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横卧于叶县境内干江河上游的燕山水库,是国家确定的治淮骨干工程,也是河南省重点工程。水库共占用叶县保安镇土地34000余亩,需搬迁村庄16个,迁移村民14000多人。自2005年3月正式开工建设以来,叶县国土资源局保安国土资源所充分发挥管理职能,为重点工程建设提供了优质高效的服务。 相似文献
盐池河温泉是清江流域内唯一的温泉出露于奥陶系红花园组岩地层中,受控于龙王冲断裂派一出的NNE、NW向次级小断层。地质分析及有关测试成果表明,该温泉水源主要来正大气降水和清江河水沿断裂的下渗,经地热增温并吸收龙王冲断裂稳定滑运动所产生的摩擦热量后,再沿NNE、NW向断裂交流部位溢出地表,是一个地层一断层复合控制型温泉。该温泉的出露,有利于水布垭水利工程区域地壳稳定性,可以减少水库诱发地震的机会。 相似文献
大沙河水库位于山东省鲁西南黄河冲积平原,通过对所在区域地质概况、工程水文地质条件进行分析,并对稳定性进行评价,结果可知:库区分布的地层主要为①层粉砂、②层砂壤土、③-1层壤土、③层砂壤土、④层粘土、⑤层壤土、⑥层粉砂、⑦壤土、⑧层砂壤土;针对各个地层现状及稳定性,应加强对坝基稳定不利的地层进行工程处理;同时要采取截渗及... 相似文献
边坡及其它类工程地质问题研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
徐嘉谟 《水文地质工程地质》1997,24(2):35-38
本文提出有关边坡工程地质研究方面的一些新概念,看法和问题,并概述了属地这一专题的边坡及其它各类工程地质问题的研究成果。 相似文献
石家庄市引岗黄水库水供水二期工程为省重点工程,在施工中各工序严格按规范施工,因土资源缺乏,经各方研究决定用砂作为回填材料。几经试验,最终选定了以贯入度法作为回填砂的检测方法,确保了回填质量,保证了输水管线安全运行。 相似文献
In this research, chlorinated hydrocarbons (polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides) were measured by GC-ECD in sediments from the Hongfeng Reservoir area. The concentrations of total PCBs range from 3.2 to 31.6 ng/g, among which PCB28, PCB52 are the major congeners with the concentrations from 0.5 to 4.6 ng/g, and from 0.4 to 28.1 ng/g, respectively. The concentrations of these pollutants decrease from surface to bottom, while the concentrations at 1-4 cm are lower than at 5-8 cm, suggesting the decline of PCBs input. TOC concentrations of sediment are found in a significant positive correlation with those of PCBs, suggesting that PCBs are mainly adsorbed on organic matter and particles. HCHs and DDTs are the predominant organochlorine pesticides with the concentrations ranging from 1.6 to 8.9 ng/g (average 3.2 ng/g) and 0.9 to 25.7 ng/g (average 7.8 ng/g), respectively. β-HCH and γ-HCH (lindane) are the predominant HCH isomers from sediments, and p, p'-DDE and p, p'-DDT are the predominant DDT isomers. DDT/DDE+DDD and α-HCH/γ-HCH ratios range from 0.6 to 0.9 and 0.1 to 3.0, respectively, which indicates more use of lindane than technical mixtures of HCHs before, and also suggests changes in HCHs and DDTs in the environment. The high values of β-HCH and p, p'-DDE also show that atmospheric input is one of the important sources of the Hongfeng Reservoir, because β-HCH and p, p'-DDE are stable and have low Sw and Pv so that they can be easily transferred over a long range in atmosphere. 相似文献