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The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   
本文在传统的工程产面控制网复测的基础上,提出以测边网代替边角网的方法,极大地缩短了施工测量前的准备时间,同时也提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
据《中国地质矿产报》报道,我国石油钻探史上最深的探井——塔参一井,日前在新疆塔克  相似文献   
Based on statistical data and population flow data for 2016,and using entropy weight TOPSIS and the obstacle degree model,the centrality of cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt(YREB)together with the factors influencing centrality were measured.In addition,data for the population flow were used to analyze the relationships between cities and to verify centrality.The results showed that:(1)The pattern of centrality conforms closely to the pole-axis theory and the central geography theory.Two axes,corresponding to the Yangtze River and the Shanghai-Kunming railway line,interconnect cities of different classes.On the whole,the downstream cities have higher centrality,well-defined gradients and better development of city infrastructure compared with cities in the middle and upper reaches.(2)The economic scale and size of the population play a fundamental role in the centrality of cities,and other factors reflect differences due to different city classes.For most of the coastal cities or the capital cities in the central and western regions,factors that require long-term development such as industrial facilities,consumption,research and education provide the main competitive advantages.For cities that are lagging behind in development,transportation facilities,construction of infrastructure and fixed asset investment have become the main methods to achieve development and enhance competitiveness.(3)The mobility of city populations has a significant correlation with the centrality score,the correlation coefficients for the relationships between population mobility and centrality are all greater than 0.86(P<0.01).The population flow is mainly between high-class cities,or high-class and low-class cities,reflecting the high centrality and huge radiating effects of high-class cities.Furthermore,the cities in the YREB are closely linked to Guangdong and Beijing,reflecting the dominant economic status of Guangdong with its geographical proximity to the YREB and Beijing's enormous influence as the national political and cultural center,respectively.  相似文献   
1986年1月15-18日全国1:100万土地利用图评审、验收会在北京召开。出席会议的各省市区代表90余人。国家基金会、国家农业区划办、中国科学院副院长、地理所所长、科学出版社等有关领导出席大会并讲话。大会先由编委会主编吴传钧先生讲话。他指出这次大会的中心任务是评审和验收已完成的图件,接着回顾了几年来编制研究工作。1.1980年前的准备工作。主要是组织力量、落实任务、明确要求和筹建编委会。同时根据1:100万图幅要求,对土地利用分类和编图方法进行一系列学术讨论。  相似文献   
基于1999~2018年GPS水平运动速度场数据,解算并分析了四川“Y”形构造区各周期网格速度场、地壳应变率场,并讨论了近20年尺度的地壳应变场演化过程。研究表明:1)2008年汶川地震前1999~2007期GPS速度场相对稳定,整体“Y”型构造区地壳运动变化不大,但汶川地震后龙门山断裂带发生较大变化,由4.0 mm/a增至10.0 mm/a。2)1999~2007年,整个四川“Y”型构造区应变场演化特征微弱,而汶川地震之后的两个周期,最大剪应变自龙门山山前断裂向西到汶川一带,形成了由高到低、平行于龙门山断裂带走向的高密度梯度带。龙门山断裂带以ES或EES向的主压应变为主,其量值变化范围为 5.0×10-8 /a~12.0×10-8 /a;鲜水河断裂由震前主拉应变,改为震后近EW向的主压应变特征。面膨胀结果则显示龙门山断裂带由震前低密度梯度带瞬间变为平行于龙门山断裂带走向的高密度变化区。3)2008年汶川地震和2013年芦山地震是最为重要的时刻分割点。近20年的应变率场变化,更似一个“时间—地壳构造运动”的大轮回,目前四川“Y”型构造区整体处于2008年汶川地震前较为稳定的活动周期。龙门山断裂带仍值得我们做出更为深入的研究。  相似文献   
2013年芦山Ms 7.0级地震发生前数月内,发震断裂的宝兴跨断层短水准场地逆断加速,相邻的鲜水河断裂侏倭、虚墟、沟普、龙灯坝、老乾宁跨断层综合场地观测到准同步压性转折等异常现象。基于震区周边半径300 km内跨断层形变时空演变分析,结合GPS、卫星遥感、井水位、地震活动等辅助资料进行机理探讨。结果显示:震前半年多, 断层形变从有利于应力积累的“继承性”转为“逆继承性”;震前3个月,观测到与震区相邻的鲜水河断裂反向异常增多增强,灰色关联度张压分量时序变化与亚失稳实验所得应力-时间过程相似,发震的龙门山断裂反向变化场地也明显增多,显示出断层活动协同化及加速特征,很可能是该次地震前的亚失稳前兆表现。  相似文献   
山东黄县早第三纪断陷盆地充填沉积序列可以划分出三个构造-沉积旋回,而盆地断裂活动是控制盆地充填沉积的主导因素。根据构造-沉积旋回、层序界面和盆地演化特点分析,下第三系共划分出三个层序,层序Ⅱ和层序Ⅲ含煤和含油。低水位体系域和扩张体系域都有聚煤作用发生,而前者最强。聚煤作用中心随盆地沉积层序的不同演化阶段发生迁移,低水位期主要位于盆缘至盆地中心的过渡带,盆地中心也有聚煤作用发生:扩张期聚煤作用中心向盆缘区迁移,且范围缩小:萎缩期聚煤作用最弱,一般在盆地中心区,且分布范围局限。在黄县断陷盆地充填层序中,油页岩可以作为层序中的密集段。  相似文献   
以层序地层研究为基础,根据铸体薄片、扫描电镜、镜质体反射率、X衍射及地球化学等分析,对东营凹陷沙河街组层序与成岩的关系进行了系统研究。研究结果表明:不同层序部位具有不同的成岩响应,低位体系域主要发育微晶方解石胶结、硬石膏胶结、黄铁矿胶结等,湖盆扩张体系域主要发育有铁碳酸盐胶结、粘土矿物胶结等;高位体系域主要发育有白云石胶结、铁白云石胶结、溶蚀作用、粘土矿物胶结等;层序界面附近主要发育溶蚀现象和铁碳酸盐岩胶结现象。层序发育过程中,原始水介质条件及元素富集规律是引起早期成岩响应的主要因素,并对早期的成岩物质组分造成强烈影响;讨论了层序对成岩演化的控制作用,主要体现在3个方面:a.层序发育控制了原始成岩组分,进而控制后期成岩改造;b.早期成岩作用对层序发育过程具有一定的响应关系,后期成岩改造掩盖了部分成岩响应;c.层序界面通过河流作用、沉积间断减缓压实作用、后期成岩流体的侵入作用对成岩演化造成影响。  相似文献   
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