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K. Honegger V. Dietrich W. Frank A. Gansser M. Thöni V. Trommsdorff 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》1982,60(2):253-292
Ladakh (India) provides a complete geological section through the northwestern part of the Himalayas from Kashmir to Tibet. Within this section the magmatic, metamorphic and geotectonic evolution of the northern Himalayan orogeny has been studied using petrographic, geochemical and isotope analytical techniques.The beginning of the Himalayan cycle was marked by large basaltic extrusions (Panjal Trap) of Permian to Lower Triassic age at the “northern” margin of the Gondwana continent (Indian Shield). These continental type tholeiitic basalts were followed by a more alkaline volcanism within the Triassic to Jurassic Lamayuru unit of the Gondwana continental margin.Lower Jurassic to Cretaceous oceanic crust and sediments (ophiolitic mélange s.s.) accompany the Triassic to Cretaceous flysch deposits within the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone, the major structural divide between the Indian Shield (High Himalaya) and the Tibetan Platform. So far, no relic of Paleozoic oceanic crust has been found.Subduction of the Tethyan oceanic crust during Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous time produced an island arc represented by tholeiitic and calc-alkaline volcanic rock series (Dras volcanics) and related intrusives accompanied by volcaniclastic flysch deposits towards the Tibetan continental margin.Subsequent to the subduction of oceanic crust, large volumes of calc-alkaline plutons (Trans-Himalayan or Kangdese plutons) intruded the Tibetan continental margin over a distance of 2000 km and partly the Dras island arc in the Ladakh region.The collision of the Indian Shield and Tibetan Platform started during the middle to upper Eocene and caused large-scale, still active intracrustal thrusting as well as the piling up of the Himalayan nappes. The tectonically highest of these nappes is built up of oceanic crust and huge slices of peridotitic oceanic mantle (Spongtang klippe).In the High Himalayas the tectonic activity was accompanied and outlasted by a Barrovian-type metamorphism that affected Triassic sediments of the Kashmir-Nun-Kun synclinorium up to kyanite/staurolite grade and the deeper-seated units up to sillimanite grade. Cooling ages of micas are around 20 m.y. (muscovite) and 13 m.y. (biotite). Towards the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone metamorphism decreases with no obvious discontinuity through greenschist, prehnite-pumpellyite to zeolite grade. Remnants of possibly an Eo-Himalayan blueschist metamorphism have been found within thrust zones accompanying ophiolitic mélange in the suture zone. 相似文献
Relations between metamorphism and orogeny in a typical section of the Indian Himalayas 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
W. Frank G. Hoinkes Christine Miller F. Purtscheller W. Richter M. Thöni 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1973,20(4):303-332
Summary A comprehensive geological and petrological investigation has been undertaken in an area of about 10 000 km2 in the Indian Himalaya (S-Lahul, Himachal Pradesh). The development of mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks of medium grade is considered to be a dominant Alpine event, although almost exclusively Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks have been involved. The Barrowian type of this metamorphism, ranging from the anchi- to the sillimanite zone, took place under the elavated T-gradient of about 4°C/100 m. It is suggested that normal geothermal conditions prevailed only in the outermost zone of this orogenic belt. In the Late Tertiary this metamorphic series has been moved as a huge nappe upon the Lower Himalaya. During this process a unique feature of reverse metamorphism has been formed. It can be shown that this feature was caused by a combination of metamorphism and very rapid tectonic movements.
