1, Aerophobin-2, Isofistularin-3 and the biotransformation product Aeroplysinin-1, which possesses, for example, antibiotic and cytotoxic properties. Until now, it is still being discussed which organisms – the sponge itself or associated microorganisms – are responsible for metabolite production. For cultivating Aplysina individuals under ex situ conditions, we surveyed relevant ecological factors in situ and controlled them in our aquarium system. We maintained A. aerophoba for more than 9 months and analysed changes of metabolite content and composition, microbial association as well as morphology in situ and ex situ under different light exposure. Although sponges showed slight reduction during maintenance, ex situ cultivation similar to in situ conditions provides a promising method to keep sponges and obtain their bioactive metabolites. 相似文献
We investigated whether trochophore larvae of the polychaete Hesiocaeca methanicola, which lives on exposed ice‐like methane hydrates between 500 and 600 m, could consume near‐bottom picoplankton. In laboratory trials larvae significantly reduced the growth rates of all types of picoplankton, including heterotrophic bacteria, Prochlorococcus sp., Synechococcus‐type cyanobacteria and phototrophic eucaryotes <3 μm. Our findings suggest that these types of plankton may be important food sources for deep‐sea planktotrophic larvae. 相似文献
Max M. Tilzer 《新西兰海洋与淡水研究杂志》2013,47(3):401-412
In eutrophic lakes cyanobacteria are favoured relative to other phytoplankton, both under stratified and mixed conditions. During stratification, gas vacuole formation allows the accumulation of dense surface scums which attain the highest possible area‐specific photosynthetic rates in aquatic environments owing to high irradiances, near‐complete harvesting of impinging light, and minimal light inhibition and photo‐oxidation. During moderate mixing, high yields of biomass can be achieved by effective light harvesting for photosynthesis (aided by phycobilin pigments) and low maintenance energy requirements at low mean irradiances. Howevrr, nitrogen fixation competes for energy and reductant with photosynthesis, and leads to a decline of light‐saturated maximum growth rates. Wind‐driven vertical mixing and lateral advection are the main causes for the instability of cyanobacterial blooms in hyper‐eutrophic lake ecosystems. 相似文献
Keith D. Hamill 《新西兰海洋与淡水研究杂志》2013,47(5):1057-1059
Toxic cyanobacteria have been linked to dog deaths in the Waikanae River (1998) and Mataura River (1999 and 2000), New Zealand. These were Oscillatoria‐like species which formed benthic mats. This is the first time in New Zealand that animal deaths have been linked to toxins from benthic cyanobacteria. 相似文献
上震旦统灯影组中非叠层石生态系兰细菌白云岩 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
上震旦统灯影组 2段和 3段是四川盆地主要天然气储层之一。在浅色白云岩地层中富含炭化的黑色非叠层石生态系兰细菌白云岩。它既可发育于沉积期和胶结作用期 ,也可发育于表生成岩作用期。沉积期发育的非叠层石生态系兰细菌白云岩呈纹层状产出或围绕颗粒的四周生长。这类兰细菌白云岩的单层厚度从 1mm到 >10 cm不等 ,其总厚度约占灯影组 2段和 3段的 1/ 10左右 ,有时也呈不连续的黑色小点发育于白色叠层石生态系兰细菌白云岩的叠层石、层纹石中。胶结作用期 ,二或三个世代亮晶胶结物交替发育“充填”孔隙。表生成岩作用期 ,黑色的兰细菌主要呈多世代的线状纹层与白色纤维状白云石组成多世代的间互纹层充填在岩溶溶洞、溶沟以及扩溶的裂隙中。非叠层石生态系兰细菌主要形态有球形、椭球形和棒形 ,偶有蘑菇形及其它形状。群体呈现为串珠状、草丛状、分叉树枝状和类似于火山喷发状等等。群体的古生态表现为向上生长、围绕颗粒向四周发散生长、粘结颗粒 ,或向原生粒间孔隙、次生溶洞、溶沟中心向心生长。对现代兰细菌的降解实验佐证所讨论的非叠层石生态系兰细菌是灯影组中烃源岩之一。 相似文献