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ZulkifliNasution MashhorMansor 《湿地科学》2004,2(2):104-109
Situated at an elevation of 905 m above sea level in the Province of North Sumatra, Lake Toba and its surrounding landscapes are regarded as a natural heritage in a certain extent, as a quoted national treasure. Unfortunately degradation of the land and water resources in the watershed along Lake Toba is taking place at an alarming and totally unacceptable rate. The quality of the lake is partly depended on input the quality of the rivers. When compared to the control area the water quality that influenced by the piggeries are highly polluted. It can be concluded that the Salbe River at the downstream of the piggeries has been polluted and apparently it is a serious problem to the catchment area management. It should be noted that the polluted river would influence the water quality of the Lake Toba. Based on calculation, the permissible BOD5 according to B- river standard is 238 mg/L, it means the river still in B standard but the condition and quality are decreasing continuously. Following the Indonesian health standard the permissible BOD is - 461 mg/L. It means BOD in the river should be reduced 461 mg/L or clean program is needed. 相似文献
煤矿生产生活缺水和矿井水利用率较低形成供需矛盾,矿井水治理及资源化利用成为迫切需要解决的技术难题;高悬浮物矿井水因其污染因子单一,具备资源化利用的条件。以冀中能源葛泉矿高悬浮物矿井水治理及资源化利用为例,首先分析水量水质特征并确定治理目标,从目标入手,确定治理及资源化利用技术;利用工艺成熟、经济成本较低的传统絮凝工艺可实现工业用水处理达标,增加活性炭吸附+消毒功能,可实现生活饮用水处理达标,高热值污泥的可回收利用并二次售卖。应用效果表明,治理后的矿井水出水水质稳定达标,社会效益和经济效益明显提升。 相似文献
为实施水功能区限制纳污红线,严格控制以行政区域为单元的入河排污总量,是当前面临的重要课题和技术难点。通过对水功能区限制纳污红线管理风险的分析,以临沂试点为例,初步以区域水功能区水质达标率为考核依据,核减下一年度县区地表水用水指标,并以限制纳污指标为辅助控制指标。本文着重探讨在没有县级水功能区划的情况下,如何将一个跨县区的水功能区COD、氨氮指标客观、公正地分配到相关县区;探讨在没有县界水质目标的情况下,如何处理好上下游水质达标率的责任考核问题,使流域与行政区域,水质达标率与纳污控制指标相衔接。 相似文献
利用混沌粒子群算法确定河流水质模型参数 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将混沌寻优思想引入到粒子群优化算法中,提出了混沌粒子群算法,这种方法利用混沌运动的随机性、遍历性和规律性等特性对当前粒子群体中的粒子进行混沌寻优.通过这种处理使得粒子群体的进化速度加快,从而改善了粒子群优化算法摆脱局部极值点的能力,提高了算法的收敛速度和精度.并将混沌粒子群算法应用于求解分析瞬时投放示踪剂情况下的一维河流水团示踪试验数据以及确定河流水质参数的函数优化问题,结果表明,混沌粒子群算法的收敛性能明显优于粒子群优化算法. 相似文献
区域河流水质的模糊聚类分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
水作为地表物质迁移的一种溶剂与媒介,尤如人体的“血液”一样,穿行于岩石、土壤与各种生物体之间。一个特定区域范围内的河流水质,不仅受自然因素的控制,而且也受人类社会经济活动的影响。因此,一个区域河流水质的变化过程,就是该区域自然环境特 相似文献