With 13 Figures
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.B. Sander on the occasion of his 90th birthday. 相似文献
Beziehungen zwischen Metamorphose und Orogenese in einem typischen Querschnitt des Indischen Himalaya
Zusammenfassung Ein etwa 10 000 km2 großes Gebiet des Indischen Himalaya (S-Lahul, Himachal Pradesh) wurde einer umfassenden geologischen und petrographischen Bearbeitung unterzogen. Die Ausbildung der in den mittelgradig metamorphen Gesteinen vorliegenden Mineralparagenesen wird als ein dominant alpines Ereignis betrachtet, obwohl fast nur paläozoische und präkambrische Gesteine einbezogen wurden. Die Metamorphose selbst ist von Barrow-Typus und reicht von der Anchi- bis zur Sillimanitzone. Sie fand unter einem erhöhten Temperaturgradienten von etwa 4°C/100 m statt. Nur in der äußersten Zone des Orogens entsprach der Gradient etwa normalen geothermischen Verhältnissen. Im Spättertiär wurde diese alpin-metamorphe Serie in Form einer mächtigen Kristallindecke dem Niedrigen Himalaya aufgeschoben. Dabei wurde eine einzigartige Zone inverser Metamorphose ausgebildet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß diese inverse Metamorphose durch das Zusammenwirken von Metamorphose und sehr rasch ablaufender Tektonik entstand.
With 13 Figures
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.B. Sander on the occasion of his 90th birthday. 相似文献
This work presents the first synthesis of secular to millenary morphological evolutions and stratigraphy of a wave-dominated estuary, the Arcachon lagoon, from a combination of unpublished bathymetric maps (1865 and 2001), core results and high-resolution seismic profiles recorded for the first time in this lagoon. The Arcachon lagoon is located on the Atlantic coast of France, facing the wave-dominated shelf of the Bay of Biscay. It is a mesotidal semi-enclosed environment of about 160 km2.The sediment budget of the Arcachon lagoon was computed by subtracting the 1865 bathymetric map from that of 2001. The computed volume difference is low (?9.9±35×106 m3 in 136 yrs) and is the result of the balance between erosion and accretion that occurs within tidal channels and tidal flats, respectively. This morphological evolution pattern is explained by low sediment supply and also by the tidal distortion resulting from the morphology of the lagoon. Deep channels connected to the inlet are dominated by ebb currents inducing erosion. Tidal flats and transverse channels display weak or flood-dominated tidal currents leading to the deposition of silts. The areas of tidal flat siltation locally correlate with the presence of oyster farms, suggesting the influence of Man on the lagoon sediment-fill. Transverse channel-infill is related to weak tidal currents resulting from the hydraulically inefficient orientation of these channels which served as an ancient drainage network.Evidence for tidal channel-infill and channel abandonment are also provided by seismic profiling and cores. The upper stratigraphic succession of the lagoon (about 10 m thick) includes four main stratigraphic units dominated by channel-fills. The two lower units (around 7500–2800 yrs BP) display tabular-shape sandy channels interpreted to be records of the open estuarine phase of the Arcachon lagoon. The two upper units (around 2800 yrs BP to present-day) display U-shaped mixed sand-and-mud channel-fills interpreted to be records of the closure of the lagoon. Given that the basal estuarine units are transgressive and the upper lagoonal units are regressive, the main stratigraphic change at around 2800 yrs BP is interpreted as being the maximum flooding surface (MFS). This late MFS is explained by the low sediment supply. It is proposed that the transition from the estuarine to the lagoonal phase is related to the development of the Cap-Ferret spit in response to an increase in the ratio between wave power to tide power. This change in wave-to-tide ratio may be triggered by wave power increase following the Subboreal/Subatlantic climate instability or a decrease in tide power following a decrease in tidal prism related to the lagoon sediment-fill.Thus, the evolution of the Arcachon lagoon over the last millenaries was mainly controlled by its spit development, leading to a wave-dominated estuary in terms of its geomorphology. Once it was partially closed, extensive mud flats developed in the lagoon which became ebb-dominated. 相似文献
Christine?MillerEmail author Roland?Mundil Martin?Th?ni Jürgen?Konzett 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2005,150(1):70-84
High-pressure metamorphism in the Pohorje Mountains of Slovenia (Austroalpine unit, Eastern Alps) affected N-MORB type metabasic
and metapelitic lithologies. Thermodynamic calculations and equilibrium phase diagrams of kyanite–phengite-bearing eclogites
reveal PT conditions of >2.1 GPa at T<750°C, but within the stability field of quartz. Metapelitic eclogite country rocks contain the assemblage garnet + phengite
+ kyanite + quartz, for which calculated peak pressure conditions are in good agreement with results obtained from eclogite
samples. The eclogites contain a single population of spherical zircon with a low Th/U ratio. Combined constraints on the
age of metamorphism come from U/Pb zircon as well as garnet–whole rock and mineral–mineral Sm-Nd analyses from eclogites.
