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This study corroborates the hypothesis that nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria have probably occurred as an important component of the phytoplankton community in the Baltic Sea at least since brackish water conditions were initiated 8,50014C yr BP. Pigment analyses indicate that extensive occurrences started prior to a sharp increase in nutrient levels dated to 7,10014C yr BP. The cyanobacteria could have functioned as a natural trigger for eutrophication in the Baltic Sea by importing nitrogen. This is also verified by a contemporaneous drop in the δ15N values from 4‰ to around 2‰. We further conclude that the spreading of cyanobacteria was probably caused by a decrease in nitrogen∶phosphorus (N∶P) in the water mass that resulted from the intrusion of oceanic water with high P levels. The fractionation of P in sediments indicated that iron-bound P was efficiently sequestered under anoxic conditions that occurred as a consequence of the establishment of a stable stratification caused by the marine intrusion. This pool only showed minor variations around 3 μmol g−1 at the freshwater-brackish water transition. All P pools except the CaCO3 fraction showed a distinct increase around 9,30014C yr BP prior to the transition. We interpreted this increase as a change in preservation of organic matter or in the source of the sediment. Slightly after 4,00014C yr BP there was a dramatic drop in all P pools without any corresponding decreases in total N and carbon. Total P decreased from around 75 to 25–30 μmol g−1. The most dramatic drop occurred in the organic bound and the detrital apatite fractions, which decreased by a factor of 3–4. We explain this as a preferential regeneration of P, especially organic P, compared to other nutrients due to more prevalent anoxic conditions.  相似文献   
通过拉曼光谱、同步辐射X射线散射和密度泛函理论(DFT)模拟,研究了质量分数为1.0 %-28.0 %的NH4Cl水溶液的微观结构变化。同时在室温下测量了粘度、接触角和电导率。由拉曼光谱和密度泛函理论模拟结果可知,当溶质浓度升高至10.0 %时,在2900 cm-13100 cm-1附近出现了明显的N-H作用峰,且随着质量分数的升高,NH4Cl水溶液中的氢键类型发生了转变。X射线散射结果表明,当NH4Cl水溶液质量分数升高至10.0 %时,差值对分布函数G(r)在2.98 ?附近出现明显双峰,表明在该浓度下溶液中NH4+-Cl-接触离子对开始成为主要微观作用形式。对NH4Cl水溶液的宏观物性研究表明,粘度、接触角和电导率均随着NH4Cl水溶液质量分数的增加而增大。作者推断,NH4Cl水溶液中氢键类型的转变、O-H...N键占比增多以及逐渐增加的NH4+-Cl-接触离子对,是粘度和接触角随溶质浓度增加而增加的微观本质因素;电导率的增加与溶液中有效导电离子数量增加有关。  相似文献   
We investigate the flow over Arctic leads using a mesoscale numerical model, typical of both summer and winter, under idealised conditions. We find that Arctic leads may be the source of standing atmospheric internal gravity waves during both seasons. The summertime wave may be compared with the wave generated by a small ridge, though with the phase reversed. The mechanism for exciting the wave is found to be the internal boundary layer developing due to horizontal variations in surface temperature and roughness length. During the more exploratory wintertime simulations, with substantial temperature difference between the lead and the ice surface, we find that secondary circulations and intermittent wave-breaking may occur. The effects of the lead appear far downstream.  相似文献   
Boundary-layer measurements made from the Swedish icebreaker Oden during the Arctic Ocean Experiment 2001 (AOE-2001) are analysed. They refer mainly to ice drift in the central Arctic during the period 2–21 August 2001. On board Oden a remote sensing array with a wind profiler, cloud radar and a scanning microwave radiometer, and a regular weather station operated continuously; soundings were also released during research stations. Turbulence and profile measurements on an 18-m mast were deployed on the ice, along with two sodar systems, a microbarograph array and a tethered sounding system. Surface flux and meteorological stations were also deployed on nearby ice floes. There is a clear diurnal cycle in radiation and also in wind speed, cloud base and visibility. It is absent in temperature and humidity, probably due to the very strong control by melting/ freezing ice and snow. In the advection of warm air, latent heat of melting maintains the surface temperature at 0 °C, while with a negative energy balance the latent heat of freezing of the salty ocean water acts to maintain the surface temperature > −2 °C. The constant presence of water at the surface maintains a relative humidity close to 100%, and this is also often facilitated by an increasing specific humidity through the capping inversion, making entrainment a moisture source. This ensures cloudy conditions, with low cloud and fog prevailing most of the