A coherent cluster of single zircon analyses yields a 206Pb/238U age of 90.7±1.0 Ma that is in good agreement with results from Sm-Nd garnet–whole rock regression of 90.7±3.9 and 90.1±2.0 Ma
(εNd: +8) for two eclogite samples. The agreement between U-Pb and Sm-Nd age data strongly suggests an age of approximately
90 Ma for the pressure peak of the eclogites in the Pohorje Mountains. The presence of garnet, omphacite and quartz inclusions
in unfractured zircon indicates high-pressure rather than ultrahigh pressure conditions. The analysed metapelite sample yields
a Sm-Nd garnet–whole rock scatterchron age of 97±15 Ma. These data probably support a single P-T loop for mafic and pelitic
lithologies of the Pohorje area and a late Cretaceous high-pressure event that affected the entire easternmost Austroalpine
basement including the Koralpe and Saualpe eclogite type locality in the course of the complex collision of the Apulian microplate
and Europe. 相似文献
采用对磺基苯偶氮变色酸分光光度法对岩石样品中氟的含量进行测定。确定的最佳测定条件为:测定波长570 nm,放置2 h后测定,盐酸介质浓度0.84 mol/L,显色剂用量5.0 mL。氟离子浓度在0~1.4 mg/L时符合比尔定律,方法检出限为0.06μg/g。以岩石标准物质代替氟标准溶液制作标准曲线,可有效降低杂质元素的干扰。对国家一级标准物质和日本玄武岩标准物质6次测定的相对标准偏差(RSD)为2.37%~6.32%。 相似文献
In the polymetamorphic Austroalpine Matsch Unit (European Eastern Alps) Cretaceous upper greenschist facies metamorphism overprinted Variscan and Permian magmatic and metamorphic assemblages. Mineral compositional and (micro-)structural data of metapelites and metapegmatites document different mechanisms of interrelated deformation and (re-)equilibration during Cretaceous overprinting: i) Microfractures in relic garnet represented pathways for material transport, and thus established material exchange between intragranular domains and the matrix. Major element equilibration by fast diffusion along microfractures contrasts with limited volume diffusion in adjacent host garnet. ii) Syn-tectonic breakdown of staurolite initially to paragonite, then chloritoid allows correlating reaction progress with the formation of different fracture sets. iii) Syn-tectonic mineral growth with shape-preferred orientation in foliation domains contrasts with radial growth in microlithons and strain shadows of the mylonitic foliation. iv) Syn-tectonic unmixing of pre-existing oligoclase (an14–16) produced fine-grained aggregates of two supposedly coexisting plagioclase-phases (an3–6 and an20–25) in strain shadows of the oligoclase-clasts. v) Pre-existing deformation-induced heterogeneities in the spatial distribution of phases and their preferred orientation influence the kinetics of phase equilibration. Understanding the mechanisms of the mutual interrelation between deformation and phase equilibration is a prerequisite for deducing PT-constraints from strained metamorphic rocks. New garnet—whole rock Sm-Nd data from metapegmatites indicate their emplacement at 263–280 Ma and provide an important age constraint on the interrelated deformation and re-equilibration processes. 相似文献
B.?Stieger G.?Spindler B.?Fahlbusch K.?Müller A.?Grüner L.?Poulain L.?Th?ni E.?Seitler M.?Wallasch H.?HerrmannEmail author 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2018,75(1):33-70
An hourly quantification of inorganic water-soluble PM10 ions and corresponding trace gases was performed using the Monitor for AeRosols and Gases in ambient Air (MARGA) at the TROPOS research site in Melpitz, Germany. The data availability amounts to over 80% for the five-year measurement period from 2010 to 2014. Comparisons were performed for the evaluation of the MARGA, resulting in coefficients of determinations (slopes) of 0.91 (0.90) for the measurements against the SO2 gas monitor, 0.84 (0.88), 0.79 (1.39), 0.85 (1.20) for the ACSM NO3 ?, SO4 2? and NH4 + measurements, respectively, and 0.85 (0.65), 0.88 (0.68), 0.91 (0.83), 0.86 (0.82) for the filter measurements of Cl?, NO3 ?, SO4 2? and NH4 +, respectively. A HONO comparison with a batch denuder shows large scatter (R2 = 0.41). The MARGA HNO3 is underestimated compared to a batch and coated denuder with shorter inlets (slopes of 0.16 and 0.08, respectively). Less NH3 was observed in coated denuders for high ambient concentrations. Long-time measurements show clear daily and seasonal variabilities. Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) analysis indicates the emission area of particulate ions Cl?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?, NH4 +, K+ and gaseous SO2 to lie in eastern European countries, predominantly in wintertime. Coarse mode sea salt particles are transported from the North Sea to Melpitz. The particles at Melpitz are nearly neutralised with a mean molar ratio of 0.90 for the five-year study. A slight increase of the neutralization ratio over the last three years indicates a stronger decrease of the anthropogenically emitted NO3 ? and SO4 2? compared to NH4 +. 相似文献
We have observed vesicles filled with heavy nitrogen gas and water vapor in three settings in the Bencubbin CB chondrite: in the mesostasis of the silicate clasts, in the mesostasis of the chondrules of an ordinary chondrite (OC) xenolith, and in grains we refer to as bubble grains, and interpret as remelted OC chondrule mesostasis. In our view, these bubbles are a local phenomenon and formed as a consequence of the impact of the OC fragment onto the Bencubbin parent body. The heavy nitrogen in the bubbles came from one or several of its carrier phases in Bencubbin, and the water came from hydrous silicates. As formulated by Meibom et al. (Meibom A., Righter K., Chabot N., Dehn G., Antignano A., McCoy T. J., Krot A. N., Zolensky M. E., Petaev M. I. and Keil K. (2005) Shock melts in QUE 94411, Hammadah al Hamra 237, and Bencubbin: remains of the missing matrix? Meteorit. Planet. Sci.40, 1377-1391) these hydrous phases, similar to the hydrated clasts now found in CH and CBb chondrites, were probably common in the Bencubbin parent body at that time. They were later almost totally destroyed by a large scale shock event, and contributed to form the impact melt that now fills space in between the large clasts of Bencubbin. Our observations indirectly confirm this hypothesis. From our composition measurements, we infer that the silicate part of the impact melt was made in roughly equal proportions of melted phyllosilicates and melted anhydrous silicates. The oxygen isotopic composition of the impact melt is much heavier than that of the silicate clasts, probably reflecting the composition of the water at the origin of the phyllosilicates. The O isotope measurements of the OC inclusion chondrules present some features that seem to be common in OCs: a composition of the chondrule crystals slightly lighter than that of whole chondrules, and one olivine crystal with a very light composition. 相似文献
Summary A multi-method approach was applied to derive the age and origin of an orthogneiss body located in the central Kaunertal, western Ötztal Crystalline Basement (ÖCB). The Tieftal orthogneiss body is an internally differentiated, polymetamorphosed epizonal intrusion, embedded in amphibolites. It comprises leucocratic hedenbergite-hornblende-, hornblende- and biotite-hornblende-gneisses, but also some melanocratic rock types. The leucocratic Tieftal gneisses are granitic, have a near eutectic melt composition and share some features of A-type granites, such as high Na2O+K2O(8.07 to 8.58wt%), Zr (379 to 554ppm) and Y (58 to 79ppm) contents. The REE-patterns are rather flat ((La/Yb)N=2.4 to 3.7), with distinct negative Eu anomalies. Single zircon evaporation dating of two samples and Sm-Nd dating of relict magmatic titanite resulted in ages of 487±7, 484±3 and 487±5Ma, respectively. The weighted mean of 485±3Ma is interpreted as the primary crystallization age of the Tieftal orthogneiss body. Rb-Sr whole rock dating results in a well defined regression line, corresponding to an age of 411±9Ma. This age clearly documents at least a partial resetting of the whole rock Rb-Sr system, which is most probably due to subsequent metamorphic overprint. The leucocratic Tieftal gneisses are isotopically rather primitive with an Nd
485 Ma
value of +1.7 and a calculated magmatic initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7047. These data suggest a major mantle contribution. Most probably, they originated through fractionation of the magmatic precursors of the accompanying tholeiitic metabasites. The more primitive isotopic composition of ÖCB metabasites and some late Archean/early Proterozoic and Cambrian inheritance in Tieftal gneiss zircons suggest some involvement of old crustal rocks, too. The amount of crustal contamination can be calculated to be in the range of 10 to 40%. The Tieftal gneisses and the accompanying metabasites are interpreted as remnants of igneous rocks related to an early Ordovician rifting and incipient formation of new oceanic crust, an event which can be traced throughout the central and western European Variscan and Alpine terranes.