time. Intrusions of warm and moist air from beyond the ice edge are frequent, but the local Arctic boundary layer remains at a relatively constant temperature, and is shallow and well mixed with strong capping inversions. Power spectra of surface-layer wind speed sometimes show large variance at low frequency. A scanning radiometer provides a monitoring of the vertical thermal structure with a spatial and temporal resolution not seen before in the Arctic. There are often two inversions, an elevated main inversion and a weak surface inversion, and occasionally additional inversions occur. Enhanced entrainment across the main inversion appears to occur during frontal passages. Variance of the scanning radiometer temperatures occurs in large pulses rather than varying smoothly, and the height to the maximum variance appears to be a reasonable proxy for the boundary-layer depth.  相似文献   
张肃 《西部资源》2019,(2):146-148,150
无人机航空摄影技术在近年来得到了迅速的发展,无人机具有起降方便,分辨率高,响应速度快的特点,在抢险救灾,地质灾害监测等方面发挥了重要作用。无人机航空摄影生成的地形图中的高程点提取是地形图制作的重要步骤,本文提出了一种自适应的地形图高程点提取算法,相对于传统的算法,具有精确度高,计算简单,实用性强等特点。该算法的基础是数学形态学中的图像膨胀算法。本文将此算法用于陕西省丹凤县和紫阳县的无人机航摄生成的地形图中,提取了符合要求的高程点。结果表明,提取的高程点完全满足了地形图的要求,说明了该算法的准确性和实用性。  相似文献   
We present the results of our UBVRI photometry for the type II-P supernova SN 2017eaw in NGC6946 obtained fromMay 14 to December 7, 2017, at several telescopes, including the 2.5-m telescope at the CaucasusHigh-Altitude Observatory of the SAIMSU. The dates andmagnitudes atmaximumlight and the light-curve parameters have been determined. The color evolution, extinction, and peak luminosity of SN 2017eaw are discussed. The results of our preliminary radiation–gasdynamic simulations of its light curves with the STELLA code describe satisfactorily the UBVRI observational data.  相似文献   
以昆明地震台井水、渔塘水为研究对象,通过水质、同位素分析方法并结合水文地质、构造地质等资料,探究井水地球化学特征及意义,以及井水与渔塘水之间的水力关系。研究结果显示:昆明地震台井水、渔塘水水化学类型为HCO3—Ca型,水质受含水层和隔水层岩性控制,与2018年相比2020年井水水化学特征发生了显著变化,K+、HCO3-浓度降低,这反映了昆明地震台井—含水层渗透性有所增加;SO42-、Cl-浓度的增加则表明昆明地震台井水会受到人为干扰。研究区构造活动平稳,井水为未成熟水,演化程度较低,因含水层渗透性增强和人为干扰,自2018年7月至2020年11月昆明地震台井水—岩作用有所增强,表现为δD、δ18O富集,Mg2+浓度升高。井水补给来源为大气降水,补给区位于观测井正北的石关一带。渔塘水与昆明地震台井水间存在水力关系,在分析地表水对昆明地震台井的影响时应予以考虑,但渔塘水不是影响井水的主要因素。  相似文献   
本文以现代层序地层学理论为指导 ,通过对其米级旋回层序特征和沉积相序特征的分析 ,论述了固阳地区增隆昌组风暴岩的沉积特征。同时本文对风暴岩的成因及构造意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Gridding heterogeneous bathymetric data sets for the compilation of Digital bathymetric models (DBMs), poses specific problems when there are extreme variations in source data density. This requires gridding routines capable of subsampling high-resolution source data while preserving as much as possible of the small details, at the same time as interpolating in areas with sparse data without generating gridding artifacts. A frequently used gridding method generalizes bicubic spline interpolation and is known as continuous curvature splines in tension. This method is further enhanced in this article in order to specifically handle heterogeneous bathymetric source data. Our method constructs the final grid through stacking several surfaces of different resolutions, each generated using the splines in tension algorithm. With this approach, the gridding resolution is locally adjusted to the density of the source data set: Areas with high-resolution data are gridded at higher resolution than areas with sparse source data. In comparison with some of the most widely used gridding methods, our approach yields superior DBMs based on heterogeneous bathymetric data sets with regard to preserving small bathymetric details in the high-resolution source data, while minimizing interpolation artifacts in the sparsely data constrained regions. Common problems such as artifacts from ship tracklines are suppressed. Even if our stacked continuous curvature splines in tension gridding algorithm has been specifically designed to construct DBMs from heterogeneous bathymetric source data, it may be used to compile regular grids from other geoscientific measurements.  相似文献   

基于中国气象局气象灾害管理系统冰雹灾情数据,运用统计方法和GIS技术,对2010—2020年中国冰雹灾害事件时空分布特征进行研究,结果表明: (1) 2010—2020年,全国冰雹事件出现的站数和站日数在增加,大冰雹事件则相反呈减少趋势。(2) 冰雹季节性明显,夏季和冬季分别为冰雹站日数最多和最少的季节,6月最多,11月最少,西南和华中地区表现为双峰结构,其他为单峰结构;大冰雹月变化与冰雹类似,但12月最少,且在西南地区表现为单峰结构。(3)日变化上,冰雹/大冰雹主要集中于午后至傍晚。华南呈现双峰结构,其他地区呈单峰结构,西北地区峰值出现时间比其他地区晚1 h。(4) 空间分布上,西北、西南和华北地区的冰雹/大冰雹站日数明显高于其它地区,而东北、华南大冰雹站日数比例高于其他地区。冰雹/大冰雹年均日数呈带状多区分布,最多的为云贵高原,其次为秦岭、阴山、大兴安岭及天山一带。而低发区的华东地区在春季反而成为大冰雹的高发区。(5) 海拔高度分布上,在1.5—2 km处最易出现冰雹,在1— 1.5 km高度上最易出现大冰雹;冬季冰雹主要在海拔高度2 km以下,随着温度升高,高海拔冰雹逐渐增多,9月高海拔地区冰雹比例达到最大。

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