With 13 Figures 相似文献
Alter, Genese und geologische Bedeutung einer polymetamorphen felsischen Intrusion im Ötztalkristallin, Tirol, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Ein Vielzahl von Methoden wurde angewandt, um das Alter und die Genese eines Orthogneiskörpers im mittleren Kaunertal, westliches Ötztalkristallin, abzuleiten. Der Tieftal-Orthogneiskörper ist eine in Amphiboliten eingeschaltete, intern differenzierte, polymetamorph überprägte, epizonale Intrusion. Er umfaßt sowohl leukokrate Hedenbergit-Hornblende-, Hornblende- und Biotit-Hornblende-Gneise als auch untergeordnet melanokrate Gesteine. Die leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise besitzen einen granitischen, beinahe einer eutektischen Schmelze entsprechenden Chemismus; einige Parameter wie hohe Na2O+K2O(8.07 bis 8.58Gew%), Zr(379 bis 554ppm) und Y(58 bis 79ppm) Gehalte weisen auf eine A-Typ Affinität hin. Die SEE-Spektren sind nur gering fraktioniert ((La/Yb)N=2.3 bis 3.7) und weisen eine markante negative Eu-Anomalie auf. Einzelzirkon-Evaporationsdatierungen an 2 Proben und eine Sm-Nd Datierung von reliktischem magmatischem Titanit ergeben Alter von 487±7, 484±3 und 487±5Ma. Der gewichtete Mittelwert von 485±3Ma wird als das primäre magmatische Kristallisationsalter des Tieftal-Orthogneiskörpers interpretiert. Eine Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinsdatierung ergibt eine gut definierte Regressionsgerade mit einem Alter von 411±9Ma. Dieses Alter beweist eine postmagmatische Störung des Rb-Sr Gesamtgesteinssystems, die durch die metamorphen überprägungen verursacht wurde. Die leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise besitzen eine relative primitive isotopische Zusammensetzung mit einem Nd CHUR 485 Ma a Wert von +1.7 und einem zurückgerechneten magmatischen87Sr/86Sr Initialverhältnis von 0.7047. Diese Daten machen eine große Beteiligung von Mantelmaterial wahrscheinlich. Am ehesten entstanden die leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise durch magmatische Fraktionierungsprozesse aus den Ausgangsgesteinen der begleitenden tholeiitischen Metabasite. Die noch primitivere isotopische Zusammensetzung der Metabasite im Ötztalkristallin und spätarchaische/frühproterozoische sowie kambrische Komponenten in den Zirkonen der leukokraten Tieftal-Gneise weisen aber auch auf die Beteiligung alten krustalen Materials hin. Der Anteil der krustalen Komponente liegt im Bereich von 10 bis 40%. Der Tieftal-Orthogneiskörper und die begleitenden Metabasite werden als Relikte magmatischer Gesteine, die während eines frühordovizischen Riftings und der beginnenden Bildung neuer ozeanischer Kruste entstanden sind, gedeutet. Zeugen dieses Vorganges sind in allen variszisch und alpidisch geprägten Gebieten Westund Mitteleuropas zu finden.
With 13 Figures 相似文献